
Chapter One: Death

Hello there, all of you who are reading this. This is my journal, sort of, this book contains my memories of my Death and Rebirth so, let's start off with my death.

My name was Thomas Mandor and today was the day I died.

It happened suddenly, with no warning to precede it. My death, and in case you were wondering, No, I was not killed by a random trucker nor was I struck down by lightning from an angry God.

My death was something that could have been avoided and yet because of human greed, it was not. The greed of other's caused my death and yet at the same time, it was because of the fact that I had died that those who had wronged me would be locked up for the rest of their lives.

I had been at work for nearly three hours on that fateful day, I had just left the office building as I had been quite hungry and had decided to go to a bakery not far from here that I often liked to frequent.

It did not take long for me to get to the bakery, after maybe two to three minutes I had arrived outside the store front. Walking in, I already knew what I was going to get. A chocolate muffin.

This particular bakery made the most delicious chocolate muffins that I had ever tasted. I paid the 3 dollars that the muffin cost me and left. I was walking down the street back to the office where I would once more have to go through the tedious motions my job.

As I was walked past a side alley I felt a hand wrap around my mouth and another around my waist as I was forcefully dragged into the dark and dingy alley. My good mood immediately plummeted as fear started to set in, the man who was dragging me further and further away from any help I may gain was incredibly strong. Even as I struggled against him, he held a firm grip on my mouth and stomach.

I squirmed, and I wriggled, trying my hardest to shake off whomever my attacker was, I knew that he was white as I could see the skin of his hand but other than that my attacker was a mystery to me. I felt an incredible amount of fear surge through my body as I realised what was happening to me.

As I was being dragged against my will deeper into the dark abyss that was this alley I saw that another man had walked up to me and was starting to pat me down, this man unlike his counterpart who was holding me back had darker skin, he was completely bald and seemed to be in his mid-thirties, he had ice blue eyes that shone with malice.

He was likely looking for my phone and wallet as well as any other valuables I may have had on me. He found it, reaching deep into my pockets he held out my phone and wallet, they were the only valuable items that I had in my possession right now, hoping that that would be enough to appease the big guy and have his mate let go and let me leave.

Sadly it was not, having found what he was looking for, the other man gave the one who was holding me a nod. Then out of nowhere the man takes his hand from my stomach and reaches into his pockets, he pulls out … something, I'm not sure what. It does not take long for me to find out as I see him slowly start to bring a knife closer and closer towards me.

I started to struggle frantically as I realised what he was going to do, I tried everything that I could think of but despite my adrenaline fuelled struggle, he slams the knife down right into my chest.

As the blade entered my chest I felt a sharp pinch, before it tore through my skin. Time seemed to slow down, and I could feel the knife racing towards my heart, severing muscles and tendons on its way down. Thankfully I felt no pain, as the knife started to tear into my most precious organ, I realised that thankfully this was happening all too fast for my brain to even process the pain.

The man dropped me and ran along with his compatriot. At long last I saw my attacker in full, he had dark brown hair and piercing green eyes, but the most eye-catching feature of him was that he was quite young, Probably no older than 17 at most.

However, they were too late, the sound of sirens would have reached my ears, but I was already dead. None of us knew it, but there was someone who had seen me get snatched from the street and had decided to call the cops. Sadly, they were too late.

I opened my eyes, which was a rather odd thing for me to do given that I was kind of dead. I was staring at a white ceiling not really believing my luck, despite the fact that I had been stabbed in the heart, had I managed to survive?

I tried to move my head and find the nurse, but what I saw instead made my jaw drop. Standing nearly directly over me we're two giants, a man and a woman. I immediately started to try and wriggle myself out of the grip that the woman had on me, when I realised that this was not going to work I raised my arms, prepared to fight my way through them if it was necessary.

That was when I realised something, my arms were a lot pudgier than I remember. In fact, now that I noticed this I could feel my arms not really responding to me properly, they felt heavy, almost as if I was trying to wade through water. That was when 'It' happened.

I opened my mouth and shouted at the woman "Let go of me you crazy giant", but what this came out as is what caused me to stop struggling. As out of my very own mouth I heard not my words but rather a babyish gurgle.

It was in that moment that I realised what the hell had happened to me, I had not survived being stabbed and I was not in hospital for a stab wound. No, I was in hospital for being born, or rather re-born and these two giants who towered over my fragile body were in fact my parents.

It had been a week since I was cleared to leave the hospital and I had learned my parent's names and that was it. You may be asking to yourself why that is all I had managed to figure out in my short life. Well, that was because we were in Norway, everyone spoke Norwegian, the signs were in Norwegian, as well as the books, and the TV shows but, I don't speak Norwegian or read it.

As I mentioned earlier I had managed to figure out my Parent's names, my mother was Elizabeth Evans a loving woman who had soft white skin, pure black hair and warm chocolate eyes. She was born in England and had come to Norway for a holiday were she met my dad and fell in love. Speaking of my father, he was one Mikael Karlsen born and raised in Norway for his entire life, he had dark brown hair and soft green eyes.

My parents had interesting jobs, my mum was actually a full-time doctor, while my father was a computer programmer for a big game development company called Pethesda Game Studios. Which sounded familiar, wonder if they had made any titles I would recognise, I added that to my 'do when I am older' list.

As for me, well despite being young my appearance was already quite odd. I looked like my mother mostly, Pale white skin, beautiful black hair but it was my eyes that were different. The colour was one I had never seen before as a natural eye colour, they were purple, and not just a light purple either but a dark purple, they were almost the same shade of purple as Peter Quill's were when he was holding the Power stone.

My Parent's had named me Matthew Evans, both my parents decided that my mother's last name sounded better than my dad's. Anyway, that is all the things that I had managed to learn, not an easy thing to do anyway when all you do is eat, shit and sleep. Sometimes at the same time, I just hope that I won't remember any of this when I grow older.

Despite having done nothing all day, I felt my eyes start to slowly droop as all of a sudden I felt rather tired, I just hope I don't shit myself this time.

Thanks, Everyone who read my work, this is just a fun little project for me. I wanted to see if this is something I can do and hopefully complete.

So please, Review this, positive and negative feedback is good, it will let me know what I am doing right and what I am doing wrong.

Arcane_Entitycreators' thoughts