
Chapter one Lilly

It's the first of December I just moved here from Austin,Texas.

I walk into class and sit down by the window. It's so beautiful outside. While I'm admiring the view, the bell rings and the teacher enters the room.

"Hello class. Please take your seats. I have some exciting news. We have a new student. Please come up and introduce yourself to the class." she says.

I walk up to the front of the class. "Hi.My name is Lilly. I'm 18 and my favorite color is light blue." My teacher responds "It is nice to meet you. Welcome to Oklahoma. My name is Mrs. Smith and I'm your homeroom teacher." I nod my head and go back to my desk where I resume looking out the window.

After that I don't really pay attention to what the teacher is saying. After homeroom I go to my next class and the class after that and the next thing I know it's the end of the day. I start walking to my apartment building.

I get there and take off my backpack and start doing my homework. After I finish my homework I make dinner and get ready for bed.