
Now? [ CHAP.13 ]


❄2nd December, 7 am,

.... Zara yells,

Amy!! Mary!! Pan!!! Lara!!! Come here!!

4 of them ran to the living room,

Mary : M-a-at-tal? Are you okay now??

*Last evening, after the boy flew away, Amy and Zara brought Matal by a cab, and explained rest of the girls what happened, but since last night to today she was unconscious. They even called doctor, after checking Matal, he said, Matal was so weak, maybe she was taking sleeping pills in an uncountable quantity and there was a deep scrape on the back of her head [ It was for her falling in ground from the slapping ], doctor bandaged it, regardlessly he prescribed many medicines and told us not to give any pressure of her brain when she wakes up.*

Matal : Uhh, where am I? Who are you??

4 girls fell from sky, did Matal loss her memory?!!?

Amy : Matal?! It's Amy! This is Mary, Zara , Pan and it's Lara!

Mary : I guess Matal lost her memory..

Pan : God..

Matal : Wait, why can't I remember you guys?! Even myself?! Who am I?!?

Zara : Shit, she lost her memory.

Mary : Yeah.. Lara, please feed her the prescribed medicines as you were in medicine departments.

Lara : Ok, ok.

Zara : Amy, Mary, Pan come to my bedroom,I've something to say.

They went in the bedroom,

Zara : Okay, so now, we have to keep Matal too??

Amy : For the sake of humanity.

Mary : We already have Lara, who's dad doesn't care about her, where she is or is she alive or not, just send her money from United Kingdom and spent his life with his second wife! And now Matal??

Pan : Who has lost her memory, oh Gosh.. This apartment feels like a orphanage..

Amy : Calm down guys, we have enough rooms in our apartment, right?

Mary : Amy, it isn't about rooms, but how long can we keep them??

Zara : Exactly! We can not keep them with us forever??

Pan : I am calling the doctor again.

* Suddenly Lara comes *

Lara : Wait, guys. As I studied in medicines departments, I can tell that it is temporary memory loss.

Mary : Means, the memory can come back at any moment?

Pan : Hmm, so we are keeping Matal, right?

Amy : We have nothing to do except it, right? We can not kick her out of our house, she doesn't remember anything..

Also,there is another reason why I am insisting to keep Matal with us.

4 of other girls : What?!??!!

Amy : I guess, the traitor of Lara is the same person, who was with Matal last night.

Mary: You mean, both are the same?!

Pan: And he was about to destroy another girl's life?!?

Lara: If Amy hadn't seen them, Matal would have probably died till now.

Amy : Yes. I am having a strong feeling that both same person.

Zara: God.. what if he's not the same??

Pan : We can be 100% sure if Matal gets her memory back.

Amy: Yeah, that's why I am insisting to keep her with us.

Mary : Ahh, okay , okay. My head is hurting. We didn't sleep this night! We seriously need to sleep as we were awake and we are also keeping Matal with us until she gets her memory back.

Pan : Would have been best if she gets her memory back before we find out Lara's ex-boyfriend and unmasks his mask.

Zara : Yes, if it is the same playboy, Matal would be a great witness against him. We obviously would send him to jail.

Amy : Yes!! So for now, we have badminton practice today plus you guys have voting things so let's sleep for now.

All girls agreed with Amy and took a nap for that time...


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