
chapter 1: welcome to a 2nd day of school (Shadow the Crow)

as Shadow was sitting in the hole in the great oak tree that he called home, he sighed. "great, another day the same as always..."

today was a Tuesday, which means another day of bird school. he was the first Crow to go to a school full of Birds of Prey. it was hard since Shadow had to deal with the Hawks and eagles bugging him about why he can't be in a school full of his "own kind". he was getting tired of them all. tired of them telling him where he belongs.

"Shadow, where are you!?" yelled a voice that belonged to his older brother, Petrey. he was mad he had a brother like Shadow messing up his life.

"I'm comin' bro!" Shadow yelled from his wooden room. he looked at the wooden walls of his that had scratches from all the times he took his anger out on the use to be soft and clean.

"Oh please, you take 50 minutes a day and get all those hawks looking at me!" growled Petrey.

it was half true. he's been trying to get there late so he could leave school faster. "I'm sorry bro," he yelled back down. " I'll be there in a second!"


he got to school and sat in his desk. he thought about the day his mom told him he would be fine and that every bird would at some point start showing that they want to be his friends. he sighed at the thought of when his brother thought he was cool. that he was the best little brother ever.

he looked at his dark wing feathers. "they were right to call me Shadow." he thought as he got his paper out and started writing his thoughts.

"look who it is." said a familiar voice. it was an annoying voice he heard day after day.

'if I ignore him, he'll go away.' Shadow thought while writing his favorite things in the world to calm him down. his brother before he ignored him every day, told him if he wrote and/or drew all the things he loved while someone was bugging him, he would calm down.

"Hey, red eyes, I'm talking to you." there was a slam on the deck that Shadow was sitting at. the hawks bright brown wings on the desk. "I'm surprised your parents didn't call you Demon." said the hawk with his same stupid voice. 'ignore it.' thought Shadow.

out of nowhere, the hawk took the paper from Shadow and looked smiled. "look what we got here," said the hawk, he was smiling now. "looks like a diary."

Shadow looked at the hawk. he was a tall, bright brown feathered with hints of black on them. he had a shade of violet eyes.

"give it back!" growled Shadow. he was trying to push down the thought of attacking. ruled #1, don't get into fights... it will only cause more drama and trouble.

the hawk lifted the paper so high that he couldn't just jump and grab it. "say my name then." the hawk smiled at Shadow. he had the face of the Joker from BatBird.
