
Chapter - 7 History Time

After the previous ordeal a few month's went by.

I always was kind of quiet and didn't make that much noise except for the times when I really needed to like, when I had to pee or poop I cried for attention and my mother or a house maid would always after a moment or two would come to check on me and help me.

But I never and I mean NEVER called so that I can be fed, Even though It tasted quiet good compared to my previous world, It was still awkward and I would always fight for a while before finally relenting, I don't know how may months have gone by but after a while It came to a point that I didn't even fight it anymore. I finally realized that It was Inevitable.

After some time I started to know about a few stuff like my mother's was called Amanda Gray or Miss usually by the housemaids. When my mother wasn't around me there would most of the time be one or two maids beside me and let me tell you they gossiped A LOT. It's like hearing a soap opera. But they mentioned somethings that intrigued me like my mother and I are not in the main house but a branch house and the era I was born on was futuristic and the shocking thing wasn't even that. My mother wasn't even the no forget The she wasn't even a wife. She was just a Lover. It's like a concubine but only in name. I heard it from the maid that because of a One Night Stand with the house master that turned out for her to become pregnant with me and AKA becoming the Lover.

I learned that my father apparently married four wives. It looks like this world doesn't forbid polygamy. Damn those Bastards (It may look like he was cursing the higher ups of this world but in his mind he was actually cursing his previous world leaders). They thought that the more pure blood or royal blood mixed children there are the stronger the future generation would be.

My father also had four children, LEGITIMATE Children unlike me who was born from ONS.

I learned that the world I was born in is called Escana and it was divided in Four continents which were called Samara in the East, Wiseburn in the West, Evernight in the North and the Tudor in the south. the continents were named like that according to the Royal families that ruled it. In the Tudor continent it was the Royal House who ruled the continent and 10 Great houses who helped the Royal family govern it's states.

I was born in the Tudor continent and in one of the Great Houses called the Halbert House. Which according to my mother and thankfully to the maids were recognised as the most strongest and the most arrogant of the Great Houses. Yes, It did not look good for me as I was born with very low Potential and most of all I was a Literal Bastard born in the most arrogant family there was.

My mother would at times get me out of my crib and walked around the branch house, play with me, feed me, most of the time I was staying in my crib and she would tell me all kinds of different stories which were about flying swords, people using using different elemental powers and them defeating demons, monsters an what not. But one story she told me was the one that truly mattered to me, The Story of the true Ancestor.

The story went like this - More than 10000 years ago, It was the most cruel and chaotic era there have ever been, That Time was called the Gehenna Era and at that time there wasn't four divided continents, It was one big continent called Perdition.

Back then they didn't have the advanced technology and Cultivation techniques that we have and Humans weren't at the top of the food chain. The real Apex predators were the Demons. The demons were more than 12 feet tall and they had enormous amount of strength.

There cruelty was the only thing that was told, they ruled Perdition and the Humans were used as Foods and for Breeding purposes. They tortured humans back then and humanity only endured the process for hundreds of centuries.

Until a day when the the sky wasn't filled with clouds and the sun reigned heavily upon the land, a child was born of extraordinary brilliance. The child could talk fluently even before 6 months after he was born and his intelligence was sky defying. As he grew older he did many things that defied the cycle of torture Humanity was enduring for centuries. He told them how to make weapons stronger and sharper, he made designs that were almost similar to our advanced daily necessity machines and he healed people from the gravest of injuries and even brought back people from the death. But that wasn't even the greatest thing he did.

The most heaven defying thing he did was he introduced the humans to Cultivation. He showed them the way to cultivate and gain amazing strength, he showed them the power to move the seas, flatten the mountains, bring forth elemental powers capable of causing a calamity. The cultivation techniques he showed had only evolved and was being used by everyone to this day.

Finally when he had gained enough strength and manpower to eradicate the demons, he launched the war that shook the very foundation of Perdition thus begin The 100 Year War.

In the war more than 50 Billion Causalities were struck on both sides and finally after a 100 years the Demons fear of the humans made them weaker and when they couldn't fight back enough, the Demons were sealed in to the realm of the underworld for eternity.

After the war had ended the people rejoiced and proclaimed the man as the True Ancestor and and he started the new era starting the new calender as he proclaimed himself as King and ruled the continent for 2000 years before finally leaving for the higher realm. After he left he had four children, The oldest one a daughter called Samara, the second one a boy named Wiseburn, the third daughter Evernight and the last son Tudor.

After there father left they fought for supremacy to decide who would be the next king as there father didn't leave a will. After fighting for many years, they couldn't come to a clear stance and there people were becoming desperate as a riot was slowly forming, so they decided to divide the large continent into four and rule it individually.

Like that the story ended as I had a peculiar thought Is it just me or does the True Ancestor sounds kind of familiar.

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