
First day - Fire 2a

Fire Wizard: Kyle Firewind

Spells: none

level 1: 0/500

Classroom: Fire 2a

Mite: 50/50

Health: 1000/1000


I started heading to class after grabbing my books. I bumped into the guys, "Hey guys! Where you heading? I got into fire class." said Kyle.

"I got Balance," said Micah.

"I got into Myth," said Phoenix. "I'm heading to my class right now. So see ya later!"

"I'm heading to class too so I'll catch up with you guys later!" I said. As I'm walking to my class I pass the others that I met. "Hey Harper, Hey River, Hey Reagan! Where are you guys off to? I got into the Fire class."

"I got into Storm," said Harper.

"I got into Life," said River.

"I got into Death," said Reagan.

"Where's Bailey at? what did she get into?" I asked.

"She got into Ice. She was just heading to class a little bit ago. Her class is all the way on the other side of the school from our dorm so she left early," said River. "We're on our way to our classes too, but we have a bit of time to kill."

"Well I'm heading off to class. I'll catch up with you guys later! Bye!" I waved goodbye and kept running to class.

"Bye Kyle!" the girls said as they waved.

Couple minutes later I arrived at class and found a seat in the middle by the window.

"Welcome class, I'm your professor, Mrs. Falmea. In front of you is your beginner wand for your assignments, once you start to train to higher levels you can upgrade your wands to however you'd like." said the professor.

"Ok class time to simmer down and get to work. Grab your book *Magic of Fire* and turn to page 24. Your assignment is to look through the spells and choose two of them that you want to learn. Once you find the two spells from page 24 that you want to learn then go to page 13 and look through for one healing spell to start with. Don't go too crazy when you are practicing you only have so much Mite to use."

I scroll through all the spells that are listed on page 24:

Fire Prism, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, converts fire damage to Ice damage

Fire Shield, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, -80% fire damage spell to self

Fire Trap, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, +25% next fire attack spell

Fire Blade, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, +35% next fire attack spell

Glacial Shield, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, -70% Incoming Storm and Ice damage Spell

Fire Cat, Level 1, 75% accuracy, 1 Mite, 80-120 Fire damage

Smoke Screen, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 1 Mite, -40% accuracy to all enemies

Fire Elf, Level 1, 75% accuracy, 2 Mite, 100-210 fire damage for the next three rounds

Fuel, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, +25% next three fire attacks

Link, Level 1, 75% accuracy, 2 Mite, 30+150 Fire attacks & 15+150 healing over three rounds

Wyldfire, Level 1, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, +25% to all fire damage attacks

I looked through all the spells and tried to figure out which two would be the best to start off with and also didn't have too much of Mite being used up. Fire Prism is kind of useless unless going against another fire type pretty much. Fire shield is good if like I said the last time going against another fire type. Fire Trap and Fire Blade adding 25 or 35 percent to my next fire attack would be pretty good to have though for any kind of fire attacks I use. So maybe I'll choose one of those ones to work with. Glacial is only useful if i'm going up against the people who can do Storm and Ice damage because of being weak against Ice creatures not exactly weak against Storm creatures though. Fire cat actually does attacks of between 80-120 damage which isn't too bad. Smoke screen is pretty good because it lowers the chances of my opponent being able to actually cast their spells at me. Fire Elf does a lot more damage than Fire cat but cost one more Mite as well. Fuel gives +25% to next three fire attacks to target so that's pretty much as good as fire blade and fire trap combined. Link even though it uses 2 Mite would be good because it attacks the opponent, but also heals me a little bit at the same time. Wyldfire just ups everyone's fire damage attacks by 25%.

I think what I'm going to try out first is Fire elf since it attacks a good amount of damage, and also try out Link since it both does damage and heals you as well. I looked over the spell and whispered to myself, "Fire elf, Fire elf, on the tree, I come to harm and I count to three. One, two, three." as I whisk my wand in front of me a tree popped up and a fire elf jumped out and shot his arrow, I lost 2 Mite.

-2 Mite

"Cool!" I whispered in excitement. "What should my next one be?" I looked it over again. "Maybe I should do Link as well? Let me test it out." I whispered the spell and it shot fire flames down and a fire diamond started spinning around on the floor, and then a green leaf diamond started spinning around me and I gained fifteen health, but really gained none since I was already at my maximum health already, and I lost another 2 Mite.

-2 Mite

"Cool I think I have my two spells. Now to look over those healing spells." I turn to page 13 and start looking over the list of healing spells:

Blessing, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, 95 heal

Drain Health, 100% accuracy, 1 Mite, Sacrifice Minion for 450 heal

Draw Health, 100% accuracy, 1 Mite, Sacrifice Minion for 350 heal

Fairy, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, 480 heal

Gobble, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, 400 heal

Healing current, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, 100,400,1000 heal

Pixie, 100% accuracy, 2 Mite, 400 heal self only

Satyr, 100% accuracy, 0 Mite, 5000 heal

Sprite, 100% accuracy, 1 Mite, 100+300 heal over three rounds

I look over the healing spells and come across two that look like they'd be pretty good to use. Healing current can heal either 100, 400, or 1000 times to any target I chose, doesn't have to just be me, or I could choose Satyr which is 5000 heal and no Mite is used for it.

I try out healing current first I site the words and then a giant hand comes down, points a finger at me and says "You are to be healed" then a chime goes off, and I start floating in the air. "Oh wow! I feel great!" but I lose 2 Mite.

-2 Mite

I try out the healing spell Satyr next. I site the words and then a giant Satyr comes out and starts playing a flute. I float into the air and feel completely refreshed, and I lost 0 Mite.

-0 Mite

"I've decided to go with the Satyr spell. Just for the fact that I get so much health back and that it cost no Mite to use it."


Fire Wizard: Kyle Firewind

Spells: Fire elf, Link, Satyr

level 1: 0/500

Classroom: Fire 2a

Mite: 44/50

Health: 1000/1000


After I figured out what spells I wanted to use I go up to my professor to see if there is anything else I have to do. "Professor Falmea? Is there anything else that I need to learn before I leave?"

"Have you chosen your two fire spells and one healing spell?" asked the professor.

"Yes I have! For my two fire spells I've chosen Link and Fire Elf, and for my healing spell I have chosen Satyr."

"Good, Good. I have nothing left for you to do today. But be sure to study those spells very carefully the rest of today and maybe get some practice out of them by either going to our Fire Tower and practicing on the dummies or go to Unicorn Faris to practice on actual creatures. But be warned! Those creatures are all different ranked! So be careful of who you fight out on the battle field, and good luck out there!" professor Falmea said and added, "Everyone! At the end of the week this week I'll be testing you guys on the spells that you have been practicing and see how far along you have gotten. If you pass you may get a new point, if you don't you'll have to wait another week to try again! Good Luck Everyone! And class is dismissed!"

Everyone gathered their supplies and headed out of the room. I gathered my supplies and headed out to Unicorn Faris for some battles.

Hey guys! What do you think of it so far? Have any thoughts or feedback on how it's going please let me know! Hope you're enjoying it!

Kabcatcreators' thoughts
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