
I'm a baby!

I am dying... I'm dying... Wait— I'm dying?! No? Yes? But my mind is still working. The cold blanket that's hugging my entirety and must have been the one stealing the air in which was keeping me alive, was now also pulling me on the depths of the abyss.

The nerve —

What even happened? I can't remember, but all I could think of was the big, glowing moon up in the sky... a little crumpled and it's the waters' fault. Staring at it, I could tell that it was speaking with me.

"You're the rightful daughter," the moon whispered, "You're the bestowed successor."

I'm confused.


Rightful daughter? Bestowed successor?

Is the moon playing with me?! How the living hell does a moon joke around; to a dying, poor soul such as me, as if it was a mysterious woman?

Bubbles came out from my mouth in an attempt to ask the moon for a proper answer yet with that last blow, I felt a string snapped within me, and I proceed on drowning down this enchanting river.

The eerie sensation, and how I am being swallowed by the darkness of this bottomless lake I've fallen upon, succumbed my body.

I'm scared... I'm cold... Even when I'm already knocking on the grim reaper's door, I'm alone. Nobody is going to look for me... Nobody will cry for me... Nobody —

Wait... How did I end up here again?!

Did I fell into this body of water all on my own?

How? Why? When?

I remember...

It was my birthday, and rough. After launching the final copies of my book, I celebrated alone. The book was a phenomenal success, it was the fruit of my years of writing and planning.

I cried, laughed, stressed out, and even fell in love with the process. It was the story of my inner self. The woman of my dreams... The woman who I wanna be... The woman I am grateful to meet.

Wisteria Mooncrest


When I created Wisteria under the sorrowful rain in front of my parent's grave, beside the wisteria tree of our family house... I felt suffocated and in need of someone to protect me.

But nobody could.

With all the things I desired that were never fulfilled, I poured it all into my main character.

And as if it was done on purpose, after I thought of the character... The rain stopped and the moon revealed itself behind the dark, thick clouds... Shining its glory on my sorry state as if I have done something magical.

I laughed for the first time, thinking that Wisteria was blessed by the moon for me. And that's where it all began... The rest is history.

Wisteria Mooncrest, my main character. And in the honor of that moment, I entitled my book... "Enchanted by the Moon".

Now how did I ended up here in this cold reservoir? I was just walking, with a contented smile as I wonder what life I could've had if I didn't have Wisteria.

Of course, I didn't regret any. No matter how long it had been. I'm still proud.

Everything was just my wishful thinking.

But, on the night as I was just walking on our theme park, which where I used to be spending my time writing, suddenly this mysterious lake showed itself as a gift from the unknown.

A birthday gift, I assumed.

It was beautiful, crystal-like water with shimmering soft waves as the moonlight illuminates its reflection above the serene scenery. The little bushes and hyacinth on the sides, with little fireflies owning their lights... It was indeed magical.

The scent of mellow dew and lilies captured my nose, and there is nothing more I could do but give in. I could tell how transparent the water, by how strong that moon's glow invaded the river.

Despite the apparent unnerving measure of how deep this lake was, the screaming darkness of whatever lies below could even reach me from the land.

I remember, taking a deep breath and ignoring it. Rather, I choose to stare back at the full moon and felt a sudden jolt of... sadness...

It's been years since the last time I felt it. The pain turning into... Sorrow, okay, what the hell?

My eyes that were once staring at the huge, glowing ball that's watching over me, are now eyeing the mysterious lake.

Like I've been hypnotized by the moon... The moment I heard, "Jump." I listened without any hesitancy.

Now... I'm slowly drifting from my conscience. I have nothing to say, nothing to lose. I never wanted to die, but that doesn't mean I also wanted to live.

Ah, so I did fell on my own...

There is that feeling inside of me that yearns for more. And that is the disappointment of this life I have.

It almost feel like I wasn't even supposed to be here. I just made a book of my desires, a desire to escape how poor and boring this life was.

Dark... Oh, it's getting darker... And deeper... and colder.

I am dying.

Damn... did I just left this world such masterpiece? Was that my only purpose? Was I only been birthed in this dump to create a gem?

Pfft— even on my deathbed, I still can't resist bragging about that book.

It was my world, I created that world... And everything that is in there, is for Wisteria...






"Uwahhh!!! Uwahhhhhh~"




Wait— what?! Magic?! It's magic! I just saw blood in me and she just swiftly flicked her fingers, now, I'm in a blanket.

W-What the... Ohhh! Tiny hands, can't... Move... Why is this blanket so tight?! Ugh!

"Hush, my baby..." A melodious voice erupted in my ears, I can't ignore it, it was beautiful.

Unexpectedly, I was then wrapped around this compelling embrace. Ohhhhh~ I just wanna stay here.

The laugh I never imagined escaped my mouth and I sounded so... Cute?!

"There, there, my Yerrie..." The woman spoke again, it's so beautiful, I could honestly cry by just listening to it.

As though, it's my mother who's speaking.


Hang on!

Everything was just shown as a flash of light! I haven't seen it all properly! Was I a baby?!

Am I a baby?!

I can't see clearly but I know, it was my mama. It was my mother who called me... She was the one who held me.

"What a beautiful smile. My daughter... I love you,"

It was just some faint whispers. I just know.

I'm a baby!

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