
Who Am I?

"Who r you?" Seairra asks king brady replies "who am i? I-Im brady" "well nice to meet you brady"King brady follows seairra and He's very skeptical cause he doesnt know her, she seems to like him so she said "lemme show u something, ill introduce u to my siblings" she goes into a very dark part of the woods and king brady gets kinda scared cause the dark forest is full of creatures he never reconized, they were all smellier, nastier, and bigger with sharper weapons, seairra said "as long as your with me you dont have to be scared, we have an agreement, as long as we dont attack neither will they" king brady asked "who are we" seairra says "Who am I, I am the night blood sister" {Night blood sister? Who is this chick?} brady thought in his head, they finally reach the end of the dark woods, in a dustance brady sees 4 people with red hoodies, King brady gets so much more nervoes, "guys this is Brady" seairra says while smiling, "why did u bring him here?" Austin say "You know the leader will be very mad" Joshua says "Lets just kill him now and get it over with" brett says "NO LEAVE HIM ALONE!!" Leader Kojack says "come here boy" king brady shakes so badly while slowly walking over to the king "You have some kind of power inside of u" the leader says "Yea sir, do u wanna see?" Brady takes the sword out and king kojack Yells "RIGHT HERE IS NOT THE TIME FOR THAT" then asks seairra "Why have u brought him here, seairra responds "I think he's the chosen one" everyone gasps bring in Makayla "Not makayla" zane yells "anyone but makayla" brett yells "Makayla is so harsh to new commers" Joshua says "Yes but its what he needs to see the rest of our kingdom" king Kojack Says, This tall lady in a Blue dress appears, Looks middle aged and has quite the smirk on her face "so this is the great king brady" king brady gets all nervoes causr he didnt want the others to know, "YOUR A KING?" Seairra yells "yes but I didnt want anyone to know cause i didnt want any of yall to look at me differently, "Dont talk to me, im so mad at you" seairra says, the tall lady says "im makayla and this is gonna be fun"