
Wolves of the Force: Star Wars Fan Fiction

Axle Tinguard was born in 36 BBY and was brought to the temple in 33 BBY. He meets Ahsoka Tano the same week they were brought in. Throughout their lives, Axle and Ahsoka would fight in the Clone Wars side by side. Everyday becomes a constant struggle and the battles leave bigger scars. It’s only a matter of time before the galaxy falls.

Ax_to_the_max · Book&Literature
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63 Chs

The Force of Love

Axle's POV

Ahsoka and I walked along the hangar bays. We are packed and ready to go. "So what ship are we taking?" Ahsoka asked. I pulled her in close, "That's another surprise I've been wanting to show you." We walked over to a sealed door. I typed in the code in the control panel. The heavy metal doors opened revealing Ahsoka's new surprise. Her smile almost broke her face, "I....I can't believe you kept it." What stood in front of us was our old Lethisk-class armed freighter. The same ship we bought for the two of us many years ago. She turned around to face me and ran into my arms, "You've been keeping this ship ready to go for a special occasion haven't you?" I gave a soft smile, "You know me. I like to be prepared." She kissed me and grabbed my hand. We both laughed as we boarded our ship.

I got onto the controls and lifted out of the hangar. "Have fun you two." Kanan, Hera, Commander Sato, and many others said through the comms. Ahsoka sat down next to me, "So, where are we going?" "I've found this one little place that is not registered on any map. That's because it lies outside our galaxy." "In Wild Space?" She asked. I nodded, "Don't worry. The naving-computer has the coordinates in its database. We won't be running into any anomalies." Ahsoka put her arm around me, "What is this place called?" "There isn't really a name for it. I was thinking we could come up with one together." I answered. She smiled and nodded as we jumped into hyperspace.


We came out of hyperspace to an amazing sight. Ahsoka stood up and gasped at the jaw dropping sight of the planet and sun. The surface was a mix of red, yellow, cyan, and blue. I smiled at her reaction, "I knew you would love it. And the best part is, there is no population density and no dangerous fauna." Ahsoka closed her eyes and smiled at the feeling of the warm sun across her body.

Ahsoka's POV

We landed on the planet and Axle walked over to the closet. He grabbed some clothes and handed me an outfit which had a bikini, and a skirt wrapped around the waist "We're on vacation. We don't need the soldier look." When I put the beachwear on. I felt lighter. Axle put on a skinny shirt with shorts. His strong arms expanded the short sleeves making him look powerful. We held hands as we walked down the ramp of the ship. "Take off your shoes. It's more relaxing that way." Axle said. I slipped off my boots and slowly let my feet sink into the sand. It was amazing. It was so warm and tender. I looked out at the giant ocean. The waves crashed down on the sand and drifted back out to sea. Axle put his arm around me and we kissed. "So what do you want to do?" He asked. I looked back at the sand and water. I felt the breeze of the wind against my face, "Race you to the water." I took off running. He laughed, "You're on."

3RD Person

The pair crashed into the ocean. Axle flipped over Ahsoka and landed in the cold water. Ahsoka jumped in after him. They both screamed and laughed, splashing each other over and over. Axle dove underneath the waves. He picked Ahsoka up and put her on his shoulders. She squealed and giggled with him. Ahsoka backflipped off of him and force pushed him into the waves. Axle got back up and continued to laugh.

Axle's POV

This is the most fun I have ever had in my life. I have always dreamed of a life like this with Ahsoka.

Ahsoka's POV

I have never felt this happy. All my worries drifted away with the waves. This is the perfect way to live with the love of my life.

3RD Person.

Axle grabbed their things and set them on the beach. He laid out towels and readied dinner on a small table. They ate in the light of the sunset. "I never thought it was possible to ever love you more." Ahsoka said, looking into his eyes. Axle held her hand, "My love for you grows everyday. And today...Today made a spike in that growth." Ahsoka blushed as she took another bit of food. They looked out at the setting sun. Then back to each other. They moved closer to each other slowly until their lips connected. They stood up and pulled each other closer. Ahsoka removed her towel and Axle did the same. They slowly walked toward the water while stripping the rest of their clothes off.

Ahsoka's POV

Our heads were the only thing above water. The ocean's waves stopped and the night sky loomed over our heads. We kissed slowly. Axle's hand came up to brush my lekku. His other was massaging my back. I slowly moved my hand out of the water and over to grab Axle's hand holding my lekku. Our fingers together slowly closed around our hands like a woven piece of fabric. The only sounds are the soft waves rubbing against the shore and the sound of our lips sealed together. "Today was amazing." I whispered. "It was perfect." He replied. The warmth of his breath gave me chills. "Bet you never had sex like this before." He giggled. I laughed, "Nope. I love it." He grinned, "The closest thing we've done was the shower." We laughed even more.

Axle's POV

The next few days were beyond incredible. We would play around on the beach all day, then swim in the water during the night. We have never been this close before. It was as if we had become one person in two separate bodies. The second to last day we would stay here was almost over. I can't ignore what the force is telling me.

Ahsoka and I walked the beach during the slowly setting sun. We held hands as the water moved around our bare feet. I never knew that a place like this existed. No war. No Politics. No conflict of any kind. Just me and my bright, beautiful glowing star. She leaned against my shoulder and closed her eyes. She took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly with a tender smile, "I want our lives to be like this forever. A perfect place of harmony. "I kissed her forehead, "I want to build a house right here." I pointed to the sand as Ahsoka nodded and giggled. "I want the door to be facing the water and a patio right in front." I continued. Ahsoka nodded and grinned, "Yes. I want to live right here. I want to live right here with you." I thought about my decision. My heart rate accelerated to a billion beats a second. I turned to face her and held her hands, "I love you so much. I want to live the rest of my life with you. I want to do everything with you." Ahsoka could tell where I was going as I kept talking, "You are my bright star and I am yours. I know we promised never to get married, but I want the force to know our connection. Ahsoka..." I got on one knee holding her hand. She was shaking and tried to keep her squeals under control. I took in a deep breath, "Will you marry me?" I held my breath waiting for an answer. Ahsoka jumped for joy screaming with happiness, "YES!!! YES I WILL!!!" I stood back up and lifted her off the ground. She locked her legs around my waist and we kissed in the light of the sunset.