
This Is Her Story...




Lizzie got upset when she sees her report card. She has a failing mark on Social Studies. She has no other choice but to show it to her father.

Her father said, "You are not studying hard, aren't you? I would hire a strict tutor to guide you in your studies. By the way, Lizzie, you are grounded for tonight."

Lizzie hurried to call her special friend, Willie to seek a comfort.

Willie said, "I told you to focus hard on Social Studies, but you did not listen to me."

Lizzie sniffed, "I wish I would be smart like you, Willie.:

Willie replied, "You are smart, Lizzie. You just focus on your studies. That's all."

On the next day, when Lizzie went to school, the Ruiz Brothers saw her. They learned from tothers that she failed the Social Studies so they mocked at her. In order to avoid them, she quickly ran to the school gate. And suddenly, she is bumped to an old lady.

Lizzie apologized, "I am sorry. I did not mean to. It is just those guys."

The old lady said, "It is okay. I think you are the person I am looking for."

Lizzie is now confused, "I am? Why?"

The old lady took the colorful candle from her dusty bag. Then, she gave it to Lizzie.

The old lady explained, "Light this candle at the altar during midnight and make a wish. It will come true."

That midnight, Lizzie followed the instruction from that old lady. She lighted the candle and make a wish.

Lizzie said, "I wish my life would be better."

On the following day, Lizzie decided to stay home because she could not go out with her friends to have fun at the mall. Her father hired a strict tutor to guide her in her homework. She also waited for that tutor to arrive. She is currently at the living room while watching the Quiz Show program on TV.

While listening to the questions of the hosts for the contestants, she realized that she knew the answers. And, she is right all along.

Later on, the tutor is finally arrived. She turned of the TV. They are headed to the study room. While the tutor is testing Lizzie's IQ, she is surprised because Lizzie's answers are all correct. She excels in Philippine History, Asian History, World History and Economics. It shows that Lizzie has been changed since the the last time she first met her.

Also, Lizzie is surprise of what's happening.

Lizzie said, "I don't know. But, it is hard to believe that I can remember every details from the history books I read in the past few weeks."

The tutor said, "You are gifted, Lizzie. You must use that gift and make your father proud."

Lizzie said, "I know! I will sign up for the Quiz Show. If I win in that contest, my father would be proud of me."

And that afternoon, she signed up for the Quiz Show. She first was given a qualification exam to test her mental capability. But, she passed the qualification exam. One week after, she is called the producer to compete in the Quiz Show. And finally, she became a Grand Champion Winner. She defeated the Ultimate Champion.

Everybody in school learned that Lizzie won in the Quiz Show. She was voted as the Most Intelligent Student in their yearbook. And Willie was surprised why there is a sudden change with Lizzie.

So Willie asked her, "Lizzie, is that tutor that your father hired really tough?"

She answered, "No. She is a nice lady. Why did you ask?"

He explained, "Before, I always know that you always fail the Social Studies. Now, you are voted as the Most Intelligent Student in our class's yearbook. Why does it all happening?"

Lizzie could not tell her the secret. So, she lied to him.

She smiled at him, "I did what you told me. I just studied hard on my difficult subjects. That's all."

He laughed, "Really? Congratulations, my friend. You are really the best."

She mischievously grinned, "Thanks, Willie. I owe it to you."


