
First day - Myth 6a

Myth Wizard: Phoenix Mythmancer

Spells: None

Level 1: 0/500

Classroom: Myth 6a

Mite: 50/50

Health: 1000/1000


I started packing up my supplies I needed for class and headed out to the café to get an orange juice. As I was sitting with my orange juice in one hand and my class scroll in the other, Micah walks up to me. "Hey Micah what's up? what class did you get into? I got into Myth."

"I got into Balance, but my class doesn't start until 10 now for some reason. When I was gathering my stuff today my scroll chimed and said that class was gonna be held late. What are you doing?"

"I'm just finishing up my orange juice about to head to class." I got up and finished my orange juice.

As we started walking Kyle bumped into us. "Hey guys! What class did you get into? I got fire."

"I got into Balance," said Micah.

"I got into Myth," said Phoenix. "And I'm heading to class now so I'll see ya later!"

"Yeah I'm heading to class right now too, bye!" said Kyle.

As I finally made it to class, I sat at the back window seat. My professor walked in a couple minutes later to start class. "Hello class, I'm professor Drake and I'll be your teacher for this semester. First you must have a beginner wand. Does everyone have one?" A wand had appeared in everyone's hand. "Good. Now let's begin. Turn to page 73 and pick 3 myth spells then turn to page 36 and pick a healing spell. Once you get done you are free to go and train for the day. Good Luck."

After he finished talking I turned to page 73 and starting looking through the myth spells:

Ether Shield, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, -70% life and death damage

Golem Minion, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, Summon Myth Minion

Myth Shield, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, -80% myth damage

Myth trap, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, +25% myth damage

Myth blade, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, +35% myth damage

Blood bat, Level 1, 80% accuracy, 1 Mite, 70-110 myth damage

Time of legend, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, +25% all myth damage

Troll, Level 1, 80% accuracy, 2 Mite, 170-210 myth damage

Vaporize, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, dispel outgoing myth damage

As I was looking over the Myth spells I started thinking of going with the spells: Golem Minion because I can summon another creature to help me in battle, Myth blade because it adds 35 percent of myth damage to the next myth spell, and troll because it's an actual fighting spell that can do about 210 damage. I tried casting the spells when I cast Golem Minion a Ghost minion had appeared -0 Mite, when I tried Myth blade and floating shield with blades inside of it started spinning around in front of me -0 Mite, and when I tried troll a troll had popped out in front of me with an bludgeoned weapon -2 Mite.

-2 Mite

After I had picked out my three spells I turned to page 36 and looked through the healing spells:

Drain Health, 100% accuracy, 1 Mite, Sacrifice Minion 450 heal

Draw Health, 100% accuracy, 1 Mite, Sacrifice Minion 350 heal

Blessing, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, 95 heal

Fairy, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, 480 heal

Gobble, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, 400 heal

Healing current, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, 100, 400, 1000 heal

Minor blessing, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, 65 heal

Pixie, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, 400 heal self only

Rebirth, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, 730 heal + absorb 450 to all allies

Satyr, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, 5000 heal

Sprite, 100% accuracy, 1 Mite, 75+270 heal over three rounds

Sprite Queen, 100% accuracy, 1 Mite, 60+330 heal over three rounds

Sprite swarm, 90% accuracy, 2 Mite, 40+360 heal over three rounds to all allies

After looking through the spells I decided to go with the Rebirth spell because I spend no Mite and I heal 730 and me and all allies get a 450 absorb shield on us.


Myth Wizard: Phoenix Mythmancer

Spells: Golem Minion, Myth blade, Troll, Rebirth

Level 1: 0/500

Classroom: Myth 6a

Mite: 48/50

Health: 1000/1000


After I had chosen my spells, I had gathered my supplies and I headed to Unicorn Faris to start some training.

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