


The alarm clock rang while sam was still snoring in his bed and the sunlight dazzled him.

"Hey! Turn off your alarm clock and get up we will eat some breakfast, you'll be getting late." his mom yells at every morning.

Samuel got woke up and he gently scrubbed his eyes as he yawned "I will, mom!" He replied. he went outside while he's mother is busy serving those food into the table.

"You're so stubborn, I told you to sleep early, why you haven't followed me?" His mom scolding him while holding the plates "here, sit down and eat before you go to school."

he sat down, grabbing his utensils, "By the way, mom.. we will be having a painting contest tomorrow, can I ask for money?" showing his palm to ask for a money.

"Goodness gracious, ok.. I'll send it to your account later. i'll not give you some cash." his mom replied while smiling at his son, "enough and eat breakfast now."

"Can you bend for a second, mom?" He asks.

His mom got confused, but she bends and he suddenly kissed her cheek and she startled "you're the best mom ever, " he smile as he bite some bread, "You're stubborn, eat and take a shower there, I'll change the bed sheet in your room." she walked into the room.

After he ate, he immediately took a shower and he gets his bag pack while putting his shoes and he fix his shirt. "Mom!, I'll get going now!" He shouts. "Ok, just be careful!" His mom replied to him.

He arrived at school and he saw the guard that checking all the student if they have their ID card, he quickly dug up on his pocket his card but there's nothing, so he panics and he doesn't know what to do. He close his eyes and he thinks "Maybe, I'll never get scolded if no one will see me." he said on himself.

He went to the back of the school and when he about to climb up on the wall, a boy from above fell upon him and they landed on the ground that cause a big noise, the bodyguard heard it and he immediately run at the back and he saw them on the ground, "I'm screwed." as he look and smile fakely.

The school guard drag them to the guidance office.

"Samuel, why are you there earlier?" The guidance teacher asks him. He just bowed his head down, "Samuel, I'm talking to you, why are you there? If you're not going to answer my question I'll talk your mom." the teacher said to him again.

He smiled fakely and he looked at the teacher, "ma'am, just give me one chance. i.. i went there because, I forgot to bring my ID card." he replied to the teacher awkwardly. The teacher looked at the boy who was with Samuel. "You!, you're going to skip the class again?" asking him but the boy just acts cool. "It's boring here, let me out he-

The teacher shouted and Samuel startled "I'm going to talk with your father-

"I don't have a father, ma'am, " he replied bravely.

"Then I'll talk to your mother tomorrow, make sure to tell her about this!. Make sure you will bring your mother here tomorrow!" The teacher said to him, She sat on her main chair as she felt stress, "go and take your classes there" she said.

Samuel and the boy immediately went outside, the boy glance at him and he smirked "What a shame."

he just ignored the boy and he quickly went to his room. when he peacefully seating down to his chair, His classmate pokes him with a pen "Hey, why are you late?" she whispered at samuel.

"Be quiet, Chloe... I'll tell you the reason later, let's focus to the class for now." he replied to her.

The teacher notice that they are chitchatting.

"Mr. Samuel Beethoven?, Why are you talking with Ms. Chloe cotton?" His teacher asks to them while holding his stick.

Samuel looked at him and he smiled fakely, "I'm sorry, sir." Samuel said politely.

"Ok, let's go back to the-

the school bell suddenly rang and he got piss off, "always all save by the bell!" He said madly and he slammed his stick on the table. All students startled and the teacher walked outside annoyingly.

"What's wrong with him?" Chloe said while looking at outside "By the way, what's the reason?" She asks samuel.

Samuel is packing his stuff back to his bag, saying "Let's go to the cafeteria first." Chloe pouted her lips and she rolled here eyes "Fine, let's go there first." she replied.

They are walking while holding their milkshake and snacks, "so, what's the reason?" Chloe asks him.

He put down his milk shake to the table and he sat down, "you, you should sit down first." he replied. she sat down while sipping her milkshake "so, what's the reason?" She asks again.

"I didn't bring my ID card, so I climbed to the wall and someone fell on me that he will be going to skip that class, the guard heard the noise and we got caught, I went to the guidance office and tell the truth that's why i went here late." Samuel replied to her.

"Who fell on you? boy or girl?" She asks that she interested in it.

"A boy, " he replied.

She screamed when she heard it was a boy "is he handsome? "she asked Samuel.

"I don't know, he's kind of a badass cool boy. i don't like he's style, he gives me goosebumps."

she sipping her milk shake loudly. "Can you drink properly?" Samuel asks her, but she makes it too loud to make him annoyed.

"I'll go first to the classroom, you wench." he stood up while holding his milkshake. Chloe stood up and she follows him "Just kidding, " and she has thrown the milkshake cup in the trash bin.

When the class ended, Samuel was walking outside their school as he bowing his head. when someone went to his front, he stopped walking and he looked up at the boy who he with earlier.

"Um, what do you-

"Here, take it, " the boy said and he handed the ointment to samuel. he got confused and he stare on the ointment. "What I'm going to do with this?" He asked the boy.

he pointed sam's elbow that there's a wound on it.

"oh, its ok.. i don't need it, it's just a-

the boy give the ointment on him and he walk away without leaving words to samuel.

"what's wrong on him?" asking himself as he got confuse while looking at the boy and holding the ointment, he just put it on his pocket and he walk, heading to cab station.

When he gets home, he laid on his bed while holding the ointment "What was his name?" He ask.

"Sam, go out and we will going to eat!" His mom shouts from outside. "Ok, mom!" He replied.

When he about to sit on the chair, his mom question him "What's wrong with your elbow?" She asks while looking at Samuel's elbow.

"Oh, this.. I- i just slipped, it's just a little scratch, mom." he replied, stammering.

"You should put some ointment on your elbow, so that bacteria won't spread." she said to her son.

He took the plate and he grabbed some dish and rice to put it on his plate. "Yes mom, I will." he replied.

"you should be careful next time."

"ok, i will. let's eat." he replied.

A few seconds someone knocked on their door and they got confused. "I'm not expecting today that I'll have a guest, " his mom said and she put down her spoon into the plate.

"I'll see who is there, mom." Samuel said and he walked towards the door. "Who are-

He startled and he immediately runs to his older sister. "I miss you, " he said while hugging her.

"Who's that Samuel?" His mom asks as shouts. "It's Mikaela!" He replied. They went inside and Samuel locked the door.

"Hi, mom!.. I miss you." Mikaela hugged her.

"I didn't expect that you will go home." her mom said.

"Sis, where's my latest cassette?" Samuel asked her and Mikaela immediately dig her bag and she handed the cassette to him. "Woah!, this is so crazy!.. how much is this? "He asks.

"It's nothing, that is for you." Mikaela replied to him.

"You keep buying him, he has still a good one." Their mom said Mikaela.

"Mom, it's ok.. I promise that to him when I came back here." She replied and they sat on the table chair.

"Ok, Sam.. go get the plate and handed it to your sister-

"I'm not going to eat, I'm going to my room!" Samuel said while holding his cassette and he runs into his room.

"Hey! , hey! , Samuel comes back here! Hey..

"Mom, it's ok.. I can get my own plate."

"You always spoil that brat!" She said Mikaela.

"It's ok.. he is my little brother and I want him to be happy." Mikaela replied. She took the plate and she ate the dinner with her mom while Samuel was still using his new cassette.

"Aw, I forgot.. the ointment." He said to himself, he took the ointment from the table and he put it to his elbow. Mikaela went to his room and ask, "aren't you hungry?"

he put down the ointment and he looked at his sister.

"You stubborn." Mikaela said to him and she sat on Samuel's bed as she smile. "What's wrong with your elbow?"

"It's nothing, someone bump on me and I slipped." He replied.

Mikaela hugged him with joy in her heart. In the next morning Samuel is preparing for his school and Mikaela already go back to the city since earlier on the morning.

"Bye, mom!" Samuel shouts and he run.

his mom hurrying went outside to give his ID card.

"Sam!, You forgot your ID card!" His mom said to him.

He stopped and he goes back inside. "Thank you, mom!.. see you later!, make sure you will going to cook some delicious dish for me!" He said to his mom and he run faster while holding his cassette.

He's walking into the school while listening to the song from the cassette and he felt the cold and windy wind. While he's walking, someone bump into him.

"Ouch, my elbow." He said and he hold his arm.

"Just a little wound, you won't die from that." other student replied to him.

he stop as he got mad when that boy said it to him and he putted his cassette on his pocket. "Hey!, You-

The boy runs faster inside the school.

"That little wench." Sam curse him.

He went inside to the school and he sat on his chair. "Sam, did you bring some paper?" Chloe asks him.

"Yes, of course.. don't tell me you haven't brought some papers today?" Samuel replied to her.

"I don't.. spare me this time, promise I'll bring some papers tomorrow." Chloe said to him. Samuel takes his bag and he took some papers and he handed it to Chloe.

"Here, tomorrow bring some papers.. you know it, we always have a quiz." He replied and he put down his bag.

"Thank you, promise I'll bring those things next time." she replied to him. A few minutes the teacher goes to their room and the class begins. The lunch time arrives and they packed their thing to their bags. "Cafeteria?" Samuel asks her. "No, I'm going home early." Chloe replied.

Samuel scratched his head as he while frowning. "Wow!, first time I heard this from you!"

"Well, it's my mom's birthday, you want to come?" She replied.

"no, thanks. just say it to your mom happy birthday."

Chloe was about to stand up, but Samuel stops her. "Wait!, hold on.. I have to show you something."

Chloe sat again and she frowned. "What is it?" She asked. "Here!, my latest cassette." He has shown it to her and Chloe got surprised.

"Wow!, this is the latest!, how did you buy this?.. where did you buy this?" She asks.

"My sister came back yesterday and she bought me this." he replied to her proudly.

"Really?, I'm jealous.. my brother hasn't gone back home yet.. he promised to me that when he came back, he will buy a new cassette for me." She replied to Samuel. "You will get that soon, maybe never." He teasing her.

"You stubborn!, bye.. I'll go home!" Chloe shouts at him. "Bye!, see you tomorrow!" He replied.

Samuel went to the cafeteria and he's sitting and eating alone while listening to the song from the cassette. When he finished eating and he was walking in the hallway while holding his cassette. Some student run after him and he accidentally dropped his cassette out of his hand.

"Shit!, my..

He slowly picked it up from the ground and looking at it calmly and he saw cracked on it, his cassette doesn't work anymore.

"Hey!" He shouts at the student who bump into him. The boy turned around and it was the boy from the yesterday.

"You again?.. You always keep bumping on me.. last time you give me a wound and right now you broke my cassette! " He said madly to the boy who was with him yesterday and he about to cry.

the boy were just staring at him and he walked toward at sam closly. "Can I take a look on it? " the boy asks him.

"See this?, it doesn't work anymore.. my sister brought me this last night and you just broke it?" Samuel yells madly at him.

he scratched his head while looking around. "It's your fault, that is not my fault.. you block my way." he replied.

"What?, it's my fault?, this is not my fault.. you should-

"Ok, I'll change it.. how much is this? , I'll buy this for you and stop bugging me anymore! " the boy replied to him and he run quickly.

"What the heck? , I'm bugging him? , he cause first the trouble and.. argh!.. I don't think I can handle this!" he yells on himself and he put the cassette on his bag. "My sister gonna kill me this time." He added while staring madly at the boy at far away.

He was walking alone on the street, when he heard weird noise anywhere and he followed it, he hid behind the wall and he saw the boy who he met, fighting with the gangsters.

"What's that.. he's cover with the blood." When he step back, suddenly he dropped the glass bottle of beer by his foot, and those gangsters heard it. Samuel was panicking and he run faster, he immediately went to the convenience store to hide. "That was so close." as gasping.

When the fight ended, Samuel went back to where the boy was. He saw him lying on the ground, covered with blood and his head was bleeding. "Hey!, wake up!.. hey, do you hear me?" Samuel shakes and waking him up.

After a few minutes they are in hospital, he opened his eyes and he frowned. "Where I am?" He looked at his hand and there's a dextrose on it, his head was covered with a bandage. Samuel was sitting on another chair as he looking at him.

"You're satisfied now?, you always cause a trouble mr. trouble maker." Samuel said to him.

"Who told you that you will going to bring me here?"

"Why? you should thank me for bringing you here." Samuel said to him and he walked towards him.

"I'll change your cassette and-

"I know, but I can't let you there, you're bleeding while laying on the ground-

"You should let me die there." he replied to sam and he rolled his eyes.

"If you die, who will change my cassette?!" Samuel ask madly as crossing his both arrms.

he just glared, showing attitude to him, "Then who will go to pay my bills here?" He asks Sam.

"Me, who else?, I bring you here." Sam replied.

"Someone like you? Are you kidding me?" and he laugh.

"What? what's wrong with that? why? you think i don't have money?, let's wait for the doctor." sam said.

the boy covered his ears and he closed his eyes.

Next chapter