
Chapter 5

Noah approached in their near and then he jumped in front of them making them jump back because of the surprise.

"Hey guys, I am Noah and I am lost. Can you help me please?"

The girl then looked to the boy in front of her and felt strange. He looked very suspicious and he wear strange clothes too. She as a noble young miss was ahead in all kinds of trends and mode, but she never saw something like what he was wearing.

At the other hand, the boy was calm and was only looking calmly to the young man in front of his. He as a 1st Star knight did not feel even as this boy came near them and he was curious about this boy.

Noah who was waiting for a reply could not wait and see how these girl and boy contemplate him, so he asked again:

"Hey, can you help me or not?"

Then the girl replied:

"Oh, yes, yes. I am Sabrina Edelgrade, and this is my twin brother David Edelgrade. Can I know from which noble house you are from and how did you get lost here?"

Noah was at first surprised as he heard the name of Edelgrade. The Edelgrade house is one of the top five noble houses of knights in the continent and they are established in Goldenkrone Empire. They are very known for their justice sense and their active history protecting the continent.

"I was playing around and as I wanted to go out, I didn't find an exit. And I do not belong to a noble house, I am a Libertus."

"Wow, you are one of the Libertus. I never meet one of you, nice to meet you. My father told me that Libertus magicians and knights were very brave and they contributed a lot for the continent. You are lucky today; it was our last day in the forest and we wanted to go back now to Goldberg City."

A Libertus was a magician or knight who decided to go for his own and did not care about joining an empire or an organization. For example, Jose, the father of Noah, was one of the strongest Libertus knight in the continent and he was very known, before he disappeared nine years ago.

Then David spoke for the first time, he was the whole-time watching Noah and analyzed all his moves and did not trust him.

"Noah, I am David Edelgrade as you know. I am curious about your Star rank if you don't mind can you tell me?"

"Ah, no problem. I am a 1st Star Magician. And you? You don't look normal too."

David was surprised to hear Noah. He hides his Mana and strength to not let Noah know, but he discovered it easily.

But what both did not knew was that the Mana of Noah was more pure and stronger, and he could easily sense the Mana of others in the same rank of him or similar.

"You are really a talent if you could sense my Mana. I am a 1st Star Knight. We can talk later, here are a lot of beasts waiting to attack us."

Noah and Sabrina nodded as they heard the last sentence of David. They sensed to the beast running in their direction and they wanted to disappear from here as fast as possible.

But as it was a punishment of the heaven, a group of 1st rank bronze star foxes rounded them. And began to walk slowly to them.

The three youths made a circle too and their backs were touching the backs of the other two. They were nervous as they saw this surprise ambush of the foxes. They did not notice it at all.

"Hahaha, David your mouth is dangerous. Every time you day something it happens, and we are every time in trouble. The next time shut up your mouth."

Sabrina was angry and it seems like it is not the first time and she blame David for everything.

Noah was nervous too, but what he was thinking now was only the EXP he could get from these beasts.

"Sabrina, David, let us finish these beasts quickly. You two will injure the beasts with your swords and I will finish them with magic. But you should be quick and don't let them have time to react."

Sabrina and David looked each other and nodded. They knew that they could not finish them by their own.

David took his sword out and began to slice in direction of the foxes. Sabrina did that too and then the first foxes began to lose blood and fell. They were still alive but injured and Sabrina and David hit their legs to not let them able to walk.

Noah on the other side began to cast another spell. It was a basic spell too and it was like the Mana Ball, but this had a fire element. So, he burned them to dust in groups. Because they could not escape, they died easily and fast.

After three more strikes, all the foxes perished in their hands. In total they killed 12 foxes and then they were exhausted, because their mana was empty. So, they run away directly and did not look back. If they hesitate while running, they could be ambushed by another group of beasts.

While running, Noah opened the System windows and looked how much EXP he got from the beast.

Name: Noah

Age: 15


Magician: 1st Star (0/50000)

Knight: Still mortal (0/30000)

Wealth: 0

"Wow, so much EXP in one strike. I must do this often. I can be soon a knight too."

David was leading the way out and he was the most concentrated too on the way. But fortunately, the exit was not far, and they reached it very soon. As they get out and were resting, suddenly Noah made a question.

"Which year are we now?"

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