
First day - Storm 3a

Storm Wizard: Harper Stormrage

Spells: None

Level 1: 0/500

Classroom: Storm 3a

Mite: 50/50

Health: 1000/1000


I got my stuff together and headed out of the dorm and met up with River and Reagan. "Hi girls, What'd you get? I ended up with Storm."

"I got into Life," said River.

"I got into Death," said Reagan.

"Cool, I wonder what Bailey got into?"

A couple minutes later Bailey was passing by, "Hey guys! Where are you heading? I got chosen for the Ice class," asked Bailey.

"I got into Storm," said Harper.

"I got into Life," said River.

"I got into Death," said Reagan.

"So none of us got what we were hoping for? Well I guess this is going to be an interesting semester," I said. "Well I gotta get to class! I'll catch up with you guys later! Have fun in class!"

"Bye!" we all waved.

A couple minutes later Kyle came passing by. "Hey Harper, Hey River, Hey Reagan! Where are you guys off to? I got into the Fire class."

"I got into Storm," said Harper.

"I got into Life," said River.

"I got into Death," said Reagan.

"Where's Bailey at? what did she get into?" Kyle asked.

"She got into Ice. She was just heading to class a little bit ago. Her class is all the way on the other side of the school from our dorm so she left early," said River. "We're on our way to our classes too, but we have a bit of time to kill."

"Well I'm heading off to class. I'll catch up with you guys later! Bye!" he waved goodbye and kept running to class.

"Bye Kyle!" we said as we waved.

"Alright we better get going to class now. Come on girls." I said.

My class was the first stop that came up so I gave the girls a hug and headed inside. "I'll catch up with you guys later!" I found a seat towards the back by the window.

"Hello class! I'm professor Balestrom and I will be your teacher for this semester! First things first! We need to get you guys your wands! Now everyone I have 3 boxes full of wands. I want you to hold up your hand and say 'my wand that is, my wand that was, find me, find me, because, because.' and the wand that chooses you is the wand that you will be working with for now until you can get it upgraded!"

After the whole class chanted it a wand flew into each of the students hand. I had received a wand that was a wooden stick in the shape of a lightning bolt with a purple gem at the top.

"Now everyone. Can anyone tell me about what a Mite is?" asked the professor. Three people raised their hands. "Yes, you in the back in the gray and white hat! Mr... Starstrom?"

"The Mite is the amount of magic used per spell that we cast, am I right?" said Erik Starstrom. Erik Starstrom number one in the school and is professor Balestrom's nephew.

"That is correct Mr. Starstrom. Every spell you use has some sort of different count of Mite that it uses to cast it. For level one wizards you can only start with using spells that cost 0-2 Mite, and you start off with only 50 mite at level one." Professor Balestrom added, "Okay now that we have that out of the way let us open up our book *Magic of Storm* to page 20. I'm giving you your first assignment. I want you to look through the list of Level 1 Storm spells on page 20 and choose 2 spells to practice with. After you have chosen your first two Storm spells turn to page 5 and choose one healing spell that you think would work for you as a beginner."

"Alright, get to work now. If you have any questions you may come ask me, and if you don't want to stay here to practice your spells you may leave for the day, for I do not have anything else more to say for the evening. Have a good day!" after professor Balestrom dismissed us from class most of the students left. "Oh and I forgot to add! At the end of this week I will be testing everyone on if you have trained enough to get a new point. If you pass you get a point, If you fail you have to wait another week until you can try again! Alright that's all!" I gathered my books and went to sit outside to work on my spells. The school had a courtyard that each classroom was by in the middle of the whole school.

I went and sat out on the benches by a tree that shaded me from the sun and started looking over the spells on page 20:

Lightning strike, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, +10% accuracy

Storm Shield, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, -80% Storm damage to self

Storm Trap, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, +25% storm damage

Storm blade, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, +30% storm damage

Thermic Shield, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, -70% Ice and fire damage to self

Thunder snake, Level 1, 70% accuracy, 1 Mite, 105-145 Storm damage to target

Windstorm, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 1 Mite, +20% storm damage to all enemies

Darkwind, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, +25% to all storm damage spells

Dissipate, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, dispels next storm spell

Insane Bolt, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, 1000 moon damage to enemy/10000 moon damage to self

Lightning bats, Level 1, 70% accuracy, 2 Mite, 245-285 storm damage

Wild bolt, Level 1, 70% accuracy, 2 Mite, 10, 100, or 1000 storm damage

Looking through the storm spells I had narrowed it down to seven spells: Lightning strike because it adds 10% to my accuracy, Storm blade because it adds 30% to the next storm damage, Thunder snake because it actually does a high percentage of damage, Windstorm because it gives every enemy an additional 20% to the next storm attack spell, Dissipate because it stops the opponent from attacking with a storm spell next, Lightning bat because of the high percentage of damage it does to the opponent, and Wild bolt because of the damage it does to opponents.

After looking over the seven spells that I had chosen I tried a few of them out. I tried Lightning strike because of it adding 10% to my accuracy -0 Mite, I tried out storm blade because it adds a percentage to my next storm spell -0 Mite, I tried out Thunder snake to see if it looked like a good one to use but it ended up being a weak one and I fizzled when I tried using it -1 Mite, I chanted the spell for the Lightning bat and decided to go with that one -2 Mite.

-3 Mite

I chose to go with Lightning bat and Lightning Strike.

I turned to page 5 and looked through the healing spells:

Minor Blessing, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, 65 heal

Blessing, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, 95 heal

Drain Health, 100% accuracy, 1 Mite, Sacrifice Minion for 450 heal

Draw Health, 100% accuracy, 1 Mite, Sacrifice Minion for 350 heal

Fairy, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, 420 heal

Healing Current, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, 100, 400, 1000 heal

Link, 75% accuracy, 2 Mite, 30+150 Fire damage to target and 15+105 healing to self for three rounds

Pixie, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, 400 heal self only

Satyr, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, 5000 heal

Sprite, 100% accuracy, 1 Mite, 50+250 heal over three rounds

Sprite Queen, 100% accuracy, 1 Mite, 60+330 heal over three rounds

Sprite Swarm, 90% accuracy, 2 Mite, 40+360 heal over three rounds to all friends

I looked over the healing spells and the one that I decided to go with is the Sprite Swarm because even though it cost 2 Mite to cast it, it heals myself and all the people who are in the battle with me.


Storm Wizard: Harper Stormrage

Spells: Lightning strike, Lightning bat, Sprite Swarm

Level 1: 0/500

Classroom: Storm 3a

Mite: 47/50

Health: 1000/1000


After I practiced my spells a couple more times I decided to go start training in the Storm tower against some of the dummies.

Hey guys! What do you think of it so far? Have any thoughts or feedback on how it's going please let me know! Hope you're enjoying it!

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