
Kick the Baby

[Word Count: 1669]


The next few days, although a bit rocky, proceeded relatively normally. Most things had been settled, with just one remaining matter lingering in the back of Leo's mind. However, he decided to address it in due time.

Kishibe, true to his unpredictable nature, didn't show up until a week after everything had calmed down. Perhaps he had been detained by Public Safety or caught up in his own affairs, only to be reminded by Quanxi. Nevertheless, Kishibe eventually arrived and took Leo to an open field located just outside the city.

As Leo squinted into the distance, he beheld a picturesque landscape of grassy hills stretching as far as the eye could see. The hills were adorned with a carpet of lush green grass, swaying gently in the breeze, reminiscent of the rhythmic motion of ocean waves that Leo was familiar with.

The warm sunlight bathed the hills in a golden glow, casting a celestial radiance upon the vibrant scenery below. Light and shadow played together, painting a vivid masterpiece that accentuated the natural contours and curves of the land. The ever-changing patterns created a mesmerizing mosaic of colors, bestowing the hills with enchanting and dynamic beauty.

From the hilltops, one could marvel at the vast expanse of the surrounding countryside. The undulating landscape stretched far and wide, offering a panoramic view of nature's grandeur. Majestic mountains stood proudly in the distance, their peaks reaching for the sky, providing a breathtaking backdrop to the rolling hills below.

As Leo immersed himself in the splendor of nature, Kishibe leaned against his car, taking a swig from his flask.

Finally satiated by the scenery and feeling a growing urge to capture the moment with a camera, Leo turned around to face Kishibe, ready to ask his question.

However, before the words could escape his lips, Leo's arms instinctively shot up to block an incoming kick aimed at his chest. The impact reverberated through his body, the cracking of bones echoing in his ears as he braced himself. The sheer force of the kick propelled Leo backward, causing him to crash into the lush green grass. Desperately, he attempted to use his legs to halt his momentum, but it only altered his trajectory.

Landing roughly on his back, Leo skidded across the grassy field, leaving a trail of uprooted grass in his wake.

As Leo's skidding came to a halt across the grassy field, he found himself gasping for air, his breath stolen by the sheer impact of Kishibe's powerful kick. Lying on his back, he struggled to regain his composure and catch his breath, the force of the landing further impeding his recovery.

Slowly, Kishibe approached, occasionally taking swigs from his flask. He reached Leo without bothering to crouch down, his presence looming over him.

"Until you can properly join Public Safety, you'll be training with me every six weeks," Kishibe declared, his tone firm and unwavering. "You're done for the day. Go home."

Without glancing back, Kishibe turned and walked away, leaving Leo sprawled on the ground, his gaze fixated on the expanse of the sky above.

The sky stretched out before Leo, a vast canvas painted in hues of blue, adorned with wispy clouds that drifted lazily across the horizon. The gentle sunlight filtered through the translucent veil of white, casting ethereal shadows that danced upon the landscape.

Yet, despite the serene backdrop, a sense of unease lingered within Leo's being, robbing him of comfort and tranquility. Each breath became a laborious task, his lungs grappling against an invisible force as if trapped in an unrelenting

state of turmoil. The incessant vibrations in his chest created a disorienting sensation, hindering his ability to find solace even amidst the calmness of the grassy field.

Leo's arms lay motionless by his sides, their connection to his physical self severed, leaving him with a sense of detachment. The touch of the cool, soft grass beneath his fingertips provided a fleeting respite from the disconcerting vibrations, grounding him in the present moment.

As the sound of Kishibe's departing car faded in the distance, leaving him alone in the countryside.

"What an asshole."

Taking a seat atop the grass, Leo adjusted himself and lifted the sleeves of his shirt, revealing the aftermath of Kishibe's forceful kick. A straight, purple line cut horizontally across his arms, a visible reminder of the impact. Though he couldn't feel his arms, the fact that he could still move them provided some reassurance.

With his arms rendered temporarily unusable, Leo relied on his legs to propel himself forward and make his way back to the city. It was a slow and arduous journey, and by the time he arrived at Yuki's apartment, the sensation had returned to his arms, albeit accompanied by a heavy, stone-like sensation whenever he lifted them.

Pressing the button for Yuki's apartment on the call box, Leo patiently awaited a response.

"Hello?" came Yuki's voice through the static.

"Hello," Leo replied.

"Ah, Leo, you're back," Yuki greeted. "Would you like anything as you come up?"

"Ice," Leo requested. "A lot of ice."

"Alright," Yuki responded cheerfully.

As the door buzzed open, Leo felt a throbbing ache in his forearms as he pulled the door open, prompting a quiet curse. He managed to squeeze his body through the partially opened door, finding relief in avoiding the use of his aching forearms.

The journey to Yuki's apartment continued in a similar fashion, with each action exacerbating the dull ache in his arms. Even the simple act of pushing the elevator button reminded Leo of every muscle he had strained.

Upon reaching Yuki's apartment, Leo didn't bother knocking, opting instead to gently bump his head against the door, oddly finding more relief in that brief contact than in using his aching forearms.

"Oh, my," exclaimed Yuki upon opening the door.

Yuki was taken aback by Leo's appearance, noticing his disheveled and dirtied clothes, indicating a rough time.

Inviting Leo inside, Yuki offered him the ice pack he had requested, but he declined. Instead, he removed his shoes and walked into the kitchen, where he took a seat by the counter, carefully placing his hands on the surface before laying his head down.

"Are you okay?" Yuki asked, her concern evident in her voice.

"Forearms," Leo simply stated.

Setting the ice pack aside, Yuki rolled up Leo's sleeves and observed the bruise, now transitioning from purple to a fading shade of yellow.

"Oh no, what happened?" Yuki inquired, her worry palpable.

"I got punted across a lovely grass field," Leo replied, his tone understated yet implying the physical toll he had endured.

Despite Yuki's concerns and her inclination to take Leo to the hospital, he insisted that he didn't require medical attention. Instead, he expressed a desire for a cold shower to alleviate the soreness in his arms and legs.

Yuki, still determined to ensure Leo received proper care, agreed to his request while contemplating the possibility of calling a doctor if he continued to refuse to seek professional help.

When Yuki informed Leo that the shower was ready, he stood up unsteadily, his legs protesting with

every step. He declined any assistance Yuki offered, determined to maintain his independence. Despite the clear defeat he had experienced, he still held onto his pride. Moreover, he took solace in the fact that he could move his arms, even if it required twice the effort due to the discomfort.

With great effort, Leo made his way toward the bathroom, each movement a testament to his resilience.

As Leo entered the bathroom, he could feel the coolness of the tiles beneath his bare feet, providing a welcome relief to his tired and aching legs. He undressed slowly, wincing at the soreness in his muscles with every movement. Despite the discomfort, he maintained a determined expression, refusing to let it overshadow his resolve.

Turning on the faucet, Leo adjusted the water to a refreshing cold temperature. He stepped into the shower, allowing the icy water to cascade over his body. The sensation of the cold water enveloping him sent a shiver through his spine, momentarily distracting him from the lingering pain.

With each passing moment under the revitalizing flow of water, Leo could feel a gradual easing of the tension in his muscles. The coldness numbed the soreness, providing a much-needed respite and a chance for his body to recover.

As Leo stood there, the events that had unfolded that day played out in his head. Getting punted across a field he could ignore, he had six weeks to recover and prepare for it again. Leo doubted whether he would learn anything from Kishibe or just be his kicking bag, but these were still the early stages. Leo might be coping with the idea that his future teacher is just going to break his body till it either breaks permanently or becomes hard enough that it doesn't break as easily.

Either way, it would take a while before he reached that point, and surprisingly, Leo noticed that his body seemed to be healing faster than anticipated. The vibrant purple bruise on his forearm, an unwelcome reminder of the kick, had already begun to fade into a yellowish hue by the end of the day. Perhaps it was due to the system giving him a skill that granted him accelerated healing abilities.

Realizing that he had a day or two for his body to fully recover, Leo formulated a plan in his mind. With the remaining days of summer break ahead, he resolved to dedicate himself to building strength and resilience. It was time to focus on physical conditioning and "bulking up," preparing himself for the upcoming training sessions.

With newfound determination and a sense of purpose, Leo turned off the shower, feeling invigorated by the cold water's revitalizing touch. He stepped out onto the tiled bathroom floor, his body still sore but his spirit undeterred. Drying himself off, he made a mental note to begin his regimen for the following days.

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