

The electric blue streaks in Kade's hair glowed on her fallen body, and the sky rumbled threateningly.

Lightning streaked to the ground in a bright flash, and when it disappeared, there was another Kade.

She was identical to the one on the ground in looks, but she was wearing a different outfit. Instead of the blue button-up and black shorts, she wore a sleeveless silver kosode with electric blue accents that covered her shoulders and left her arms bare, and there was a blue obi wrapped around her waist, above her black hakama. Her feet were bare. Her hair was the same silver, but the blue streaks were glowing, and they now had purple ones as well. Her eyes were a swirling mix of blue and silver, and glowed brightly.

Everyone in the clearing held their breath.

The new Kade slowly raised her hands in front of her face, staring at them. Then she dropped them and noticed the body in front of her, a puddle of blood surrounded the entire body. The new Kade's completely blanked.

Walking forward, she leaned down, ignoring the blood now soaking into her hakama, and laid a hand on their back. Lightning streaked across the sky far more violently than Kade had ever done as she rose, turning to the man who had killed the woman on the ground.

"You killed me." She said simply.

"I was told you were a Daikun, but I didn't believe until now." the man said. "Looks like your human half won't be getting up any time soon."

The new Kade narrowed her eyes before raising her palm to the sky. Lightning rained down, but it didn't touch the man. It made a cage around him, trapping him effectively.

"You are far stronger alone than you were together." The man laughed.

"Who are you?" Kade asked, walking forward to the man.

"Why should I tell you anything?" He asked with a snort.

Lightning from the cage hit the back of his head, and his eyes rolled back in his head.

"What is your name?"

"I am Gun, but I am being possessed by Ajiri."

"Who is Ajiri?"

"A god walking the earth."

Kade made a face and turned angrily, away from him. The lightning cage dissolved into sparks, but another bolt struck the man and turned his body to nothing more than ash on the ground.

Two more hit the ground, turning the other invaders to ash as well, and Kade knelt next to her body. She was truly dead. But Kade didn't cry.

The others slowly drifted over, and soon they realized she was truly dead. That this new Kade made of lightning was here permanently. And that was when the wailing started.

Kade didn't cry, but she felt as if her soul was being torn in half. Sitting on the grass, she lifted her human half, turning her over and holding her in her lap, oblivious to the blood. She closed the body's eyes.

She was dead. She was dead. She was dead. This empty, awful feeling in Kade's chest was alive. She would always be alone. She would never feel Kade's presence again, never take comfort in her warmth. The girl with the huge grin was gone. Forever.

There was an ache in her jaw, and Kade knew it was the tears wanting to come. Not now. If she lost it now, she would lose control of the sky and let the lightning turn everything to cinder. Kade wouldn't want that.

The people around her sobbed and wailed, called and begged for Kade to come back. But she wasn't. She was gone.

And nothing could change it.

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