
The hole 16

Later in the morning Blaze woke up, his body felt like he was sleeping on fire, pushing himself up he stood, wobbling he thought of getting food for Raid and Chimeeko, moving slightly Chineeko woke up, trying to stand himself he collapsed waking Raid 'hi what do you think you're doing your in no health to move' he snapped as he forced Chimeeko to lay down.

After a small argument Raid got up and laid on his tail while Blaze came back with roasted fish "glad your both up let's eat and get out of here, I saw trakes on the way back" he confirmed as he threw meals to the two, "we will have to fly to the gates but I don't know what to do after that and with you guys on my back am not sure I will get over there to where we have to go" Blaze stated 'are you sure we cant dig under?.

Blaze tilted his head "that's not a bad idea but it will be a small hole anything bigger we cause some noise" Raid nodded and stood up pulling Chimeeko on his back ' let's go now' and with that Blaze began to dig using larger claws to carve out a hole.

'Raid why are you suddenly treating me nice' Raid wagged his tail slowly 'you must be mistaken there is no way am nice am just helping so Blaze won't carry your burden' Chimeeko chuckled and whispered ok as Raid started to go down the hole "it's going to take a while it tougher than I thought" Blaze huffed as his claws got sharper 'the dirt?' Raid muttered, Blaze nodded as he dug further, they could hear the footsteps above and hearing the prince as well yelling to a guard, Raid just prayed that this would work he couldn't deal with Dyer, not now not ever.

Chimeeko pawed at Raid as he continued to carry him ' am bored' he grumbled 'are you a five-year-old?' Raid growled as he stopped putting him down 'we have been in here for a long while am sure it's dark already,' Raid shook his head and sighed resting 'say what you want I've been carrying you so shut up' Chimeeko huffed and turned his face flicking his bell while above ground Dyer sat in his throne "do you hear that" he muttered, his guard responded "it's coming from underground sir", Blaze crawled back to them "stop idiot-" but before he could continue a shovel dug in front of him inches from his face "crawl fast!" he whispered yelled, Raid pulled Chimeeko on his back and moved as fast as he could both panting heavily.

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