3 Page 3: fears

Then winter reared up. I got scared but it was also magnificent i am surprised he didn't try and throw me off of his back even though he hasn't been trained or broke. I got off and stood next to him. He looked at me with care, love, and effection. It was like i was his long lost best friend. That's when i started rubbing his head. He seemed to enjoy it. That's when henry found us he seemed frightened. "What's wrong?" i asked. "Whats wrong WHATS WRONG!" he yelled. "YOU RAN OFF!" he yelled. He got a softer tone as he said. "I was worried sick". "Sorry" i said in a light tone. "I was just about to come back after i took in all of the views" I said while i played with my hair. I laughed "besides i was having to much fun for you anyways". He scoffed and told me to follow him because we were going back to my house. He said my dad needed to talk to me. When i got home i told my dad everything that happened that day. That's when he said that is awesome but i have to be careful. I said i would that's when i made the mistake to say that i rode winter when i was doing all that stuff. "WHAT!!" he yelled so loud that i nearly cried. "Im sorry dad but i know that he won't hurt me because if he would i most likely wouldn't still be here". He calmed down and said. "Ok i will allow it as long as you promise to be careful" he said as calmly as he could. "Yes Sir" i said as respectfully as i could i went back outside to go to winter but then i remembered that he said he could barely get winter to trot let alone take him up mountains!
