


Agent Coulson is worriedly looking at a screen monitoring the constant decreasing of temperature in the Long Island area of New York. "Sir, should we intervene the situation?" He asked the Director.

"No." Nick Fury watched with a careful eye, tracking the drops of pressure making its way to Xavier's Mansion. "The man made it personal. Let the kid handle it."

Agent Coulson nodded, but still worried of Robert Drake's action's to the civilian population.


Inside Xavier's Mansion....

Ororo could feel the coming storm that was making its way towards the Mansion and called the house's occupants together.

"What is it? Another villain?" Emma Frost asked right away arriving to see Storm in her uniform.

"I don't know..." Ororo responded hesitantly, "I can sense the changes in the atmosphere rapidly making its way towards us." She looked towards Professor Xavier. "Professor can you tell if anyone is behind it?"

Professor Xavier held his head in concentration, spreading his mind towards the incoming storm. "No." He said worryingly, "I cannot sense a mind inside the storm...."

Logan growled and flexed his hands causing his metallic claws to appear. "Could be Magneto, coming to take Frost away."

Emma's eyes widened with fear at the thought of being ripped away and forced to work for a mad man.

"No." Ororo denied. "This phenomenon feels....cold."

"Robb...?" Emma asked quietly.

Logan put away his claws and crossed his arms, "Then what's all the fuss about, kid's coming back home."

"I should be able to sense his mind at this distance." Professor Xavier pointed out.

"Could Robb cause atmospheric disturbances with his powers?" Dr. Kinross spoke out.

"Truthfully..." Professor Xavier answered, "We have no idea the extent of his full potential."

They all went to the front door to face the approaching storm. Logan opened the gates causing Ororo to look at him questionably.

"What? We just got them fixed, don't want them broken again." He shrugged off their judging looks.

As they went outside to gaze towards the distance the temperature started to lower and their breath started to show.

"Damn...it is the kid." Logan said suddenly.

"What? How do you know you can't see anything through that fog." Emma asked curiously trying to spot a figure inside the white cloud.

"I've fought with him every single day for 6 months straight." Logan recounted, "I know the feeling of his powers."

Emma reached out with her mind to see if Logan was right, but she couldn't feel anything and only felt cold.


The cracking of ice could be heard as crystals of frost moved through the air. The white haze slowly moved passed the lawn, the blades of grass frosted over from the freezing temperatures. Two blood red eyes popped out of the white haze causing some distress towards the members.

"Sh*t..." Logan cursed getting into a combat stance, "He's mad." He sniffed the air and frowned in confusion, "But he doesn't smell angry..."

They waited with bated breath as Robert Drake walked out of the white haze, frost on the edge of his worn out clothing and wearing a metallic headband.

Professor Xavier's eyes widened at the sight of the headband, remembering it to be a gift to his friend Fredrick Duncan.

The white haze came to a halt, dispersing and thinning as Robert came to a stop in front of the X-Men. His red eyes causing some obvious discomfort towards Emma and Xavier.

"Robert." Professor Xavier greeted, his frosted breath visible as he spoke.

"Charles..." Robert's cold voiced echoed in the air. "I'd like to speak privately."

Professor Xavier nodded and wheeled towards his office, Robert following close behind leaving the rest at the entrance.

"Robb! Wait!" Emma shouted and tried to get his attention, only to be walked by and ignored.

She hang her head in concern for Robert's state of mind. Logan put a gentle hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry kid." He reassured her, "He loves you, but he only has one thing on his mind right now." Emma nodded her head sadly and watched Xavier and Robert disappear into the mansion.

Ororo suddenly walked by and tried to follow, but was blocked by Logan. "What are you doing Logan?!?" She shouted angrily, "Robert will hurt him."

Logan was unfazed at her anger and held her back. "LOGAN!" She shouted, "He'll cripple him!"

"He's already crippled." He responded smoothly. Storm growled out in frustration and walked off, followed by Dr. Kinross calming her down.


Xavier's office....

Arriving at Xavier's office, I locked the door behind us and took a seat on the other side of his desk. We sat in an uncomfortable silence with Xavier looking concerned and my face looking thoughtful.

"Robert...." Xavier began.

"Shhhhh...." I cut him off, raising a finger to my lips and crossing my legs. "I'm thinking.."

"..." The silence only served to make Xavier more uncomfortable as the temperature in the room continued to drop.

"Did you know my powers could affect me drastically if I become too cold?" I spoke out suddenly.

Xavier's eyebrows turned up at my sharing and continued to listen. "Yea, my powers could affect my emotions. Freezing them leaving me emotionless, but if there is a particular emotion that is soo strong. It will survive and become a driving force in my actions." I told him educationally.

"N-No, R-Robert." Xavier stuttered from the constant decrease in temperature inside the room. "I-I did n-not know t-that."

I stood up and placed my hands on his desk, immediately frosting over from where my hands were placed. "Well you're a pretty smart guy." I pointed out calmly, "So take me through your thought process on how manipulating mine and my parents memories was a good idea!"

Xavier took a shaky breath, "I-I...n-nev-er....w-want-ed...t-to...h-harm...y-you." Xavier could feel a stabbing pain in his lungs, his skin started to blister becoming bright red. His nose started to bleed as his eyes became increasingly bloodshot. He tried to move his arms but found his joints hard to move. "I-I...d-did...it...t-to...p-protect...t-them.."

I narrowed my red eyes and studied his condition, "Did you know that if it becomes too cold, the air begins to dry?" I spoke out, "Large amounts of dry air is harmful to the body, leaving it dehydrated. Your body will start breaking down, suffering from the lack of water. This torturous experience you are feeling is only the beginning." My crimson eyes glowed. His frosted desk creaked as I clenched my fist.

I stood up straight and looked at his bleeding figure pathetically, "Preaching to be harnessing the good of mutantkind and using your powers for justice." I said with disdain. "You are a hypocritical mad man. You are no different from Magneto."

I turned around and walked towards a frosted door, "You and me. We are done Xavier. Take care." With that I kicked the broken door down leaving a partially frozen and bleeding Xavier behind to suffer and think about his mistakes.

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