
Chapter 1: Hope in the World

Looking at the gleaming sunset, paired with a snap of cold breeze of the atmosphere, Harper felt victory! He saved the precious Land of Dawn from the Disasters of Evil, and on front of him, a Daisy grew bloom, as beautiful as an incatatious magic. But, on his back, lies an Evil Figure, who holds the power of Sinister Black Magic. Faramis. He cursed Harper with a mysterious spell, suffering Harper and undergoes Coma. Faramis left a letter beside Harper which wrote:

"Hello to the Citizens of the Land of Dawn! Looking for you Hero? Here he is! Suffering from my Powerful Magic! He will undergo Coma, and there will be no C-U-R-E. Watch out, or I might curse you to DEATH"

Until Evening came, a Perfumed Knight and the Noble Son of the famous Baroque Family, Lancelot, headed to the mountain to breath some fresh air and relax away from her annoying sister, Guinevere. He was lying on a Cherry Blossom Tree when he saw Harper and read the note until he finds out that it was him, the Black-Willed Mage. He went straight to Moniyan Empire in order to report this incident and brought Harper to the Hospital. Commander Tigreal finds out the evidences, and with no doubt, he slashed his sword into the air, slammed his shield on the shiny floor and stood. Therefore, he went to the Dark Abyss, with Moniyans, to get justice for Harper!

-End of Chapter 1