
Chapter Two

Gwen's POV

I finished doing my science assignment as my alarm started to ring that I set last night to get up. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and took a hot water shower.

After the shower, I put on my bathrobe and walked into my closet. I put on a pink T-Shirt and a black denim. And I put on my favorite black jacket.

I sat in front of my dressing table and started to comb my chocolate brown hair that reached middle of my back and tide it up as a ponytail.

"Gwen..... your breakfast is ready....." I heard Marianne's voice from down stairs. She is one of the maids who work at my house. And she is my favorite. She's like a mother to me. Since my mother always travels around the world because of her company, I always spend time with Marianne.


I quickly put on my pink converse shoes (I don't like to were fancy things to school) and grabbed my school bag and ran downstairs.

Marianne was washing dishes when I went into the kitchen. I pulled a chair and sat at the counter.

"Good morning sleepy head!" She looked at me and said with a bright smile.

"Good morning Marianne. And I'm not a sleepy head." I said while scrolling through my phone.

" Yeah yeah I know. I'm just kidding." She said while chuckling and placed a plate of waffles with chocolate syrup and strawberries in front of me on the counter.

"Thanks." I said and started to eat my breakfast.

"Oh I almost forgot. Your mother called and said that she has to stay another week in Japan." Marianne said while placing a glass of orange juice on the counter.

"What? Another week!" I stopped eating and looked at her my eyes widened.

" Oh your violet eyes are so pretty when you open your eyes widely. And yes. She'll return home after a week." She said and walked out of the kitchen with a wired smile.

"Guess I have to wait another week to see mom." I mumbled to myself and continued eating.

After eating I said goodbye to Marianne and walked out of the house and climbed into the black SUV car and the car driver Mr. Brown was already in the car

"Good morning Miss. Gwen." He said and started the car.

"Morning Mr. Brown." I replied

My school is 20 minutes away from my house. I took my history book and started to read the chapter that Mr. Smith going to teach us today. ( I know that you guys are thinking that I'm a nerd now. But I'm sure that I'm not. )

Mr. Brown parked the car in the school parking lot after we reached my school. I took my school bag and jumped out of the car.

"Have a great day Miss. Gwen." Mr. Brown said as I closed the car door of the back.

"You too Mr. Brown. And stop calling me Miss. Gwen. Just call me Gwen." He chuckled and waved at me. I did the same and started to walk out of the car park while scrolling through my phone. At the same time a black Lagonda car stopped in front of me.

The car almost hit me. My heart started to beat fast because of the shock. I placed my right hand on my chest and took a deep breath to calm myself down.

"Gwen are you okay?" Laila, one of my classmates came toward me and asked.

"Yeah yeah I'm good." I said while breathing heavily. As I raised my face to look at the driver, The car drove past us fast and another grey Lagonda car followed it.

"Who was that?" I asked Laila as two cars disappeared among other cars in the parking lot.

"I have no idea. I haven't seen those cars in our school before." She answered.

After that, I went into my classroom. There are long desks with long benches in my class allowing three students to sit in each. You may think that I'm the rich popular girl in the class. But no. I'm rich and I didn't show that. I always tried to keep a low profile. I always sat alone at the desk in the second row near the window. After my best friend Riley Left the city with her family, I always stayed alone. I'm the only one who sits at the desk in the second row near the window every day. I sat in my usual place and looked around the class. Many students were chatting with each other. Some were writing notes on their books. Then I realized that everyone in my class has come to school today. Because all seats were taken except two seats next to me.

I sighed and rested my face on my palm and stared at the whiteboard. At the same time school, bell ranged and everyone seated in their seats. I took my geometry book from my bag and placed it on the desk. Because our first period was Geometry. Then our geometry teacher Mr. Gomez came into our class in a grumpy mood. (as usual). Bad thing was that he's our class teacher

"Good morning everyone," He said loudly.

"Good morning Mr. Gomez." Everyone replied.

"Hmm... looks like everyone have come to school today." He said while staring at the class. "Anyway, Two new students have registered for our class today." I didn't pay much attention to Mr. Gomez because I was checking that I have done every exercise that Mr. Gomez gave us yesterday as homework.

"Oh, here they are. Come in. Welcome to your new classroom." I heard Mr. Gomez open the classroom door. I kept turning pages of my book. I heard girls in the class whispering. "Right your names here and here are your geometry textbooks. And I'll give you two other textbooks at the end of the period. Now go and take a seat." Mr. Gomez said to two new students.

I kept checking my homework without looking anywhere.

"Um... excuse me, Is these two seats are taken?" I heard a voice of a boy.

"No," I said without looking. Then I felt someone placing a bag next to me.

Mr. Gomez clapped his hands to take everyone's attention. "Ok now let's start our day with a little unit test." He said while taking a pile of papers from the teacher's table. Some students groaned loudly and some hit their heads on the desks.

Mr. Gomez passed papers to everyone and wrote the time duration on the whiteboard.

I started to do my geometry test paper as I got it. "Piece of cake!" I mumbled to myself. I finished answering all questions before time end. Mr. Gomez collected all test papers from everyone as time ended. Then his phone started to ring and he answered it. "Yes sir. I'll be there" He said before he ends the call.

"I have to go to the principal office. So don't shout." Mr. Gomez said in a hurry and walked out of the class.

After few minutes my phone started to ring. I took it from the bag and saw Riley's name on the screen. "Hello, Riley," I said after answering the call

"Happy birthday Gwen!" Riley said loudly.

"Um.....birthday?" I asked confusedly

"It's June 26 silly. Now don't tell me that you have forgotten your own birthday." Riley said while chuckling. I instantly looked at the calendar that hangs on the wall. And I noticed that today is June 26.

"Oh..... guess I did," I said while tapping my fingers on the desk.

Riley started to laugh. "You haven't changed a bit. Anyway.... I posted a gift for you."

"Oh, Riley.... you shouldn't have," I said

"I should have. Oh, the science teacher is coming. Got to go. love you..." She said.

"Love you too." I said and ended the call. I sighed and placed my phone on the desk and took my water bottle out of my bag to drink water.

"Did you forgot your own birthday?" The boy next to me asked while chuckling. I stopped drinking water and look at the person next to me for the first time.

His hair was blond and medium length. His stormy grey color eyes were looking at me mockingly. He looked handsome. I stared at him for few seconds and shook my head to throw my stupid thoughts. "Oh yeah. I always forget my birthday." I cleared my throat and said with a smile.

"I see. Oh and I'm Nico Walker by the way." He said before offering his hand to me.

"Pleasure to meet you. And I'm Gwen Nightshade." I said while shaking his hand and saw other girls in the class scowling at me.

Then I looked at the boy next to Nico who was scrolling through his phone. "Oh and..." Nico hit the boy next to him from his elbow.

"What?" He asked flatly while tapping on his phone.

"This is Gwen Nightshade." Nico said while pointing his thumb toward me.

"So?" The boy asked. Still tapping on his phone.

"Aren't you gonna introduce yourself to her?" Nico asked.

Then the boy shoved his phone into his denim pocket and looked at me. A shiver ran through my back as he looked at me. His ocean blue eyes were looking straight at me. His medium-length dark black hair was combed back neatly. He was gorgeous. Actually, he was beyond gorgeous. He stared at me and I did the same.

"Why should I?" He finally said to Nico and looked at the whiteboard.

What a rude guy?

"Never change." Nico chuckled and looked back at me. "This is my best friend Eric Azelart." He said. I nodded as a reply.

Then Mr. Gomez came back to our class. After that, I spend the time in school as usual.

Hope you guys enjoyed the second chapter đŸ„°đŸ’—

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