
Witcher: a mutant's story

Author: ali_soltani
Ongoing · 11.5K Views
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What is Witcher: a mutant's story

Read ‘Witcher: a mutant's story’ Online for Free, written by the author ali_soltani, This book is a Book&Literature Fanfic, covering R18 Fanfiction, MAGIC Fan Fiction, SURVIVAL Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: This is a story about a young mutant named Andries. He was created in a lab by an Enchantress. The enchantress wanted a ...


This is a story about a young mutant named Andries. He was created in a lab by an Enchantress. The enchantress wanted a perfect son so she created a mutant in a tube and called him Andries. She made sure that Andries has psionic powers and a good connection to magic. The Enchantress was arrested and presumed dead after it was revealed she practiced necromancy and was creating monsters in her labs. Left alone with only his guardian, a mutant named Mathies, Andries decided to become stronger, it was something like an instinct that made Andries want more power. The first step was to strengthen his psionic power as his psionic powers were limited. To remove that limit, he had read that the brain of a source could do that. This brings Andries to Cintra after the slaughter of Cintra where he looks for a possible source he can possibly kill, princess of Cintra, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon or Ciri. Note: I don’t own witcher books or games, my only claim is to my own characters. This story will include adult themes like sexual content, drug use, cannibalism, violence, gore and other mature themes.

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