
The Past Life and its plan

So the past life was going to be like 10 chapters long,but I decided to cut it short. I already fleshed out the five man band Axel the leader, Oscar the smart guy, Blossom the chick, Kieran the big guy, and Hannah the lancer. I will just show you what I wrote about their backstory.

Hannah was praised and Hannah can be narcissistic and she was told that she was the best, which she wanted to be so she put up a lot of stress because of that, Hannah tried many things two things she got hooked on apart from illegal antidepressants was Video-games and Fighting. Hannah soon found out about Axel's will on how he wanted to be a soldier. Hannah was worried and promised to join the military with him. (I deleted most of what axel did and someone else in axel's story. Hannah would kill her own mother or anyone if it meant to save her life. She also wanted to join the military for something new to do and lessen her anti depressants she is also about 15 during this time.)

Fast forward a few years Hannah got an office job waiting for Axel to join the military. Axel graduated high school with above average grades, and was trying to think which branch he should join. Axel decided to join an experimental branch which they decided to call 'Order' which was about being infantry and engineers to large ships, they made some breakthroughs and learned how to make spaceships that could be used for battles in the air,water, or space. The scientists which developed this looked at many sci fis and realized some of them can be used. They made a miniature Star Destroyer which was about the size of the USS Enterprise or 342 m or roughly 1,100 feet. Which was dubbed 'The Inferno' because Oscar Taiyo thought it would link to his name. Oscar was the leader researcher and starter of these projects.

Oscar Taiyo was an only child, he was left alone for when he did school work or any work mostly since he thrived on these conditions: he was alone and no one could interrupt him. Oscar is a Japanese-American who lived in America for almost all of his life. Oscar could be called too smart for his own good, he used to get in alot of trouble for correcting people which he got beaten for. Because of this he manufactured his calm and quiet and sometimes cold personality. Oscar was an A only student, having breakdowns if he wasn't. Oscar took many scientific jobs and soon after he got out of college he got into a major business called 'Chimera's Venom' that focused on making vehicles mostly water and air vehicles. Oscar is only 4 years older than Axel and was a fanatic of many nerdy shows, star-trek,star wars and many more. Oscar thought what if these ships had their own merit and had specific parts that would work. Oscar was surprisingly right and developed a tie fighter which relied on solar power and bio energy for emergencies. Oscar developed a space suit which was rather compact, two small containers holding oxygen on each shoulder, one bigger one taking up half his back, yet it was surprisingly light. The space suit actually looked somewhat like the power armour from fallout. The suit is completely white having the a black rubber letting people move their joints. When he was finished with both designs and showed that they worked, he moved on to a bigger challenge and one that if was done correctly could be a revelation in a revelation. When Oscar was 25 he proved that his star destroyer worked and asked the US,Russia,UK,France,and Japan to create a new experimental branch to operate it and use it to explore our galaxy. Oscar and other scientists joined it since he knew how it worked and didn't want other nations to build it and wage war with his creation. His team of trusted friends, which he has alot of friends, got about 120 people who he trusted to kill themselves if he asked. They were the engineers and people at the helm of the ship. 25

Kieran Neart grew up as a normal kid, if you don't count his physical strength. Kieran could break concrete with his fist instead of wood, since he was just a starter at karate. Kieran didn't have trauma and was average in school and worked an office job. He had Irish roots and moved to America in the last 10 years of his life, Kieran honored his irish roots and learnt to channel his strength but stopped half way because he was struggling in school and wanted to restart his training in the military. 21

Blossom Dragoste was the daughter of a prostitute, her father did feel guilt when he learnt her mom abandoned her. Her father was a game designer who use to be an alcoholic. Amber grew up and got As and Bs in school and the start of highschool was fine for her until her school found out about her mother. Amber started getting verbally abused and assaulted by a few boys. Amber had night terrors about on how that group who assaulted her would come back and finish the job, killing her or ra**ing her. Amber learnt martial arts to make sure that nightmare would never happen and dropped out of highschool. Amber decided to join the 'Order' to gain some respect and leave her past behind. 20

Blossom was going to be Amber, Amber was going to be more defensive and cold when people ask about her background. This past life story was a scrap of a book which wasn't flowing correctly. Axel was going to be one of Luke's descendants and was going to awaken the force, once they learnt that the star wars galaxy was a neighboring galaxy and one of Luke's descendants game into out galaxy and crash landed and landed on earth. And because of luke's lineage the force could only be awakened by force users who came from the star wars galaxy, buttt it wasn't working out.

Each Galaxy has a rule. Star wars has the force, We have the rules of science and the blessing of developing science in our early phases. Luke's descendant entered our galaxy and so did the force within him. The force's power has been thirded and can only be awakened by Luke's bloodline and can only be awakened by people with a mindset, someone who wishes that they would have powers, or someone who's will becomes so domineering the force has to comply. The force is still strong yet it's strength can be doubled or even quadrupled by the will of the user. Axel Empyrean is one of his descendants, one of the few who awakened it.

That was the basis of the story.

Next chapter