
First day - Life 5a

Life Wizard: River Liferain

Spells: None

Level 1: 0/500

Classroom: Life 5a

Mite: 50/50

Health: 1000/1000


I got my stuff together and headed out of the dorm and met up with Harper and Reagan. "Hey girls, What'd you get? I ended up with Life."

"I got into Storm," said Harper.

"I got into Death," said Reagan.

"Cool," said River.

"I wonder what Bailey got into?" said Harper.

A couple minutes later Bailey was passing by, "Hey guys! Where are you heading? I got chosen for the Ice class," asked Bailey.

"I got into Storm," said Harper.

"I got into Life," said River.

"I got into Death," said Reagan.

"So none of us got what we were hoping for? Well I guess this is going to be an interesting semester," I said. "Well I gotta get to class! I'll catch up with you guys later! Have fun in class!"

"Bye!" we all waved.

A couple minutes later Kyle came passing by. "Hey Harper, Hey River, Hey Reagan! Where are you guys off to? I got into the Fire class."

"I got into Storm," said Harper.

"I got into Life," said River.

"I got into Death," said Reagan.

"Where's Bailey at? what did she get into?" I asked.

"She got into Ice. She was just heading to class a little bit ago. Her class is all the way on the other side of the school from our dorm so she left early," said River. "We're on our way to our classes too, but we have a bit of time to kill."

"Well I'm heading off to class. I'll catch up with you guys later! Bye!" he waved goodbye and kept running to class.

"Bye Kyle!" we said as we waved.

We started heading over to our classrooms, Harper's class was the first one on the way so she gave us a hug goodbye before heading into her class. Reagan and I went to the courtyard to sit and talk for a little bit longer. "So what do you think our class is gonna be like today?" I asked.

"I don't know? Maybe we'll end up battling on our first day!" said Reagan.

"What time is it? We should probably be heading to our classrooms now huh?"

"Yeah probably. Come on lets go," said Reagan.

We walked along until we came across to our classes and headed in. I went and sat by the window in the front row. The professor just came walking in, "Hellooooo Class! I'm professor Wu and I will be your teacher for this semester. First thing is first we need to get you guys a wand. Hold your hand out face up. 'calis Carlis Crew, give these students new'" a wand appeared in everyone's hand.

"There now that everyone has a wand we can begin our lesson. Does anyone know what a Mite is used as?" No one raised their hands. "A Mite is a specific amount of energy used to cast a spell. You will begin with 50 Mite at Level 1. Okay, now that you know what Mite is, I want you to turn to page 42 in your *Magic is Life* book and choose 3 Life spells, and once you get done choosing your 3 Life spells I want you to come up to me and get your healing spell that you will start off with. If there is no questions then you may begin working on your spells. If you have any questions you can come up and ask if you want. Get to work now!"

After she got done talking I turned to page 42 and looked through the spells:

Guiding Light, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, +30% next healing spell

Legend Shield, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, -70% damage next death and myth spell

Life Shield, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, -80% life damage

Life trap, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, +25% life damage

Life Blade, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, +40% life damage

Minor blessing, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, 65 heal

Guidance, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 1 Mite, +10% accuracy to all friends

Imp, Level 1, 90% accuracy, 1 Mite, 65-105 life damage

Sprite, Level 1, 90% accuracy, 1 Mite, 30+270 heal over three rounds

Brilliant light, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, +30% next outgoing heal to all friends

Entangle, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, dispel outgoing life spell

Fairy, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, heal 420

Leprechaun, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, 155+195 life damage

Pixie, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, Heal 400 self only

After I looked over the Life spells I decided to go with Life blade because it adds forty percent more damage to your next life spell, Imp because you do small damage and only take 1 Mite, and Leprechaun because it does a lot more damage than Imp.


Life Wizard: River Liferain

Spells: Life blade, Imp, Leprechaun, Fairytale

Level 1: 0/500

Classroom: Life 5a

Mite: 50/50

Health: 1000/1000


After I finished looking over the spells and chose the three I wanted to start with I went to talk to Mrs. Wu. "Hey Mrs. Wu! I chose my three spells! Life blade, Imp, and Leprechaun. You mentioned giving us a healing spell afterwards?" I asked.

"Ah yes. The spell is Fairytale you gain 450 heal and lose 2 mite every time you use it. Good luck out there!" said professor Wu.

"Thanks!" after she gave me the healing spell I gathered my stuff up and heading over to the courtyard to practice.

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