

Somewhere deep underground, lies an untouched cavern. A cavern filled to the brim with fantastical sights.

Breathtakingly beautiful crystalline shards can be observed jutting out from every surface. Shimmering with a delightful semi-transparent cerulean blue luminescent oscillation.

A crystal clear lagoon, unblemished by even the slightest ripple, reflects a grand symphony of color.

Resplendent particles of light dance through the air. Mirrored on the liquid's surface.

In the center of the ceiling an opulent grand crystal hangs down like a regal crown. Adorning the cave in a gentle radiant blue light.

As if to not be outdone, the very air itself seems to have come alive. Responding to the symphony, with the blooming of an exquisite aurora.

Glistening green and blue, with a hint of violet. Saturating any open space.

It is at this juncture reality itself, appears to tremble and distort. As if it is unable to contain the lustrous brilliance any longer.

However the walls of the cavern act as an unrelenting bulwark, seemingly denying the plea of reality.

If there was anyone present observing this point in time, they would see an exceedingly rare phenomenon. A phenomenon that would in no way be short of being considered a miracle of nature.

The energy instead of being dissipated, quivered and started to condense. A tremor traveled through the cave signifying the beginning of something new.

Under the grand crystal, a vortex formed fusing the energy. The various crystals, particles, liquid and even the aurora began to pulse in rhythm.

The rhythmic oscillations became ever quickening, trying to satiate the ravenous vortex.

The effervescent luminous lights started to dim and lose their glorious luster. A multitude of the crystals began to shatter into particles of light, flowing towards the singularity.

In the epicenter of the vortex, the energy became so saturated that it started to congeal.

A small droplet, no larger than a drop of dew formed. A marvelously sublime crystalline glacial blue drop of dew.

As the drop began to form the vortex started waning. However a final crystal, deep in the lagoon, cracked and shattered releasing more energy and something unique.

A small silvery fragment, in contrast to the cornucopia of various shades of blue, ascended upward.

It came into contact with the crystalline drop, causing an immediate blinding response. Filling the entire cave with a radiant bright white light.

The oppresive light slowly died down. Leaving behind a floating drop of dew. A glimpse of a silvery glimmer could be seen in the center of the drop, but it quickly disappeared as if it was nothing but an illusion.

The drop slowly floated down being caught on a petal before it could fall into the reflective waters.

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