
Chapter 1

it was about 6: oo am, the sun hardly had risen. As two teenage girls around 17 or 18 were getting ready. one was packing all their things while the other was doing her makeup. the shorter girl, who was the oldest, went to her sister who was doing her makeup at the time. "Katie, are you ready yet? we don't have much time or we will miss our flight!" the girl said to the girl named Katie. Katie was around 5'3 maybe 5'4, she was fairly skinny, with pale skin, she had green eyes along with dark brown hair, which she sometimes dyed.

"well summer, I'm almost done, you get ready as well!" Katie said back to summer. Summer was around 5'2 and was chubby, she had pale skin with light freckles speckled on her cheeks and nose, along with dark royal blue eyes, and dark brown hair. The girls were in a fairly good mood, even with all the drama that had been flaring up since their junior year in high school ended. mainly with their friend's boyfriends being cheaters or whatnot. but the girls had won something that they knew they'd only get once in a lifetime.

Summer rolled her eyes, and brushed her hair and teeth, then putting on some deodorant, she grabbed a black hoodie that had J-Hope or Ho-seoks, face on it, then grabbed a pair of jeans. she snatched up her red glasses giggling happily. once she was dressed she would look towards her sister to see if she was done yet. Katie on the other hand already had her rm, or Nam-joons, face on it, and a pair of light blue jeans. once her makeup was on she grabbed her own black-framed glasses that brought out her green eyes making their beauty more noticeable. katie had then checked all the things summer had packed for them, she checked off everything mentally, and nodded. "we've got everything we need. now let's grab a bite before our flight ok?" Katie said to summer and she nodded in agreement.

The two girls rushed to the kitchen. katie grabbed some cereal and pour it into a bowl then added milk, and summer made herself a simple jelly sandwich because she didn't really like peanut butter all that much. They ate down the food then had drunk some water to wash it down. summer and Katie grabbed each other's hands screaming happily because they had gotten a once in a lifetime chance, at least for them. The sisters had won tickets on social media to see the famous band BTS, which the girls absolutely loved. The girls talked happily as Katie grabbed the keys. Summer was talking about how cute and adorable, and relatable J-Hope is to her, while Katie was saying the same about Nam-joon. the girls chatted happily, "I still can't believe we won!!" summer said happily jumping up and down. "same here, do you think they'll talk to us?!" Katie said happily and excitedly.

The girls jumped into the car. Katie then started the car and summer hooked her phone up to the car and began playing 'Dionysus' by BTS. they began singing along loudly laughing as Katie pulled out of their driveway. the songs followed by was 'go go,' 'boy in luv,' 'idol,' run,' save me,' boy with luv,' and 'make it right.' they sang to every song until they got to the airport. they already had it set up their parents would come to pick up their car since they were at work at that moment. they jumped out and locked the car once they had all their things. "I'm so excited, and scared what if they see us and think were losers?" summer asked nervously. "ahhh don't worry about it! they love every single one of their fans!" Katie giggled happily, which made summer smile to.

once they were inside the airport they took out their tickets. "ok, so tickets, check, bags, check, now time to make sure we get on that plane!" summer said out loud as Katie laughed and agreed. "the flight leaves in 15 minutes Katie, we should get going." summer said turning to Katie. Katie nodded in agreement, "let us go," then they had all their luggage checked and ran to their flight. the girls were relieved when they finally got on. being only 5 minutes before departure. they slumped into the two chairs Katie sitting by the window because she had gotten on first. summer had gotten her BT21 J-hope eye cover and had it resting on her head as Katie held a Nam-joon plushie to her. the girls looked at each other smiling brightly.

Soo enough the plane began to leave. The girls soon fell fast asleep because they had about a 10-hour ride to the place. what the girls hadn't realized was there really weren't many people on the plane. and only a certain group of boys were sitting towards the front.