
CLUE? [ CHAP. 11 ]


❄️ 30th November,

When everyone who wanted to participate in the upcoming events, gathered in the University groud, they saw their sport coach, Mr. Smith standing on the platform to annouce something.

He finally started,

Students attention please! Today we are here to select the participants who will go through the admission and then they will participate in the biggest badminton session that ever happened in our university. So, please maintain a line to get your admission form. But the students who wants to be a member of SUC can't get into badminton session!! As they are gonna have a lot responsibilities! So make a choice!

After hearing that many of the students decided to be in Badminton session and others decided to be members of SUC.

Mary : I will go for SUC!!

Pan : Me too!! I wanted to play badminton but SUC sounds more interesting and it will be a new experience too!!

Mary : You fool, that's why I am also choosing it!

Pan : Bi--

Zara : Nah, I'm going for badminton as I practiced so hard last year to win winter session.

So the three of them chose their decision but Amy was still in the ocean of thoughts. She couldn't find her best decision. She is both responsible and a great player! So she asked her besties to get the best decision. Since they all knew that Amy was one of the best badminton players,most probably in the whole university, they all suggested her to be in badminton session.

Mary : I think you're the best badminton player among us also you have won so many prizes back in school life.

Zara : Yes, yes! Also it's duo competition I want you as my duo since you are my childhood partner and I can't trust anyone else but you in badminton.

Pan : Yeah, yeah.Go for it!

So, with all inspiration Amy and Zara went into the line for badminton admission forms. And Pan and Mary were standing out there. And were having a conversation.

Mary : You look really good with Nion😏 *Teasing tone*

Pan : Yes. Sazid is so handsome and you guys will be the great coup-

Mary : Okay, okay. Amy actually looks cute with Mendes.

Pan : Can't but agree with you on this point-

Pan was gonna say something more that time she felt someone's hand on her shoulder and she stopped as well as Mary felt the same.

And it was Matal May¡¡¡¿¿¿¿ She member of Bully gang as well as a weird one too...

Nobody but really liked her since she was a bully girl except her gang members like Winnie, Asiha who were as same as her.

Pan : What do you want?

Pan moved Matal's hand from her shoulder. Then Matal then moved her hand away from Mary's shoulder.

Matal : Did I scare you girls? Hahahahha😂

Pan : Can you be more serious? 😒

Matal : Okay, okay. I was kidding but I really want to help you guys..

Mary : Help us? With what? How? And why???

Matal : You are in danger guys, believe me..

Pan : What are you talking about?!

Matal : They are always monitoring you guys but I can't tell their names please don't fall.

Pan : What the heck are you talking about?!? I can't understand any single shit about this-

Matal : I'm telling the truth, please believe me! You guys are going to fall in their trap and they will destroy your life, so please be careful.

Mary : Can you stop talking nonsense??

Pan : Are you drunk or what?! You are really out of your mind, Matal!

Matal was going to say something more but seeing Amy and Zara coming back, Mary ran with pulling Pan's hand to get rid of Matal.


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