
Meeting of Legends

Orbiting above earth stood a technical master piece, it was an asteroid. Around 26 thousand asteroids pass by earth every year but this one was different. This was an asteroid that was dragged into orbit by earths greatest protector, at the behest of its greatest detective. Inlaid into the asteroid was a technical wonder of science that cost billions of dollars.

This asteroid was the Watch Tower.

This was the secret main base of the global hero organization the Justice League. Though the general public assumed the hall of justice that sat in Washington was the base of the crime fighting heroes, what few knew was that their true base rotated and protected the earth from above. Any scientist would love to work in the giant base as it was equipped with the latest cutting-edge technology as well as various forms of alien technology, some of which was used in its making. Within the giant base was a conference room where 6 of the most powerful and well know heroes in earth history currently sat.

On the left there were two people a man and a woman. The man was black and had a buzz Cutt, from the look in his eyes anyone that was in the military could tell that he had served his country. With a strong physique and build he worse a green suit that clung to his body showing off his physical fitness.

The outfit glowed with a green hue slightly lighting up the area around him, the same could be said for his eyes, there was a green light that dwelled within that would scare off any trying to proliferate fear. Anyone in the wider galaxy would instantly know who this man was, or the group he was a part of as it was the police force of the galaxy, the biggest give away the glowing green ring that sat on his left hand.

The Green lanterns.

The woman next to him had a stern appearance that couldn't detract from her beauty, with a type of hawk mask over their face. Designed to protect her eyes, it wasn't possible to see where she was looking at any moment.

The woman had red locks spilling from the back of her mask as well as a set of armor that rested on her body. The armor was a mix of mesh reinforced fabric as well as metal, that covered her upper chest as well as her legs, showing off her defined midriff. On her arms there were a set of pauldrons as well as gauntlets that left her a lot of free movement to swing her preferred weapon.

Said preferred weapon was sitting on the table in front of her in the form of a mace. Unlike the medieval weapon of old this one was much higher tech, made of Nth metal and able to generate electrical discharges, it had become the nightmare of many of her foes. But the most prominent feature and the reason for her super hero's name were the two gigantic wings that were folded behind her body, able to lift her body into flight, and also be used as weapons.

The man that sat at the table was John Stewart, Green lantern of sector 2814, Honour Guard of the Green Lantern Corps and founding member of the justice league. Next to him sat Shayera Hol otherwise known as Hawkwoman, Thanagarian warrior and also another founder of the justice league.

On the right side of the table sat a green skinned man, like the others he was in peak physical form with wide shoulders and straight back. Though as a shapeshifter it was debatable if that was a real reflection of his physical stature.

Though once again, as a being capable of matching the strongest defender of earth his might was not in question. Wearing a blue cape that hung low to the ground and come up to cover his upper chest, there were two bands of red that crossed over his chest finishing at his pants.

His pants were also blue, along with his boots, though his belt retained the red from his chest. All up his outfit showed off his rippling muscles as well as deep red eyes that had earned him the name, Martian Man Hunter, or J'onn J'onzz. Martian denoting his species and Man Hunter what people expected of him, while J'onn was the name he had taken to live with on earth.

Next to him was an empty seat.

Finally at the front of the table there were three seats, reserved for the DeFacto leaders of the Justice League and the most renowned heroes on earth, all 3 together given the title, 'The Trinity'.

On the left sat a cowled figure with pointed ears and a chiseled jaw, his suit a mix of black and grey, a military grade Kevlar stacked onto his body for maximum protection and maneuverability. Underneath the armor was a plethora of padding, gadgets and cutting-edge technology all funneled into one purpose, fighting crime. This came in the form of electrical discharges, infer-red vision in his cowl as well as the technical gadgets he kept equipped in his utility belt.

His eyes were a piercing blue that covered a cunning intellect and drive that few in the world had, while at the same time they seemed to stare into a man's soul; a useful ability to intimidate and handily used. A grimace sat on his face, though some would say it never left, those that knew him had seen his ever-elusive smile.

This was the Batman, Bruce Wayne, the billionaire and money behind the Watch Tower and the justice league.

On the right sat a woman with supermodel good looks, though her face was stern, her eyes sharp, nothing could detract from her beauty. She had black cascading hair that fell to her neck line, with high cheek, bones and blue eyes that could attract any man, at the same time one would be fool to fall for her stunning looks and not notice the toned and lithe body that accompanied it, one built for a warrior, one trained to kill.

On her body sat an exquisite, some would even say godly, set of armor. Red covered her chest and back and tightly gripped her body providing protecting, said to be made of godly metal. On each end of this armor were golden borders of reinforce metal that protected her collar bone and hips, while at the same time coincidentally forming W's that prelude to her moniker.

With a golden crown sitting atop her head, with a red star in the middle, she wore a type of blue combat weave that stuck to her skin. Though some had speculated it was a type of lightweight Kevlar, none could be certain. It covered her from her neck all the way down to her calves protecting her body from any gap not protected by her armor. Though some considered this redundant with how tough her skin already was.

A mix of red and gold, it had been noted many a time that it was simply a perfect outfit for the icon and hero, Wonder Woman, or Diana Prince.

Finally in the middle sat the most powerful superhero of earth, 'the perfect man', 'Kal-El', 'earths protector', 'The last son of Krypton', 'The Man of tomorrow'….


Or rather Clark Kent to his friends.

He had a chiseled jaw that was perfectly matched with his defined and sculpted body. With deep blue eyes that were inviting and warm, he sat with a small smile that could light up the room. Wearing a red cape made from the blanket he was wrapped in as a child as well as the blue he was known for, made of Kryptonian fabric that was near indestructible, a Giant red 'S' sat over his chest.

Meaning hope on his own world, he was the beacon for good that illuminated the world and taught all others that they could do better, be better.

These were the original founding members of the justice league, well almost all of them, there was one that was still late to the meeting, something that should be considered hard as he was the 'fastest man alive'.

As if on time exactly 5 minutes after the meeting was supposed to start a red blur traced into the room and then sat next to J'onn. The blur suddenly turned into a human person, or rather a man in red spandex, or that's what the material looked like. Made of a protective mesh that protected the body along with the motifs of lightning bolts on the legs, arms and waist, The Flash, Barry Allan, had finally arrived.

Rubbing his head in an embarrassed manner Barry looked around sheeply as he waved specifically at Batman who sent him one of his patterned looks, it wasn't so much a glare, but it was close. Off to the side John rolled his eyes at his longtime friend, declining from speaking up.

"Now that everyone is here, we can begin." Finally taking his eyes off their final member Batman was the first to speak up. There was a smile on Clark's face as he looked at those gathered. "It's been a long time since it was just us in the meeting room".

A few others also smiled at his words as Diana and Shayera shared a nod. It had been a long time since the original 7 members of the league gathered by themselves. Once they had expanded it was a rare occurrence when no other member also joined in.

At the words Bruce only gave a side eye to his longtime friend, those that knew him could just make out the small grin that crossed his face for a second. "Yes, it has and it'll be even longer after we expand."

"We're Expanding again?!" Flash spoke up at the words surprise in his eyes, though if one looked closer they would also seem a small amount of relief. With the increase in supervillain activity the League was stretch thin. Barry had been finding himself more and more having to go away from Central to fight crime.

The surprise turned to confusion really quick as he heard no one else reply. Seeing as no one said anything and/or reacted to Batman's words he quickly began to realize that maybe it wasn't a good idea to have skipped reading the small packet of information Batman had sent him to prep for the meeting.

He didn't have enough time to look at it ok.

He could almost see the teasing glint in Batman's eyes as he looked at him. They both knew he wasn't going to say a word until Barry embarrassed himself. With almost a sigh of resignation and a hint of trepidation Barry continued his words.

"Don't we need a majority to vote more in?" There were a few smiles around the room as Barry flopped into his chair, already knowing an answer was coming. Bruce didn't disappoint.

"The rest of the league are busy, it's been decided that us core 7 can make a decision this time, or at least compile a list of potential candidates, it is imperative that we expand the league sooner rather than later." With a straight delivery it was as if nothing had happened, though everyone there got a good chuckle out of the antics.

Diana spoke first "It's about time, though we have expanded the league we have been spread thin more and more recently. Added members will be an appreciated boon in this time of need." John Stewart gave a solemn nod at the words.

"More intergalactic threats have been coming to earth recently; the guardians have even assigned 3 lanterns nearly full time in the sector." It was just after he spoke that Batman also had to add his grim outlook on their situation on earth.

"Don't forget the worrying increase of supervillains all over north America, Europe and Asia." Superman shook his head a hopeful smile on his face as always, as he replied. "It's not all bad news; more super heroes have appeared to help". Bruce just quirked his eyebrow back, his face stoic his words calm and logical.

"That said we can't keep up with the demand, by expanding the league we take pressure off our limited resources as well as have spare heavy hitters should a greater threat appear". Finally Martian Manhunter joined the conversation, his voice deep and monotone, but at the same time thoughtful and wise.

"The real question is who we want to introduce into the league?"

With those words a new discussion appeared between the 7. The discussion was heated, maybe even more heated than the first time they expanded the league, there were a variety of different heroes that had appeared over the years.

Heroes such as 'Black Lightning', 'B'wana Beast', 'Atom', 'Plastic man', 'Hercules', and many more appeared as the discussion stretched on. It was finally at 30 minutes that Wonder Woman put forth the most controversial candidate, her eyes darting to Clark for a second before a new hologram appeared before them.

The picture was of a blond girl on the cusp of womanhood either 17 or 18 years old, her hair hung loose sitting around her mid back, as her blue eyes starred forward, her smile dazzling. The only other survivor of the Kryptonian race, she proudly wore the crest of El on her chest, though unlike her cousins Kryptonian fabric the picture before them showed her home-made suit, consisting of white crop top, blue skirt and red boots, red cape flapping behind her.

"I nominate Super Girl, her power are obvious, it would...." She didn't even get to finish as another spoke, a hard edge to his tone. "Not happening." Clark shook his head as everyone in the room looked on. Bruce gave a slight frown at the instant rejection but didn't speak up as he saw the look in Diana's eye.

"Why not Clark?" There was a hard look in Diana's eyes as she turned to her long time friend, already knowing this was an uphill battle.There was a stubborn look in the man of steels eyes, something everyone recognized.

"She's not ready." Of all the things Diana thought Clark would say, she honestly didn't expect that one to be listed. She had thought his worry would show through and he would be truthful about his reasoning, but it could be seen that she was wrong.

Her eyes went to the other members in the room as she motioned around. "I think everyone in here can agree that she has what it takes." Clark's eyes went around the room as everyone else slowly nodded their head, they had no problem with her joining, but he wasn't having any of it.

"She hasn't had enough training". Shayera rolled her eyes at the excuse already annoyed at the stubbourn refusal from Clark as she replied. She also wanted to introduce more female members to the league and there was no one better in her mind for an invite.

"She's already been doing work in smallville as well as Metropolis when she visits". It seemed like the others agreed as both Flash and GL both spoke up after her.

"She has already tangled with some of your foes."

"And she came out of them usually injured, almost killed."

Finally it was Diana that tried a gentler approach that spoke last. "Clark I know you want to prote...."

"I said no." His voice was final, and his annoyance clear. But he was talking to one of the only other people in the world that could trade blows with him as well as the warrior princess of Themyscira, who didn't take kindly to his tone and abrasiveness.

"You can't protect her forever!" Finally losing her diplomatic approach she spoke what everyone else in the room knew was true. Clark didn't care whatsoever about Kara's training or inexperience, he just didn't want to see her get hurt.

It was a respectable goal but at the same time, it was a bit too late to try and stop her from being a hero, or that's what everyone else thought. The only one that still hoped she wouldn't become a superhero and put herself in danger was Clark. They were too much alike though, if either saw someone in need they would help and nothing was going to stop them.

The only reason she hadn't been doing more hero work was because Clark had been keeping a close eye on her activities and stopping her. Though he had relented every now and then under pressure from both of his human parents, Ma and Pa Kent as well as Kara herself.

Seeing that he had just pissed off Diana and knowing that he was fighting an uphill battle he kept his calm as he spoke again looking right at Diana. "Right now she is too reckless and young, she has a lot more to learn before she is offered a seat at this table and until she matures a bit more, I say no to Supergirl joining the league."

There was finality in his voice that brokered no room for continued conversation that caused discontent through the room. Diana and him continued to stare into each other's eyes waiting for the other to back down. There was a lull in the room as no one spoke, the tension rising, finally it was J'onn who spoke to mediate the dispute.

"It seems that the possible list of choices hasn't been as easy as we believed." Batman sent him a small look before looking at the 2 strongest in the room as they continued their stare off. He knew that this point had to be raised now and had hoped that it could be resolved. Supergirl would be an immense help to the league in this expansion, but it looked like it would have to be sorted later.

Having decided on a course of action his also spoke up. "Our current choices will be effective enough, I'll bring this list forward the next time the league meets." Noticing that Bruce wanted to move the meeting along Barry quickly added his own charm in de-escalating the situation.

"yaaay another meeting." Slumping in his chair with a pout on his lips the tension in the room almost visibly reduced as both Diana and Clark stopped their stare off. Showing an amused look his way John shook his head in fondness.

"Deal with it Barry" Barry returned another pout as he played up his roll, sighing in resignation before clapping his hands together in prayer, looking to the roof as if asking God for a wish. "Urgh, I wish a new members could just appear out of thin air."

It was just as his words dropped that a bright flash appeared in the room, blinding everyone. Even Superman with his enhanced vision was momentarily blinded as a body dropped heavily onto the end of the meeting table.


So first off I want to put this big glaring note here, there are 2 main characters in this novel. One is Wolverine and the other will be Supergirl, that is why there was a spot light on her this chapter. I'm doing this based off the original fanfic I read and she will be the first one that forms a connection with the grizzled Canadian. When I'm not with Wolverine, she will likely be front and center to events happening elsewhere.

So just so everyone is clued into what type of Timeline I've got going on I'll leave some of my thoughts here.

So, I say 6 years in the chapter in regards to how long everyone has been operating as a super. Now in my head this means that the Batman and Superman animated shows started 6 years ago. 2 years after the events of Justice League started and then 2 years after that the Thanagarian invasion happened.

Now this is where the time line goes off. So, after the Thanagarian invasion Shaera doesn't leave the justice league, or get kicked out whatever you like to think. Instead, she stays. Instead of going on to Justice League unlimited, events happen that transition the timeline into that of Young Justice.

Yes, I would have to hammer out some issues, but this is stuff I'm assuming people will wonder as this is set with young justice as a main basis. Of course, the point of the meeting was to expand the justice league roster again and you can just assume that everything is now set in the young justice universe unless I change things around.

This universe is going to be a big mix of everything DC so events of young justice are going to change, you'll see that going forward, and there will be additions of other characters from the greater Dc landscape.

Lastly, I'm still deciding in my head whether to make the justice society canon in this fic, mainly because I'm tossing up between having Wonder Woman having only left Themyscira during the events of 'secret origins', or have it like young justice where she was active during WW2.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Zevren out!

www.pat reon . com / Zevrensden

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