
Gabriel Moonfire, The Young Alpha of Silver Wolf Pack

As Liz lay there, vulnerable and injured, the moonlight painted a ghastly picture of her dire predicament.

The werewolves surrounded her, their predatory eyes glowing with hunger and malice. Their snarls and growls reverberated through the night, blending into a terrifying symphony of impending doom.

Her body trembled with pain and fear, each heartbeat sending pulsating waves of agony through her battered form.

Blood oozed from the gashes on her skin, staining the ground beneath her in dark crimson. Her clothes were torn and tattered, evidence of the brutal struggle she had endured.

One by one, the werewolves took turns approaching her, their sharp claws grazing her skin, relishing the terror in her eyes.

The scent of her blood intoxicated them, driving their primal instincts to a fever pitch. They circled her like vultures, their eyes never leaving her trembling form.

Liz's mind raced, desperately seeking a way out of this nightmarish situation. But her body was broken, her spirit crushed by the overwhelming force of the werewolves.

Her attempts to fight back were feeble, as they easily overpowered her weakened resistance.

The werewolves' snouts hovered inches from her face, their hot breath mingling with her own. Their yellowed fangs glistened with saliva, and Liz could see the hunger in their eyes, the anticipation of the feast that was about to befall them.

"Ewh! Ewh! Ewh!!!" Liz's repulsion was evident in her quivering voice. The grotesque sight before her sent shivers down her spine, the primal fear of being devoured alive enveloping her.

As Liz's eyes widened in astonishment, the world around her seemed to come to a standstill. The once deafening snarls and growls of the werewolves were silenced, and the menacing creatures froze in place.

Time itself seemed to hold its breath, as if suspended in a moment of surreal stillness.

Liz's gaze darted around, searching for an explanation, but everything appeared frozen in time.

She glanced at her trembling wrist, only to find that the hands of her watch had ceased their relentless march.

The seconds, minutes, and hours were trapped in a static existence, mirroring the halted reality before her.

"What... what is happening?!" Liz gasped, her voice barely a whisper as she lay motionless on the ground, her limbs outstretched within the firm grasp of the werewolves.

Her mind raced, trying to comprehend the inexplicable phenomenon unfolding before her eyes.

The air itself seemed heavy with an unseen power, an unyielding force that held both her and the werewolves captive in this suspended state.

The once ferocious beasts now stood frozen, their snarling muzzles and bared fangs locked in a menacing display of primal aggression.

Their muscles strained against their fur-covered bodies, frozen in mid-motion, revealing the raw power that lay dormant within them.

In that moment, a tall figure emerged before her, standing amidst the frozen chaos. It materialized in the form of a billowing cloud of black smoke, coalescing into the shape of a majestic black wolf with piercing blue eyes that seemed to glow with an otherworldly light.

The wolf approached slowly, its movements graceful yet filled with a palpable aura of power. As it drew nearer, the wolf's form began to shift and transform, morphing into that of a strikingly handsome young man with tousled hair and sharp, cynical eyes that hinted at a depth of ancient wisdom.

"Call me Gabriel Moonfire, a young alpha of the Silver Wolf Pack, sworn protectors of the human realm," he introduced himself with a voice that held a mixture of authority and weariness.

"You have trespassed into Wolfdale during the full moon, disregarding the sacred laws that govern our kind. By doing so, you have placed yourself in grave danger."

Liz's eyes widened as she took in Gabriel's commanding presence. His words carried weight, a reminder of the peril she had unknowingly walked into.

She felt a mixture of fear and fascination, drawn to the enigmatic allure of this supernatural being before her.

"I... I didn't know," she stammered, her voice filled with a mix of confusion and remorse.

Liz stared in astonishment at the young man before her, standing tall and unashamed, completely devoid of clothing.

His body was sculpted and muscular, radiating an air of strength and vitality. Every inch of his skin seemed flawless and youthful, as if untouched by time.

At first glance, he was undeniably handsome, exuding an aura of reliability. The only thing that sent shivers down Liz's spine was the fact that he stood before her completely naked.

His waist was casually perched before her, and his long, lean legs were spread apart, exposing his dangling manhood unabashedly.

He stood there in the open, completely unconcerned and unaffected. His expression remained cold and indifferent, as if Liz's shock and discomfort were mere figments of her imagination.

He seemed to regard his nakedness as normal, as if his behavior was expected and unquestioned.

Liz's gaze flickered nervously from his face to his exposed body and back again. Her mind raced, trying to make sense of this surreal encounter.

She struggled to maintain her composure, but an uneasy mixture of embarrassment, confusion, and curiosity washed over her.

"Um... excuse me?" Liz managed to stammer, her voice filled with a mix of uncertainty and disbelief. "Aren't you... aren't you aware that you're... uh, naked?"

The young man's lips curled into a smug smile, his eyes sparkling mischievously. "Oh, dear," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "You're on the brink of death, and yet you're concerned about my nudity?"

"Hm, are you some kind of mentally disturbed exhibitionist who enjoys flaunting their genitals in front of the public?" Liz asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Uh, what?!" Gabriel could hardly believe his ears. The girl before him was covered in blood, on the verge of death, had just witnessed his werewolf form, and she was still commenting on his nudity? She truly was an odd girl.

Gabriel shook his head, a mixture of disbelief and amusement evident on his face.

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