
With a Bunny in the Multiverse [Hiatus]

A guy wakes up in a new world with a gamer system to support him through his journey to find meaning and some kind of purpose in life. The gamer system has limitless potential for growth but as it turns out things are not so simple... ============================================= I decided to write my own take on this concept, cause why not? I'm bored. I will try a balance between wish-fulfilling, actual character development, and some slice of life. I've never actually written anything besides some college papers so some constructive criticism would be helpful. ============================================= [First World]: [Bunny Girl Senpai] [Second World]: [Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest] [Third World]: ??? Tags: [Action] [Romance] [Gamer] [Gray MC] [Mature] [Multiverse] [R-18] [Strong MC] [World Hopping] [Slice of Life] [Omniverse] [Power Couple] Join my discord, you can give me suggestions and communicate with me regularly to get updates. If you want to support me and read some early access chapters check out my Patréon. I also post some exclusive R-18 content there. www.patrèon.com/addyctive (Replace the è with e) ============================================= Also, the art is not mine. I got it from Reddit. If the creator sees this and wants credit or wants me to take it down, just let me know. This is purely a work of fan fiction. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the original characters.

Addyctive7 · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Rewards and Birthday

After dropping Kaede off at school, Masahi and Sakuta go to their own school.

After the day's over Masashi and Sakuta pick up Kaede from school.

The three go over to Masashi's house and play games in the game room for a while before they have dinner made by Masashi.

When the siblings leave to go back to their apartment Masashi finally decides to check out the rewards for Kaede's quest.

[Main Quest #3 Generated]

[Main Quest: Kaede Quest

Objective: Help Kaede regain her memories. (Complete.)

Rewards: 25 Levels, Instant Dungeon, +50 Increase in All Stats, Calming Aura]

[Hidden Quest Completed]

[Hidden Quest: Help Kaede merge with her former self.

Rewards: 25 levels, Legilimency]

Masashi accepts the rewards and feels the euphoric feeling of getting stronger as he gets instantly bumped up by 50 levels.

{ [1/4]


Name: Masashi

Age: 17

Class: The Gamer

Titles: N/A

Level: 155 (EXP 26%)

Race: [High Human]

HP: 675/675

SP: 672/672

MP: N/A (Current world does not have mana)

STR: 442

END: 454

DEX: 436

INT: 478

WIS: 430

CHA: 500

LUK: ???

Regen Rate: 2270 (Per Min)

Stat Points: 775


He then takes out the two ability coupons and wills them to be used.

He feels a rush of information as he gets two new abilities and how to use them.

[Calming Aura: Makes people feel comfortable around The Gamer when activated. It is a passive skill and has no cost or cooldown.]

[Legilimency LVL 1: Allows The Gamer to read the minds of defenseless people. It will increase in efficiency and strength as the skill levels up.]

Lastly, on the mini-map, he can see a red dot indicating the instant dungeon's location.

'Motherfucker, why is it in another country? By the looks of it, it's in the US.'

'Forget it, I'll go for it when I go to college with Mai.'

'[Calming Aura] and [Legilimency] are pretty useful skills I guess.'

'I want to talk to Mai.' Masashi thinks to himself.

'Mai, are you free?' Masashi asks Mai telepathically.

'Not really, I'm in the middle of the shoot.'

'I see… well let me know when you're free.'

Masashi spends the next few days with Sakuta and Kaede.

Kaede was going to spend a while in the hospital, getting checkups and being monitored for any problems.

Masashi made sure to spend some time with Kaede, teaching her some things from school so it's easy for her to transition to a normal life.

He still spent every night with Mai talking to her about the progress of the shoot and other random things.

On December 1st.

After school, Masashi is in his home talking to one of his guys on the phone and making some plans.

After he's done he walks out of his apartment and goes to the garage to take out his fastest and most expensive convertible sports car.

[Insert the image of whatever you think that car may be.]

After that, he goes on a 300-mile drive with music blasting and the roof lowered.

He drove at insane speeds as he probably breaks a good number of traffic laws, but it doesn't really matter since this car's made for that stuff.

As long as he doesn't get pulled over it won't be a big deal.

In a little over three hours, he's at Mai's set ready to pick her up.

He parks the car in the parking lot and walks into the set like he owns the place.

Walking in he sees something that makes him almost laugh his ass off.

Mai was scolding that guy that they both antagonized as he was kneeling in front of the cast in a seiza position.

She basically ripped the guy a new one using nothing but her words.

She seemed to be scolding him so passionately that one might think that she was really affected by his actions, whatever they might be.

But Masashi had a soul connection with her. She found the current situation utterly hilarious and was just short of laughing her ass off.

Everyone was looking at the guy with looks of pity as Mai basically made the guy cry using nothing but her words.

Even Masashi felt some pity for him.

After about 10 minutes of Mai destroying the guy's fragile ego and self-confidence, Masashi signals to her using the telepathic connection, 'Surprise.'

She instantly turns in his direction with a surprised look on her face.

Then she runs to him as if there's no tomorrow, completely ignoring the weeping guy who was trying to get up and apologize to her.

"Masashi!" She shouts to him as he opens his arms, ready for her to jump into his arms.

She does exactly that and jumps into his arms as he twirls her around a few times and hugs her tightly, kissing her.

"How are you bunny?"

"So, so, much happier now that you're here." Mai smiles and looks into his eyes.

"So am I baby. And I'm here to stay. I'm going to be staying with you till the shoot's over."

"You sure? What about Kaede?" She gets a concerned look in her eyes.

"She's fine, she remembers everything and hasn't forgotten me, that's enough for me.

"Sakuta contacted their parents and both of them will be busy for a good while with hospital stuff, so I just decided to stay with my wife."

"I'm really happy that you're here." She said, rubbing her cheek on his chest.

"You seem especially needy today, what's up," Masashi says with a cheeky smile.

"Nothing, I'm just in a good mood."

"After ripping that guy a new one?"

"Yeah! That too."

"What did he do anyway?"

"Nothing, he just called his father and tried to strong-arm the director into adding a kiss scene with me in the movie."

Masashi narrows his eyes and releases his pressure toward just that guy as he falls down again just as he got up.


Mai pinches him in the waist as she says, "It wasn't that much of a big deal. Don't affect the movie. You can do whatever you want to him after the movie."

"Sigh… Fine. I think I spoil you too much."

"I think you spoil me too little. You should really just listen to all my whims and stay with me at all times." Mai gets an obsessive look in her eyes as she says that.

'Her yandere is becoming more expressive' Masashi thinks happily.

"God I love you," Masashi looks into her eyes and kisses her again, making her melt into him.

He stops after a few seconds as they are still in public.

Mai pouts at him for letting go.

"You done with the shoot?"

"Yeah, the shoot was over a while ago, I was delayed due to that fucker."

"Good then. Let's go."

Masashi says and just pulls Mai away from the set into the parking lot.

Seeing his car Mai says, "New car?"

"Yeah, I got it a while ago, but never got the chance to bring it out, till now that is."

"Let's go for a long drive into the mountains." Masashi excitedly says to Mai.

"Sure, I'm up for a long drive."

"Perfect! Get in." Masashi says, opening the car door for Mai.

Masashi gets in on the other side and starts driving.

They spent around two hours slowly driving to the spot that Masashi had planned to take her to.

Mai enjoyed the scenery in the mountains as they drove up.

"Can you believe that this is December? I don't even feel the tiniest amount of cold." Mai said looking at Masashi, with her hair blowing all over the place due to the open roof.

"… There are times when I feel that all this is a dream. That someday I'll wake up in my old bed, without you by my side.

"That thought terrifies me to no end." Mai holds on to Masashi's free hand as he continues speaking after giving Mai a loving look.

"If this really is a dream, I never want to wake up. Waking up with you in my arms every day makes me feel like I'm already at the peak of my life.

"I love you, Mai," Masashi says looking into her eyes.

"I love you too, Masashi," Mai says and leans her head on Masashi's shoulder as he continues driving.

A few minutes later they're finally at the place.

Mai sees a big house in the middle of the jungle, as Masashi parks the car in the driveway.

"What is this place?" Mai asks Masashi while getting out of the car.

"I've had this place for a long time. My folks used it as a sort of vacation home in the mountains."

"Really? You've never told me about this place."

"That's because I was getting this place renovated into a vacation home for the two of us."

"That's romantic!"

"I'm the one doing it, that's obvious."

"You do like your big romantic gestures." Mai smiles at him.

Masashi walks ahead a little and holds out his hand to her, "Let's go."

Mai walks to him and grabs his entire arm, hugging it.

Masashi just smiles and walks forward.

Walking through the front door, Mai sees a path made of a large number of rose petals that led deeper inside the house.

The place was lit up with warm lights with a tint of red.

As they walked together into the house Mai tightened her hold on Masashi's arm.

"You can take off your shoes, the petals feel amazing on your bare feet," Masashi said as he put his shoes into his inventory.

Mai does the same as she just silently continues into the house, tightly holding Masashi.

Masashi sneakily looks at his watch and sees the time.

'It's 11:58, perfect!'

The duo just walk into the house as Masashi brings Mai to arguably the best place in the house.

The room at the end of the house had an entire wall-sized window that overlooked the Kanazawa skyline.

Looking at the beautiful view, Mai turns to him but before she can say anything, he stops her.

"Wait for it…" He guides her to look back at the skyline.

At the moment the clock hit midnight, the fireworks began.

The first and the biggest fireworks spelled out, 'Happy Birthday, Mai Sakurajima!'

"Happy birthday, my love!" Masashi says, looking at his stunned girlfriend.

She gets her bearings back in a few seconds as she turns to him with some tears in her eyes.

"Thank you so much, thank you. This means so much to me!" She says as she hugs Masashi tightly, pressing her lips on his.

Masashi could feel overwhelmed emotions from her due to the soul bond.

He just tightly held on to her waist as she pushed her tongue into his mouth.

A while later, Mai pulls back breathlessly from him.

"I love you, Masashi!"

"I love you too, bunny. Now for your gift.

"I know that you wouldn't let me buy you a car since it's 'too expensive of a gift' and you can just drive any one of mine, so I just went simple and got you this."

Masahi shows Mai a red velvet box.

"Open it!" Masashi urges Mai.

"Fine." Mai excitedly opens the box and sees a pair of earrings in the box.

She takes it out and sees that they're inlaid with diamonds.

She takes a closer look and sees something engraved on the diamonds.

It says, 'Masashi ❤︎ Mai' on one of the diamonds, and on the other, it says, 'Masashi ❤︎ Bunny'.

"How are they? I engraved them myself." Masashi nervously asks Mai even though he can feel how much she loves it.

"They're amazing you dummy. I love them." Mai says and then jumps into his arms as she puts them into her inventory.

She passionately kisses her and he gladly reciprocates.