
The Plan

Right when Nimm was about to give up, black electricity arced out of his hand. And though it only lasted for a couple of seconds, Nimm was entranced by the beauty that was his lightning.

After the display finished, Nimm fell to the ground and just breathed for a second, not noticing the awe-struck look on Sean's face or the door slamming shut in the background.

"Woah, that was so cool! do it again,"

"I would if I could, my main mana pool is empty,"

"Really, how do you refill it? And what do you mean by main?"

"Right now, I only know that I can refill it by eating, some foods work better than others, and I'm not sure what else refills my pool though. But before we keep on talking, can we go inside? That took a lot of effort,"

"Yeah, let's go

*Shift to Tyrone and Melanie*

When Tyrone got back "Oh Lord please help us!"

"What? What did you see?"

"H-He shot lightning out of his hands!!!"

When Tyrone said this he started to grip his head and fell to the floor. Melanie however, was unfazed by this, and wanted to say something, but didn't want to get hit, so said nothing.

After a few moments, Tyrone got up and said,

"Sean's in on it too, he was smiling hile Nimm was doing it... They're-They're demons, I need to kill them,"

Melanie started to back away after hearing this, she was getting scared, but he grabbed her hand and continued,

"I have a plan, and you're helping me. So we're going to convince Sean and his parents to let him sleep over here, then after dinner, no scratch that, during dinner, I'll give you a signal, that's when you distract Nimm, bring him over to the living room, start asking him questions about his powers, and when you're done, I'll come in from behind him and knock him out, by then I'll already have gotten Sean, and then we grab knives and do the rest. And with you being the only doctor in town, it'll be no problem to dispose of these bodies, right? So that's the plan, you got it?"

Melanie only looked down at her hands, so Tyrone pulled her hair up so that she would be looking at him, and repeated his question again this time in a louder tone,

"So That's The Plan, Got It?"


Then they heard the door open from the other room.

I felt like an actual murderer writing this chapter lol, and don't worry, this is a rarity that will only be seen here in the whole novel.

Oh yeah, there's probably going to be another chapter either today or tomorrow (depending on how fast I am) due to the short chapter, so expect that.

And as always,

Thanks for reading

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