
First day - Ice 1a

Ice Wizard: Bailey Icestorm

Spells: none

level 1: 0/500

Classroom: Ice 1a

Mite: 50/50

Health: 1000/1000


I headed to the class after grabbing my notebook and pen. I ran into the girls heading to my class this morning. "Hey guys! Where are you heading? I got chosen for the Ice class," I asked.

"I got into Storm," said Harper.

"I got into Life," said River.

"I got into Death," said Reagan.

"So none of us got what we were hoping for? Well I guess this is going to be an interesting semester," I said. "Well I gotta get to class! I'll catch up with you guys later! Have fun in class!" I ran to find my classroom before I was late. Once I found the room, I had walked in and found a seat by the window.

"Good morning class! I'm Mrs. Greyrose and I'll be your professor for this semester. First, we will start by selecting our first wand. Please come up when I call your name!"

She started calling off names... Synthia, Grago, Sera, Kintes, Bailey... Finally, my name had been called and I walked up. I looked at all the different wands. I chose the one that had a frozen stick with a frozen diamond at the top and then went back to my seat. After she got everyone a wand she began class.

"Please open your book *Magic of Ice* to page 63. I want you guys to look over the spells and choose two spells to learn by tomorrow morning. Once you're done finding your spells you may leave and go practice in Unicorn Faris. But don't forget to stop at my desk to get a healing spell for yourself. Have fun!" said professor Greyrose.

I looked through the list of spells:

Distract: Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, threat to target

Ice trap: Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, +30% Ice damage

Ice blade: Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, +40 % Ice damage

Snow Shield: Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, -80% Ice damage

Tower Shield: Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, -50% damage & Steal Spell

Volcanic Shield: Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, -70% Storm/Fire damage

Frost Beetle: Level 1, 80% accuracy, 1 Mite, 65-105 Ice damage

Legion Shield: Level 1, 100% accuracy, 1 Mite, -30% next damage/steal spell to all friends

Bale Frost: Level 1, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, +35% to all Ice damage spells

Melt: Level 1, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, Dispel next Ice spell

Snow Serpent: Level 1, 80% accuracy, 2 Mite, 155-195 Ice damage

Taunt: Level 1, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, Threat to all target

As I look through the spells I notice three spells that I want to choose from. There is Snow serpent, frost beetle, or Ice blade. I start trying to learn the snow serpent. I look over the citation and start training it.

I whisper, "Snow serpent of the world come to thee and whisper three." It starts to glow and before I notice there is a snow serpent in front of me. I lost two mite after casting the spell and realized it takes two mite each cast.

-2 Mite

"Ok, I got one spell down which one to do now? Frost beetle does 65-105 damage to foe and Ice blade does +40% ice damage to next ice spell. Ice blade cost 0 mite, Frost beetle cost 1 mite. I look at the frost beetle one again and then look at the Ice blade one more time. "I think I'll try the Ice blade one." I looked over the spell one more time and then chanted, "Ice blade, Ice blade, come at thee, make me strong and make me see." A bright flash happened in front of me and a shield showed up in front of me. "Cool I think I have my two spells."


Ice Wizard: Bailey Icestorm

Spells: Snow Serpent, Ice blade, Fairytale

level 1: 0/500

Classroom: Ice 1a

Mite: 48/50

Health: 1000/1000


I head up to her desk to talk to her. "Hi Mrs. Greyrose, I have my two spells!"

"Oh good, good. What spells have you chosen?"

"I have chosen the snow serpent and Ice blade. You mentioned a healing spell?"

"Ah, yes yes. The spell is Fairytale. You'll gain 450 health each time you use it, but lose two mites. You'll start off with 1000/1000 health, and each creature you fight out there have different damaging ranks. Be careful out there and make sure to come visit me often to see if you have enough XP to get a new spell," said Mrs. Greyrose. After she stopped talking to me she made an announcement to the class, "at the end of this week I will be testing you on the spells that you have been working on, If you pass you gain a new point, if you don't you have to wait another week to try again. Each point you gain helps you choose your spells that you gain if they aren't from your class. Okay good luck everyone and I'll see you all later! Tootles!"

I gathered all my books and pencils and headed out to start training against some creatures in Unicorn Faris.

Hey guys! What do you think of it so far? Have any thoughts or feedback on how it's going please let me know! Hope you're enjoying it!

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