
Twilight of the Apprentice Part 2

Axle's POV

Maul walked toward us. The Second sister smirked, "So, the rumors are true. Darth Maul lives." Maul smiled, "Formally Darth. Now just Maul." Kanan grabbed Ezra, "Ezra, back away from him." I gave a big sigh and an angered stare towards him, "Of course. First Jax, and now Maul. You know what? I'm expecting R2 to roll over here to give a happy greeting?" Ahsoka couldn't help but smirk at me. "Kanan I swear he's on our side." Ezra ensured. Maul grabbed his cane, "Perhaps my actions will speak louder than words." He ignited his double bladed lightsaber and jumped into attack. Ezra got behind Kanan as he along with me, Ahsoka and Maul challenge the Inquisitors.

I locked onto Jax. He and I were like whirlwinds flipping around and spinning our blades. Jax has improved his techniques in the fifteen years since I last saw him. But, so have I. I am now a Master at Jar-Ki forms 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. I have mastered both sides of the force. Jax is the only Inquisitor I have seen that has mastered force lightning. Impressive, but not enough to beat me. Ahsoka dealt with the Seventh Sister easily. Kanan held his own with the Fifth brother. Maul swarmed through everyone and pushed all three Inquisitors back. "Fall back." The Seventh Sister ordered. The three red blades used their spinning sabers as flying devices and flew out of sight.

I looked to Ahsoka and we both turned to Maul. We pointed our blades at him. I gave him another angered face, "You left us for dead." Ezra was surprised, "You know Maul too? Honestly who don't you know?" Kanan put his hand on Ezra's shoulder, "You'd be surprised." Ahsoka grit her teeth, "The last time we saw Maul was during the purge. Rex, Axle, and I tried to escape from the rest of the clones trying to kill us, but Maul took the shuttle we were supposed to evacuate in. We nearly died because of this piece of bantha shit." Maul seemed more humble. He was up to something, as usual. "If I remember correctly, you tried to take my head off." The ex Sith Lord answered. I took a step closer to him, "Yea, because you were trying to keep us from getting to the shuttle." Maul rolled his eyes, "The past doesn't matter. You two survived. Together we can destroy our enemies. I know how to unlock the secrets of this temple. Follow me." He started walking. I looked at Ahsoka and we both nodded. We disengaged our sabers and followed him. Kanan and Ezra stayed close behind us.

"I am surprised that you both are still together." Maul said. I rolled my eyes, "If only your legs didn't leave you or else we could have gone on a double date." Maul mumbled somethings after that comment. Ezra interrupted, "How do we get these secrets with the Inquisitors on the search?" Maul faced him, "Well it should be easy for two Jedi and two part timers." Ahsoka looked to the ground. I looked down too and rubbed my eyes mumbling, "Gray Jedi Master. I'm standing right here." The ex Sith smiled, "Ah, so you have gained enough experience to become a Master. It seems you have grown from your mistakes on Mandalore."

We came to what looked like a lift made of rocks. Maul placed his hand on the stones which activated it. Ezra stepped on first. Kanan pushed Maul to the side and joined him. "There are three of us. Only two. No more, no less." Maul said with concern. I nodded to Ahsoka, "You go with Maul. I need to deal with something." She put her hand on my shoulder, "Axle," I turned around. She looked into my eyes, "Be careful." She pulled me in for a deep kiss. She joined Maul on the lift. He folded his arms, "Was that really necessary?" Ahsoka gave an angry face, "Don't you dare start with me." The lift lifted them up to join Kanan and Ezra. I turned and walked around the temple structures.

I need to find Jax. I know he's still in there. The Empire unmade him, but Barriss brought some light back. Jax is in an internal battle with his demon. If I can get to him before he is brought back to the Emperor I know I can save him.

"Axle." I heard behind me. I quickly whipped around and grabbed my blade. Jax stood there without his saber drawn, "I want you to know that I have made huge mistakes. Before I was captured, I went looking for you. I thought I could find you before the Empire found me. I have no free will." I relaxed my body, "I'm sorry. I should have been the one looking not you. But we found each other. You can come with us. We will keep you safe." I could see a small tear drip from his face, "I'm sorry. I must obey my Master." He ignited his crimson blade. I kept my purple shoto clipped to my single saber. My emerald blade glowed in the dark. We both held our sabers close to our face, then rushed to engaged each other.

No matter how I thought about it. No matter how hard I tried. I couldn't bring myself to kill him. We battled for a long time. Best friend vs best friend. Green vs red. Gray Jedi vs Dark Jedi. The sabers glowed against the black rocks of the temple. We both force pushed each other back. He outstretched his hand and blasted force lightning at me. I countered it with my own. The bright blue light lit up the entire area. A small explosion pushed us back.

I woke up from the blast and sat up. Jax stood above me with his red blade raised, "I'm sorry." He prepared to strike down, but something stopped him. I looked into his eyes as a blue blade impaled his chest. It was Barriss. Jax fell to the ground. Both of us ran to his side. He took in deep breaths and smiled, "Axle, I never wanted to hurt you or Ahsoka. I wanted to keep you safe." I nodded as some tears fell. He looked to Barriss, "Barriss, I've always loved you. That was no lie. I have done many terrible things, but I did all of that to keep the Empire away from you." Barriss started sobbing, "You should have told me. We could have found a solution." Jax giggled, "There was nothing we could have done. But you have already found a solution. The Empire will no longer use me to kill. Barriss, Barriss listen to me. I have always and will always love you." His eyes closed. I felt his hand slowly slip from my fingers. Jax was dead.

Barriss was crying so much I think the planet would explode. I was trying to hold in my tears. The darkness was too strong for Jax, but Barriss brought him back. "How did you get here?" I asked. Barriss tried to calm down, "I tracked his ship here. I saw him about to kill you. I had no choice." I put my hand on her shoulder, "Barriss I....I am....I am so sorry. I could never know how you feel." She tried to wipe her tears away, "Ahsoka and the others need you. The other Inquisitors are closing in." "What are you going to do?" I asked. She started to hide her sadness, "I'm going to take him home. Go. Go now." I hesitated for a while, then slowly stood up and walked away. I gave one last look at Jax's body on the ground before turning the corner.

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