
Wolf's Bane

I tried to turn and escape, but found my legs wouldn't move. I glanced down and saw the once gurgling stream had turned black and was winding itself around my legs, pinning them to the ground. The screeching grew louder as the man neared the edge of the stream and continued through the black mess easily as if it were land. He halted in front of me, each screech louder than the last, as he raised the knife and- I opened my eyes, my alarm clock's shrieking bouncing off the walls of my room. ******* Corren Parks is a normal girl with normal problems. She has loving parents and the greatest best friend a girl could ask for. With only the hope of finishing her senior year at Willimesh High, Corren feels she has nothing to worry about. That is until a strange dream, a dangerous boy, and a mystery leads her to question everything she thought she knew. Book 1. ///WARNING/// This story contains some scenes that may be too much for some people (murder, violence, some slightly steamy jazz, and language). I'll be sure to give warning beforehand in the chapter. Please keep this in mind if you choose to read.

PheePhee · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 3

The clear blue sky glowed above the swarms of students rushing around outside the school's parking lot. Birds eyed the activity from the trees scattered across the campus as if evaluating every little move that could possibly disrupt their peace. Or they were looking for victims to steal food from. That's just nature I guess?

"Hey, Alex?"


"Fuck you."

Alex groaned as he steered us into a vacant parking space. He pulled the keys out of the ignition and slumped back into his seat as if he was shrinking underneath my deadly glare.

"I said I was sorry Ren. But you should have seen how desperate Zac was. He's really nervous about going out with Hailey, and a double date seemed like the perfect solution at the time."

"At the time?! Besides, I don't even know them! And you know that I know that I'm terrible at people-socialing-life!" I said, the words stumbling out of my mouth.

"I know. That's why I asked you; you're perfect for this. Trust me, you'll be fine. You don't even have to talk much—in fact, don't talk at all. I can take care of that for you. Just, go for the food, right? Think of it that way, you're only there for the food. You'll be ok Ren, I promise."

"But why can't you ask someone else? I'm sure there are plenty of willing girls to help you out," I grumbled, shooting pointed looks at his—well, everything actually. Alex used to be really lanky and awkward when we were younger, but now that he's older, he really grew out of it. And, paired with that messy blond hair, hazel eyes, and boyish looks, Alex could be that "cute boy-next-door" from all those teen romances and whatnot. Ugh. Beautiful people, amirite?

"I don't want to go with another girl—" Alex looked away from me and cleared his throat. "Look, this isn't about me, it's about Zac and Hailey and how you are the perfect and most suited person for this job."

I let out a breath and gave Alex a sly look. "Is that it?" I teased, my tone only slightly grumpy.

Alex chuckled. "Of course not. In addition to that, you are the most skilled, knowledgeable, epic human to have ever walks the land in the whole existence of life and you are the only one I could ask to help my sorry ass."

"Hell yeah that's right," I said pulling the handle on the car door and pushing it open. "But we can discuss this more later, cause your sorry ass and I are very, very late for class."


Once again, the bell rang far too late, it's dull chime echoing through my head. I stood and stretched while others rushed through the door into the freedom of lunch. Grabbing my backpack, I swung it over my shoulder and shuffled over to the door, only to pause in the doorframe. My glare was left unnoticed as I watched the sea of students surging through the hall; an uncontrollable stream of people all trying to go their separate ways, with no regard for anyone but themselves. The thought of my upcoming "lunch date" had me stalling, wondering if there could be any way for me to get out of it. But there's no possible way for that to happen though; I couldn't not help Alex, I told myself, watching the crowds thin out. Just as I started to move, someone called my name.

"Ren! Hey!"

Speak of the devil... I had to turn my head as Alex strode up to me so he wouldn't see me roll my eyes.

"There you are, I've been looking all over for you. We're supposed to meet Zac at the restaurant. C'mon, let's go."

"Alright fine, but I need to go grab my purse from my locker. I meet you in the parking lot, ok?"

"Fine, but be quick. See ya out there," Alex warned before turning and heading back the way he came.

I moved my gaze from him to the now empty halls.

"Guess I can't stall forever," I told the still air.

Pivoting on my heel, I spun and headed down the hall to my locker. With the thought of my inevitable 'lunch date' racing through my head, I couldn't help but ask,

"Can this day get any worse?"