
Lvl 20: Attack at U.S.J?

"Everyone's here?" Aizawa tiredly asked as he sat down on the bus. Today they were visiting the U.S.J, where they would learn about how to use their quirks to rescue people, basically rescue exercises! Beithir already knew what would happen but he didn't want to risk it, so he was ready to use his powers to stop this attack. He will capture Kurogiri so he can save him! Beithir would act like he used his quirk to see Kurogiri's past to see if he could get any information but in the end, he "sees" who Kurogiri is. Beithir sat down on the bus beside Tsuyu and looking out from the window he became lost in thought. His classmates began to talk among themselves while the bus moved forward.

Tsuyu commented that Izuku's quirk was like All Might's quirk and Izuku began to panic until Beithir commented in a slightly sarcastic tone: "All Might does not break his body every time he tries to do something." This comment received a small chuckle from Bakugo and a silence on the bus. Beithir doesn't speak much, he is the quiet kid, but when he does speak he says something or offensive or sarcastic. Now he said both at the same time. Beithir gave Izuku a knowing smile and looked at Tsuyu who was looking at him with a deadpan face. "Hm?" Looking at her, Beithir tilted his head like a confused dog and looked at her. "Hey, Beithir-kun... What is your quirk? I've never heard of a quirk that can control both time and space. Also, you and Inasa were both number one on the entrance exam... I know how Inasa can easily defeat robots, but you... I've only seen you defend yourself using your quirk and not attacking with it."

'That's true... They never saw how I use my quirk to attack... I've only theoretically used it to defend myself. I used it to attack the entrance exam, but I guess they didn't know it was me.' Beithir thought for a second before he extended his hand forward, his nails began to extend and become metallic like a knife. His nails stopped millimeters away from Tsuyu's eyes, surprisingly enough she didn't even blink and continued to look at Beithir's nails. "I'm a dragon." Saying this sentence, Beithir retracted his nails back to his body and continued to look out of the window, ignoring the other students who were either shocked or scared when they saw that Beithir's nails almost hit Tsuyu's eyes. Tsuyu looked at Beithir and without changing her expression she said: "You polish your nails? They are shiny." Beithir nodded his head, he indeed polishes his nails, they get shiny!

Aizawa seeing this interaction sighed, his son isn't a good talker and prefers to be left alone sometimes. Thanks to Inasa, however, he isn't a complete shut-in. Aizawa looked out and saw that they were getting new to their destination, Aizawa quickly called them out and told them they were getting near, this got him some exciting expressions and a concerned one from Beithir. Aizawa decided to ask him why he was concerned, but Beithir came to him and said: "I have a bad feeling about this." Aizawa raised his eyebrows, Beithir normally doesn't tell him about what he feels, but now the Aizawa heard this he decided to be on guard to see if something happens... Aizawa nodded his head to Beithir who also nodded back, they silently agreed to be ready for combat. At the entrance of the U.S.J was Thirteen!

"Good morning students!" Thirteen said while waving towards them. "Good morning Aizawa-san." Aizawa nodded and said good morning to Thirteen, who began to lecture the class about some things about rescue exercises and situations. Until Beithir asked. "Excuse Thirteen... What is your gender? I remember that there are people who still don't know your gender, can you tell me, please?" Thirteen paused for a second and looked at Beithir, with a nod Thirteen began to explain: "Well you see, i was born female. But when my quirk awakened my body changed and I officially changed my gender to [Genderless]! My pronouns are they/them/their, but you can also use him/her without worried because I don't care!" Nodding his head, Beithir thanked Thirteen for their explanation.

When they were on observing the areas and hearing Thriteen's explanations about each one of them, Beithir felt space bend and saw purple smoke expand from the bottom of the stairs, Beithir quickly looked at Aizawa who was also looking at him, and nodded, he began to use his powers to try and close the portal just to feel it expand faster and explode forward, throwing several villains at the same time. Beithir saw that they were hurt, bleeding from their ears and eyes, holding their heads in pain. Beithir nodded to Aizawa who jumped down from the stairs, Beithir opened a portal in front of Aizawa, and him re-appear beside a random villain. "Inasa." Beithir just called his name once, making Inasa nod his head and take out his katana, using his quirk to create a wind slash towards the villains and cutting their bodies making them grunt in pain.

Beithir created portals with his powers and assisted Aizawa protecting him and giving free movement, dodging attacks, redirecting attacks, and protecting Aizawa was Beithir's job. With his help, Aizawa didn't need to use his quirk and continued to beat the shit out of villains. Shigaraki angrily shouted to Kurogiri to teleport the students, Aizawa used his quirk to deactivate Kurogiri's quirk, but suddenly he felt his quirk disappearing. He looked around just to see a man with glowing red eyes, like his eyes, looking directly at him. Beithir used his quirk to teleport Aizawa to his side and take him from the eye's view of the man that copied his quirk. Suddenly, from his feet, a huge portal made of purple smoke tried to teleport him away but using his quirk Beithir quickly made every single person beside float high above the ground and dodging the portal.

He used Palkia's powers to close the portal and landed on the ground again. This time he used his quirk to teleport people away, before he could do anything he saw another purple portal open beside him, and a head passed through the portal... It was the head of the same man that copied Aizawa's quirk. His eyes looked at him and began to glow pink, suddenly Beithir couldn't breathe and his body stopped working the way he wanted, he stood like that for 2 seconds, but it was enough time for Kurogiri to teleport all the students to random areas and take out the Nomu that Shigaraki wanted to take out. and thus, the chaotic attack on U.S.J, began.

Z copied the quirk of a man that worked to All for One, his quirk was to paralyze the target's body and mind, making them unable to use their quirk and even think! They would stay in that state for a max of 10 seconds, that was when they would regain consciousness... But there was something different from that boy... Looking down at his arm that was completely cut clean from his body, Z smiled. The boy used his quirk even unconscious to attack him, by instinct! Sadly for Z, it wasn't the boy that attacked him...

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