

What. The. Hell.

Looking around, I see me getting beat up in some alley by Rocky and some thugs when suddenly they run away. I was very confused, I tried to move but my body wouldn't respond to me. I tried talking and screaming but no sound came out.

What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On.

"Ahhh there you are." Looking around I try to spot who's voice this is. The sound of a deep demonic laughter played throughout my head as the voice continues to speak. "Robert Drake, what a fine specimen you are, sooo much hate, sooo scared, sooo lonely, and sooo cold."

The demonic voice continued to laugh as I was suddenly felt ice crawling up my skin, from my arms to my neck. Fear began to set in as I had no control over the ice, while the sleet snow began to cover my face turning me into a frozen statue.


Some time later....

The names Fred Duncan, an FBI agent tasked to investigate odd mutant activities. Driving around Fort Washington, Long Island just to look into a sudden temperature drop seemed like a waste of time to me. With the drop only lasting seconds I argued that it could be technical problems, but since I was close to the incident it couldn't hurt to check.

Cruising along the road I spot two kids running for their life, so I pulled them over and boy do they stink like piss.

"Hey kids, whats the rush?" Looking closely at them I could see that they were genuinely terrified, 'Maybe there is a mutant here'

"T-t-there was a monster back t-there." Goon #1 was scarred for life, while Goon #2 was scared mute. 'Definitely a mutant.'

"Its alright, you're safe now." I nodded as I tried to comfort them, "Go on home."

As they left I quickly made my way to the alley and thats when I felt the biting cold, shivering me down to the bone. I grab my flashlight and ready my weapon and made my way in.

"Hello?!" First I noticed a small rank puddle and then I noticed small flecks of snow, or as I look closer perfect snowflakes.


Low moaning caught my attention immediately as I rushed towards the beaten form of a kid. Quickly assessing his injuries,I determined that his life was not endangered but still got beat to hell and back, 'My god, what kind of mutant would do this to a kid?' I wondered.

I know mutants, heck I'm friends with some pretty powerful mutants, but this is the first I've seen where a mutant hurts an innocent for no reason.



My every unconscious perception is cold. Trying to sense more of where I am, I felt a stiff bed with hardened pillows behind my head.

Opening my only unswollen eye, I can make out a clean white room with one figure sitting down, that I realized was my mother, and a strange man in the back.

"W-wa-water.." My hoarse voice sounded out.

My mother's eyes instantly shot open, her beautiful brown eyes washed with concern as she looked at me. Quickly grabbing some ice chips, she helped me hydrate my parched lips. Feeling refreshed I directed my gaze towards the stranger in the room. Standing at 6ft tall with old blue eyes and greying hair, he looked experienced.

Noticing my confused look, my mother introduced me to him, "Honey this is Mr. Fredrick Duncan, he's with the FBI and the one who found you."

"How you doing kid?" He asked gruffly, "Do you remember anything about the incident?"

"No, sir.." I replied, which was the truth considering I blacked out then started hallucinating icy demons.

"Hmmm..." He narrowed his eyes at me, "Well alright I'll give you time to rest. Ma'am here is my card if you see anything unusual please call."

After leaving his card with my mother, he promptly left. 'Man, what happened did I finally awaken my mutation?' As I was mulling over my thoughts, a doctor walked in.

"Hello folks, I am Doctor Stephen Strange. I'll do a quick neuro exam to make sure everything is alright."

My one eye widened at the sight of a young Doctor Strange, 'What marvel universe am I in? I'm so confused.' After the good doctor finished his exam and deemed me somewhat healthy, I received my discharge papers.

As my mother was filing out the papers I spoke.

"I'm sorry."

My mother looked up from writing and gazed at me with a confused look, "What for baby, its those kids that should apologize for hurting you." She said bitterly

"I-Its just that I'm such a disappointment to you guys. Below average grades, unsocial, and now you have to pay for hospital bills. I'm useless, I can't do anything right, I only bring trouble." I started to rant about my uselessness from the past Bobby's experiences and tears started to run down my eye. "I-I'm sorry I-"

I was cut off from a sudden hug from my mother, who's eyes started to sweat. "No, stop you are my precious little boy. And I love you with all my heart." She pulled away and looked deep into my soul, "Don't ever say you are useless, you are the strongest and bravest person in the world. As long as you don't give up and keep getting back up, you will do great things." She pulled me in again into a tight and comforting hug, and whispered. "You're my little snowflake."

We hug for a few more moments and then my mother finished signing the papers and I got discharged.

As soon as we got home, my dick of a father started mocking me about being a wimp and soon got into a screaming match with my mother. As for me I was too tired to deal with people and went to my room. I was a loner in my previous life not growing any attachments because I had nobody, but now Robert Drake has a loving and caring mother. It feels nice to have someone actually care about you.

But solidarity has a special place in my heart, so I blocked out all the noise and focused. I liked the peace and quiet.

Sitting on my bed I organized my thoughts, closed my eyes and focused. I am trying to recreate the feeling in my dreams, even though it was terrifying, I fought the fear and focused on the cold.


I opened my eyes to see my right hand covered in ice. "Ha...ha..hahahahaha." I start to laugh uncontrollably for a few moments and brought it down to a giggle.

I mean how would you react to suddenly gaining superpowers in 3 days. It was amazing, I rotated my hand to get a better view just admiring the bright blue hue my hand bathed in.

I jerked my arm forward and suddenly a cone of ice came to life as it frosted my chair. I immediately stopped and turned my hand back to normal, looking wide eyed at the frosted chair.


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