


[The number of loyal subjects under you has reached five, their Sigils of Domination (golden sun tattoo) resonate with your HALO OF DOMINATION. Their resonance calling forth for the establishment of an ORDER that moves to pursue your ideals and goals. As a being destined to rule over everything and anything, you cannot be without subordinates or vassals serving under you.]

[Their resonance calling for the establishment of the ORDER OF DOMINION.]

[With the creation of the ORDER OF DOMINION, five of your loyal subjects would have the chance of forming a group serving strictly under you called the: Five Thrones of Domination! Those who identify with said group title having a chance of enjoying certain boons from it, that suitably enhances or helps them in areas they lack.]






[The above benefits would be accessible to your loyal subjects should you establish the ORDER OF DOMINION; an organisation that strives and exists solely for Absolute Domination.]

[Do you wish to establish this order? Y/N]

Of course he chose Yes!

Having studiously read through all the panels Fritz agreed swiftly.

With each panel he read through his smile grew brighter and brighter, his joy vividly expressed on his face. The news these brilliant panels brought Fritz was so shockingly that even he felt like he was cheating. The benefits brought about by establishing the ORDER OF DOMINION to both him and his subordinates would enable their progress to increase rapidly.

Whilst Fritz was lost in his thoughts, the group in front of him were drawn to their status panels by a new prompt that notified them of being part of Fritz's newly established organisation.

They were now members of the ORDER OF DOMINION and most importantly its founding members yet unknown to them this very name would soon resound throughout the Universe in the nearby future.

 A new section that read [Affiliation; Order of Dominion] appeared in their status screens.


Fritz was drawn from his thoughts by the sound of the chains binding Ian and Jesse falling to the ground after being removed by Vlad since they no longer posed no threat to them because they were now brothers and sisters in arms. The key to these chains having being given to him by Dusk on her way out.

Ian and Jesse stood up stiffly, their muscles and bones aching and tense due to the chains that used to bind them. They stretched, flexed and moved around the hall a bit so that their muscles could loosen. While they were doing this Fritz slowly moved towards the singular throne in the hall whereupon reaching it he took his seat as his image captured the admiration and envy of his subordinates.

He truly looked like a Supreme Emperor.

"You may seat." 

Fritz deactivated his abilities yet the aura of prestige and majesty around him didn't dwindle. His words resounding in their ears as irrefutable urging each of them choose their own seating nearby the hall's pillars.


A sound echoed out in the hall caused by the movement of the chairs that they had sat on. It seems that a certain mechanism triggered the moment they all sat down, causing their seats to move forward, separating from their pillars as they moved towards the center wherein a gloriously beautiful dragon carved table rose from the floor.

After a few seconds they were all seated together around the table with Fritz at the helm. This seating arrangement helping set the mood for the meeting.

"Before we start let's introduce ourselves" spoke Fritz.

Sitting to his right was Ian who introduced himself first after closing his pocket mirror, "My name is Ian Galadher, the most handsome person alive. I have awakened an SSS grade talent, [Thousand Reincarnations Deity] and I will be in your care."

"Fuck! How can you be so shameless" blurted Gindal seated at the left end of the table. Ian's words triggered the people he was with as both Vlad and Echo snorted at his shamelessness.

Jesse seating next to him nodded her head in agreement, "Hm! Hm! You are the most handsome person I have ever met… but now it seems that you have some competition" she added with her eyes dancing from Ian to Vlad then Fritz appreciatively as she couldn't believe that three of the most handsome people probably in the world were gathered in the same roof.

'Even those Princes and Scions I met before are trash compared to these three especially Master… Mmh! So masculine.'

Hearing Jesse's statement Ian's eyes warily watched the two before smiling smugly, "They are still a hundred years young from surpassing me."

'That devil's looks could match mine but his temperament is too demonic as for Master his looks are below mine but his charm and masculinity surpass mine but overall I am still the most handsome.'

Ian had fair dark completion that contrasted with his stunning white hair cut to a perfected high fade. His facial features perfectly shape as though crafted by a master craftsman, softly arching white eyebrows sitting above his spellbinding blue tourmaline eyes which below them was his aquiline nose complementing his prominent cheekbones.

A free spirited character coupled with his vigorous voice. 

Ian was undisputably handsome.

Jesse's sweet voice continued the introductions, "My name is Jesse Bloodstone, I have awakened an SSS grade talent, [Angel of Wealth]. I hope we get along and make each other richer than we ever being."

She wore a nice black pencil skirt showing her shapely figure especially her pronounced front and back. Her phoenix eyes laid below her curved eyebrows, a pair of delicate ears that framed a button nose. She had beautiful long wavy deep brown hair veiling her oval pretty face.

She carried herself in a lady-like manner and always wore a sweet smile that complemented her syrup sweet voice. Fritz nodded his head and turned his gaze to Gindal who was sweating at the end of the table.

Gindal just like many members of his race had a height of approximately 1.5 meters, this small body of his packed with muscles giving him his short and burly physique. His flaming red hair nicely cut into a Mohawk and on his square chin rested a ducktail red beard.

"My name is Gindal Branwen, son of the Great Gandalf and my goal is to surpass―" but before Gindal could finish he was cut off by Jesse whom excitedly jumped from her chair, "Wait! wait! What did you just say?"

Gindal surprised by her reaction blindly replied, "That my goal is to―" only for him to be harshly cut off again. A slight frown appearing on his face due to Jesse's rudeness.

"No… no... no before that, what did you say?" as Jesse hurriedly repeated her question and despite her lack of manners nobody seemed to question it as all of them except Fritz had the same questions as Jesse and since she was asking what they wanted to know all of them just kept quiet.

Unhappily, Gindal replied, "I am the son of the Great Gandalf."

"Yes that's it. You aren't joking right?"

"Of course I am not joking."

"Hahaha. It's good that you aren't playing around but still to confirm again, are you sure that he is your father."

Gindal banged the table with his fist, "Fuck what do you mean by I am not sure. I am hundred percent sure damnit!"

"Hehe sorry…sorry. Ehm… can you take out one of his divine creations to help open our eyes" fawningly beamed Jesse. Her expression filled with greediness and sitting at the side Fritz could see her face drooling.

"I don't have any."

"What? You don't have any that's impossible didn't you claim that your father was the legendary Divine Grade blacksmith? Don't tell me that―"

"Stop!" ordered Fritz. Jesse upon hearing his voice jumped up like a scared kitten before she sat back down on her seat obediently.

Fritz continued, "It is indeed true that Gindal is the son of the Great Gandalf but as life would have it, he currently doesn't have any of his treasures and so as to why he doesn't, that's his story which if he wishes to tell it will be another day but not today."

"Jesse apologise." Ordered Fritz.

Jesse stood up and bowed her head, "I am sorry for my rudeness" and to her apology Gindal just bobbed his head.

"Now let's continue with the introductions please."

Seated to the left side of Fritz, Vlad and Echo introduced themselves as apparently their full names were Echo Darknight and Vlad Crimson.

Fritz powerful voice rang out again, "With the introductions out of the way we can now begin this meeting. As you have all seeing you are now members of the ORDER OF DOMINION and being members of it there are certain things you have to keep in mind."

"First this is an order established solely to group like-minded people who desire the power and strength for Absolute Domination. Some of you might say that you were forced, which is true and you may even say that you have no such desires but those are lies."

"You have such desires but you are all inhibited by your lack of confidence. Gindal hopes to become the greatest blacksmith even surpassing his father right? But his father is Gandalf, the man standing at the peak of craftsmanship in Gaia, a man who absolutely dominates the field of craftsmanship."

"Jesse says she wants to become richer and richer but until when would she be satisfied? I am willing to bet that she is dreaming of monopolising the entire business world of Gaia to herself but since she lacks the confidence to aim for it she hides her dreams behind little goals even though her greed is insatiated."

Fritz's words powerfully tugged at their hearts, stirring their calm hearts as blood pumped furiously in their veins. They were young and wild, hot blooded and talented, his words stirred their hearts as all their hidden dreams and aspirations called out to them to take a step.

They all concentrated and listened carefully to his words.

"Even you Vlad, you may be able to hide it from other people but I can see it. Those eyes of yours, your undeniable determination that longs and thirsts for power but you suppress it."

"This time I call out to you, join me on this journey and let me become your pillar and faith for our dreams. Let me become the confidence you lack. Join me as we become enthralled for power."

"Join me for the dominion we seek, the dominion we will strive for and dominion we shall achieve."

Goosebumps started to appear on their skin whilst the hearts pulsed excitedly in response to Fritz's powerful yet passionate voice that charmed their souls, releasing them of all their constraints as unconsciously they stood up, bowing their heads towards him, pledging their heartfelt loyalty to him.

Finally, they could rid themselves of their constraints, leaving behind their what if's and their self-doubts behind them. The confidence they used to lack to take that singular step took shape in their hearts just like a seed budding.

"I pledge my eternal loyalty to the Dominator!"

"I pledge my eternal loyalty to the Dominator!"

"I pledge my eternal loyalty to the Dominator!"

"I pledge my eternal loyalty to the Dominator!"

"I pledge my eternal loyalty to the Dominator!"

They vowed excitedly which upon combining in the air formed a beautiful symphony that was a pleasure for Fritz ears. If before they pledged their fealty to him out of necessity and fear right now they pledged their loyalty to him wholeheartedly without any misgivings.

Fritz widely spread his arms, "Hahaha! Good… good. Let me take you all to see the sights at the peak. May the first meeting of the ORDER OF DOMINION commence!"

Leta get it!!

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