
Without option

Author: Eddy_wire
Fantasy Romance
Ongoing · 310 Views
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What is Without option

Read Without option novel written by the author Eddy_wire on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Fantasy Romance stories, ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


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闻溪重生了,回到18岁。 这时的她还没被学校开除,未婚夫还没上门退婚,图谋鸠占鹊巢的渣亲也还没得逞,最重要的是爸妈都还好好的! 既然有幸重来,她誓不让家破人亡的悲剧再次发生。这一世,她定要护好至亲,活出璀璨人生! *** 贺霆晏今年26了,快奔三还情窦未开,直到遇见闻溪。 发小不知死活,非要拉他玩‘我有你没有’的游戏。 贺霆晏上来就是一个王炸。 “我有女朋友了。” “……”      第二回合。     “这是她画的我。”  下一秒,名为‘死也不嫁’的发小群里多了张全身像,发完后画像主人退了群。 “贺二你退群干嘛?” “我已有主了,这群名不配我。” “……” “你们有女朋友送的画吗?” “……” “那这局我又赢了。” “贺二!” “嗯?” “有件事我早想问你了。” “什么?” “你这一天天的不撒狗粮是不是就闲得慌?” “不是。” “hei~tui!” *** 死不要脸追妻现场—— “问你个事小溪。” “说。” “谈恋爱吗?结婚生孩子那种。” “不了谢谢。” “……那要模特儿吗?可以为艺术燃尽光亮那种。” “多钱一小时?” “不要钱,管结婚就行。” “……” 美且强女主&认定就不撒手男主 女主职业:画家 男主职业:发狗粮

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Getting Warhammered [WH40k FF || SI]

In the forgotten annals of the Dark Age of Technology, a dormant bioweapon waits, its existence buried in the shadows of mankind's once-glorious past. A sinister ritual, shrouded in darkness, now threatens to merge this enigmatic weapon with a soul plucked from a higher dimension and unleash Chaos upon the grimdark future of the 41st millennium. But can it succeed? Or how soon will it go off the rails on the off chance that it does succeed? The fate of this perilous venture hinges upon the awakening of the soul, reincarnated into an eldritch form, stranded upon a desolate world where the guiding light of the Astronomican no longer shines, surrounded by naught but the lifeless husk of the planet that stands as the memorial to all those that died to birth this being into existence. What choices will it make when those who seek the bioweapon within its very being draw near? Will it fall prey to the myriads of predators stalking the stars or will those very same predators tremble in fear at the sight of this monster? The future teeters on a knife's edge, awaiting the awakening of the unexpected. ————————-- At least that's what everyone else is thinking, everyone who is not the long-dead soul of an average girl from 21st-century Earth obsessed with sci-fi as she had the dubious fortune of being yanked out of her boring afterlife and reincarnated into the body of the previously said bioweapon. Follow along as she has to wrestle with both her body and soul while the dark undercurrents of the grimdark future threaten to drown this newborn Eldritch monster with a penchant for admiring herself in the mirror.

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