
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasy
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350 Chs

The Poisonous Sewers

 "Well, it just happened to help take a little of the pressure off of me."

 Watching the rapidly departing back, Eleazar withdrew his eyes and began to think about his actions.

 Investigating the Necromongers?

 Or do you want to check the sewers?

 But it doesn't seem like a good idea to drill down the drain first thing in the morning.

 If he could, he wished he never had to go to a place like that in his life.

 At that moment, a couple of workers from the night shift nearby passed by.

 "So annoying, the pipes in our workshop clogged up again last night."

 "Is it just clogged at your place, we have wastewater pouring out at our place."

 "Haha, I know, you guys are all flooded up there in Lane 12!"

 "Hey, dredging all night, I do not know when can resume work, recently the money is gone, do you have any spare first lend me some?"

 "I didn't."

 "Me neither."

 "I've got to get back beforehand."

 It seems that feelings were hurt and a few people quickly went their separate ways.

 Behind them, an uninvited guest also stopped in his tracks, his face thoughtful.

 "Do the sewers over there clog a lot?"

 Thinking idly, his feet unconsciously came to the crossroads of Plaza Street, and he glanced again at the gray convent from a distance.

 The Necromantic Cult has taken control of all local medical care and occupied the Holy Church.

 Outside, still couldn't sense any transcendent aura inside, except for the unawakened gargoyles on the roof.

 Under the sunlight, the gray fog slowly parted, the walls of the gray solemn building standing in the earth, a ray of sunlight oblique down, but did not leave a trace of bright colors in which the abbey seems to be if not if there is a dead air shrouded, the masonry on the ground put together a mysterious pattern, as if guiding the lost sheep step by step on the ladder leading to hell.

 Eleazar wandered outside for a long time, not seeing anyone come out or go in, and it felt like the place was swimming in reality.

 "Forget it, let's just go drill the sewer."

 After hours of surveillance and no useful intel, Eleazar simply turned on his heel and wasted no more time.

 Then came the industrial zone where the buzzing was constant and the brains all seemed to vibrate with all that machinery.

 There is something that people think is evil at the mention of its name, and it will make a deal with humans, who get paid for contributing a portion of their lives to it.

 And it's the kind of deal, day and night, day in and day out, that once it starts, it doesn't stop.

 Perhaps it is only when it is time to get paid that human beings mumble and grumble, "Is it less again?"

 Eleazar walks silently through every alley and street, watching the workshops that run around the clock.

 "Cough-ha! Coughha! Coughha."

 Mixed in with the hum of the machine was a great deal of coughing that was desperately trying to be hidden.

 The air in this place was clouded with a layer of dust that was visible to the naked eye, and everyone who entered the place wore masks of various styles, the better ones with filters around their gills, while some were simply medical filters that looked like they had been reused many times.

 Industrial pollution is corroding people's health all the time, and it is only logical that this place should have erupted into a massive outbreak of disease and turned into a dead city a long time ago.

 But on the first day in Green City Eleazar discovered that the transcendental pollution mixed in with the haze was simultaneously subtly altering people's physiques, and after enduring the onslaught for an unknown period, almost everyone who survived possessed primary toxic resistance.

 The role of Transcendence is played plainly by those behind the scenes.

 Dribbling through the puddles of wastewater that pooled everywhere around his feet and the smoke that rolled out of his head, Eleazar then made his way to what the workers called Lane 12 and then saw what looked like a flooded street.

 Several pumping machines were running in vain, and there were men with fishing nets and sticks trying to unclog the mouths of drainage wells that were backing up with wastewater.

 It was some fluorescent-colored wastewater, lumps, and lumps of consistency so viscous it was hard to separate, mixed with industrial waste and the powder of some transcendent material.

 You can see from here what ingredients are in the ground in this urban area.

 If you want to go in, you have to have courage that is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

 Even Witcher developed a pang of mental resistance.

 He didn't want to swim in this slimy waste liquid either.

 "There should be somewhere else."

 Eleazar was going to find out if there were any other entrances, even if they were harder, it didn't matter, it was better than having his body dyed every color.

 After thinking about it, he went back to the dark streets outside the city.

 The polluted atmosphere of the industrial area flooded the place like a gray fog under the blowing of those exhaust devices in the inner city, which resulted in a difference in visibility between daytime and nighttime.

 Beyond the parapet of the pedestrian walkway was a lifeless moat, glowing an eerie greenish-purple in the slightest light, but as if it were the color of the unfiltered industrial waste itself.

 "Friend, do us a favor, we haven't eaten in days."

 "Yeah, yeah, can we borrow some money, look, we don't even have shoes."

 He was walking slowly along the river when he was suddenly surrounded by an oncoming line of people.

 Looking down at his decent clothes, Eleazar looked up and smiled.

 These people are bullies.

 At night, no one dared to bother him in a mysterious cloak, and he was immediately blackmailed after changing into ordinary human clothes during the day.

 He was complaining about losing another bet last night when he didn't get close, and when he got to him it turned into having no money for dinner.

 Not bothering to tangle with the scum, Eleazar's mouth opened slightly.

 There was a faint flash of red light in the hazy gray mist.

 A few people's faces were horrified, and they just wanted to open their mouths to beg for mercy, but their bodies scorched black in an instant, slowly dissipating in a gust of wind.

 The Shadow Tooth Society Residence is eating the chief of the violent stand-up, directly from the window to leap out.

 The chiefs followed them out in a hurry.

 After only a few seconds they came to the area with the unusually high temperature.

 "It's the same flame breath as last night, so spread out and look for it, all of you!"

 The Shadowtooth leader said grimly as he looked at the puddle of ashes on the ground.

 A dozen or so high-ranking werewolves directly transformed, using their extraordinary sense of smell to distinguish various odors directly in the exhaust gas to pursue clues.

 Unaware of the fact that Eleazar has been missed, he has long since jumped down into the fluorescent river and found a dried-up drain in the inner channel.

 The air is dreary and murky in the passages, and there is less and less clean air to breathe.

 As he went deeper in, a surprisingly poisonous gas filled the dreary passage.

 Eleazar gradually felt a stinging pain coming from his skin.

 It's all still just exploring the periphery, and the hazard level of the toxin has already climbed up to 3rd order.

 When we get to the center area, how horrible will the toxins be there?

 The walls of the stone passageway, which emitted a faint fluorescent light, were all pitted with corrosion.

 The periphery alone had eliminated most of the sequencers.

 Eleazar took a deep breath of poisonous air, feeling the transcendental activity in his body slowly being mobilized, his face remaining normal.

 After walking for an indeterminate amount of time, an equally corroded and rusted iron fence stood in the way.

 With a gentle push of his hand, the connecting part came right off and the whole fence tipped over.


 The sound traveled a good distance through the dead sewer and vaguely startled some mysterious movement.

 "It's true that a highly poisonous soft mud monster has already hatched."

 Eleazar watched silently as in the dark distance, slowly wriggled in a pile of jelly that emitted a highly toxic mist.

 The silica gel-like emerald-colored surface, vaguely emerging from a painful human face, the number of those things was about a hundred or more, almost crowding the entire passage.

 A tragic death of a wronged soul coupled with a natural, highly toxic incubator could easily breed this kind of demon, but what Witcher felt strange was why so many people had died inside.

 Normally speaking, these corpses should have been so densely paved with outside passages that they would not have been able to walk into that unknown depth.

 "Well, maybe it's a gang that used to hide in there?"

 Eleazar casually analyzed the situation, then took a deep breath.

 The transcendental activity of his entire body rapidly poured into his lungs, and as it was ignited by the Dragon Seed trait, his chest lit up with a piercing red light, squeezed by the transcendental organs, a dark red glow climbed up from the collar neck in a single strand, and converged in his mouth like a reservoir of energy, before finally spewing out fiercely like a dragon's breath.

 The lurid red light instantly filled the passage.


 With a burst of explosions detonated by the heat along the way, a flash of instantaneous torrent of flames directly drowned the demonic creatures in front of them, and amid a charred stench, the stone walls of the passageway that slowly returned to darkness had already been scorched to a reddish color and slowly flowed down a layer of lava-like substance.

 [Residue of magic potion: 77180→65180]

 That mouthful of dragon flame spit that drained the entire body of transcendental activity was so fruitful and astonishing that it digested 10% of the magic potion's residue in a single blow.

 Those highly poisonous soft mud monsters all exploded like rotten tomatoes, bursting and splashing out a sky full of green venom, as well as some undigested metal remnants in their bodies, which were decomposed by the jelly substance forcibly condensed by the transcendental characteristics, and rapidly mixed with the air, finally forming a deadly poisonous cloud spreading around in the passageway.

 Those terrifyingly poisonous gases couldn't even be completely incinerated clean by the dragon's breath.

 Eleazar gasps slightly and opens his crystal space, finding a random piece of mermaid meat to tear off a bite and chew on it, and grabbing a couple of empty bottles, ready to collect that poisonous mist.

 He looked down at some of the stuff that had exploded and splattered out of the mollusk.

 "Oh, it's anti-virus equipment."

 Stepping forward, he had just put his arm into the poisonous mist when a sound like frying rang out from within.


 Even with the protection of the Titan trait, the arm was still corroded black by those horrible acidic poisonous mist, and the crystal vial even disappeared straight away, as if it had never appeared.

 Looking at the empty palms of the hands drawn back from the poisonous mist, even the sleeves, Eleazar mused for a moment.


 In other words, if one went through here, one would become naked and come out the other end.


 Trying to blow again, Eleazar couldn't help but grumble when he realized he didn't have enough lung capacity to blow away the poisonous cloud.

 "I blame that Lister guy for breaking my skeleton gauntlet."

 He needs antitoxic and anticorrosive neutralizers.

 If you want to collect this kind of material you'll have to use it anyway, so you might as well just blend it now.

 So in front of the poisonous mist, Eleazar finds a slightly cleaner place to sit and pulls out the Crucible of Magical Iron.

 There was still a little bit of venom left from the bipedal flying dragons, and they couldn't even come up with a single ingredient, which was just enough to be used to formulate a neutralizer to counteract the corrosive properties of these acidic poisonous clouds.

 Then there's also a good collection of material with highly toxic and corrosive properties.

 Once the crucible is heated, Eleazar slowly adds various materials.

 First, he laid out the low-ranking materials that wouldn't corrode the magic iron cauldron, patiently and slowly turning up the corrosiveness of the potion before finally dumping the venom of the bipedal flying dragon into it.

 Soon, a pot of anti-corrosive neutralizer churning with green bubbles was successfully formulated.

 First, ten crystal vials were thrown in and soaked for a while, leaving the vials coated with a light green film.

 Taking it out again and setting it aside to dry, Eleazar finally cupped the crucible and poured it over his head.

 "Hiss, it's a little hot!"

 Eleazar stretches quickly, allowing the cotton clothing on his body to absorb this potion.

 That way, as long as they didn't stay in the poisonous cloud for too long, their clothes would be preserved, while those poisonous mists wouldn't stubbornly remain on their skin.

 Picking up another coated crystal vial by his feet, he smoothly gathered ten copies of high-grade materials saturated with virulent poison and corrosive properties.

 It could even be said that these things could be used directly as weapons to throw, and giving a blow to those enemies who had no poison resistance could make life worse than death.

 Finally raising a hand to cover his mouth and nose, Eleazar exploded into superhuman speed, and in one breath he was through the dark green poisonous cloud blocking him.

 There was no more sound of frying resonating from the body, and the clothing was only slightly hot; the neutralizer had been blended successfully.

 "Well, I told you I had alchemist talent!"

 Eleazar continued deeper with an inwardly filled sense of triumph, and then soon came to a fork in the road that led to three unknown depths.

 "Well, first let's go see what those guys in the hazmat gear want to come for."

 The floor was inexplicably clogged, while inside it was a completely dry sewer, with traces of those who had walked through it.


 As his perceptual vision lifted, he saw an unreadable dark green color all over the three intersections ahead of him.

 This place is poisoned, or someone is nurturing something.

 After stepping into the passageway to the left and walking soundlessly for a long time, Eleazar suddenly senses, again, that the level of toxicity around him has risen once more, and has reached an appalling level of 4.

 It was unbelievable that all of the toxins brewing here had managed to reach the frightening Legendary level.

 "No wonder all those people died, what kind of person would spare such bloodshed to make a batch of equipment that blocks legendary toxins for over a hundred people."

 Eleazar narrowed his eyes, which were already feeling stinging, slightly and continued on his way.

 The green light gradually brightened at the exit of the passage ahead, as if it was as attractive as a paradise.

 If only there wasn't the acidic tingling sensation coming from all over my body.

 Stepping out into the passageway, the view ahead opened up, and although there were no lights, something else was already illuminating the amazing site in place of the light.

 "Oh, it's a wastewater filter."