
Wolf's Zone

A young girl, Letty Black, understands that the last thing she remembers is her father's death. Her childhood, teen years, first kiss, and first love are a tabula rasa. Her memories are gone, and no matter what she did and how many qualified doctors she had seen, there's no progress in getting her memories back except for strange dreams: an unknown city, a handsome blond man with magnificent blue-brown eyes, and... wolves...? What do all those dreams mean? Is she mad, or that's a hidden world under her nose?

_Himari_Nora_ · Fantasy
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125 Chs

Esme Black

I stared at her like she was a ghost who came out of the darkest place of my mind. She was looking like my twin, but at the same time, there was something different between us that could be noticed only by me, or by her. Her skin was too pale to compare with mine, and she was thinner, maybe even too thin to not start worrying about her health. When she took off her hood, it became clear her hair is longer than mine, and except for length and color, it was different with a hairstyle. While my hair was mostly cascading down my shoulders and back, her hair was put in a thick braid and hanging on her left shoulder. There was something in that girl, her aura or something else, that was clearly adding a feeling she has some magic and can use it on you in no time.

The girl came closer, so I let go of Aiden and went in her direction. She unbuttoned her black gown, leaving it hanging on her shoulders, and raised her hands in my direction.