
Space and time magic!

When she heard the corpse echoing in her head she felt sadness that the corpse she had spent many days with could no longer stay and would leave her.

"I will leave you with this book and I will leave my companion that usually roams around in your care, we have fought many things over the centuries but nowadays he just roams around and kills whatever monsters he finds"

Hearing this she looked at the book with the title 'enchanting and management' first part of the title looked interesting but the last part made her feel like it would take a couple of years to finish. When she stopped pondering about the book quiet footsteps could be hard on the rock tiled floor and it didn't sound human, a couple of seconds later a small and cute... duck, could be seen? Is this ancient and powerful corpse's companion a duck? When it finished waddling up to them a sad and low "quack" could be heard when the duck looked at the corpse. Looking back at the corpse Janna noticed the corpse that used to have lively eyes no longer looked alive, he had sneakily left Janna and his companion together and didn't even allow her say thanks for everything, rudest corpse around. His aura was no more and Janna could feel that her needs that were suppressed during her time of studying were coming back and she had no idea how to get out of here, food is very important to live and you can't really eat corpses that have been dead for an unknown amount of time. As panic started to arise the newfound companion emitted a low quack and an aura started to come out from it, a couple of seconds later the aura started to grow exponentially leaving Janna a little stupefied on how powerful this duck is. After the aura had grew large everything felt like it had stopped and her vision went blurry seeing only things she couldn't identify pass by, after a brief confusing moment later she found herself standing in a forest, the forest were the labyrinth was located. She assumed what had just happened was the type of magic that only appears in legends, space and time magic! But she quickly came back to reality after feeling acute pain from hunger and the feeling of falling asleep at any moment came and sleeping in a forest full of monsters is not the best idea. Janna looked down on the carefree duck and thought she must get to a town quickly because that unreliable duck is just quacking around. With a sigh Janna decided on trying to slowly walk towards where she thinks a town is in hope she won't be found by a monster, although she do want to try testing her newfound strength on monsters, her gusts are more like a sharp wind now after all and with some luck it might be able to scare away those with thick hide and maybe even kill the weaker ones. So her plan for survival was to find any kind of human landmark to find her way out and try to not be eaten while being hungry and tired, so Janna set out with the duck waddling behind her with curiosity. First monster that she found was luckily only a mutated rabbit with horns which was given the creative name of horned rabbit. Janna slowly approached the grazing rabbit and silently begun singing to transform the excess mana into sharp winds like she had practiced before in the library. Her voice could be heard singing calmly and the horned rabbit put its head up and directed its ears towards the where it assumed the singing came from to locate the singer, but in the middle of searching it felt winds brewing and pain from cuts. The horned rabbit started panicking not knowing where the aggressor is and how the unknown aggressor can inflict pain while staying visually hidden, shortly after it died. Feeling a little happy Janna continued walking away from the battle in fear of something bigger smelling the blood and starting a fire and cooking the horned rabbit would simply be making herself be the dinner and the horned rabbit a snack for those smelling it. So Janna started her journey again with the duck behind her, the forest was overgrown and many of the big trees has claw marks on them from monsters sharpening their claws. But despite all damaged trees she walked past she finally managed to find a river that she remembers, following the river downstream she will find herself at a small defensive fort built to protect people from this forest the only problem for Janna now being, that monsters will come here to drink and not just small horned rabbits will be drinking water in this stream. Being extremely vigilant Janna continued down the stream while being aware of every sound made in this forest, she tried to be on her guard for a very long time but after a while she got tired of being too vigilant and didn't pay as much attention to her surroundings. Seemingly safe and being not too far away from the fort she encountered what all adventures would run from, what many said to be the king of this forest, a brown back bear. Luckily Janna noticed the bear before the bear noticed Janna so the situation. Unluckily for her, she needed to get past the bear somehow and sneaking around would take too long, so trying to kill it was the best option. Janna decided to sit down and meditate, in order to gather as much mana from the surrounding as she possibly could before starting the battle with the strongest attack she knows. The bear still calmly drinking water from the stream unknown of the weather forecast started to feel the mana surrounding it leaving although not thinking much about it, but soon after a young, female voice could be heard and it sounded friendly while singing an unknown song. Raising its head to find out where the song is coming from it could feel air pressure under it becoming a lot more dense with time, unknowing of the fact that air above it was having a decrease in density and after a while the song stopped and all air under the bear wanted to fill the void above it causing sharp winds flowing upwards grabbing the bear from underneath while cutting into its hide on the belly where the hide is the weakest. The bear, was both being cut from underneath and was pulled with the wind upwards but it couldn't last forever and bear that was in lot of pain and far up in started to fall down. When the bear fell down it was nearly killed by its own weight but the bears vitality is a lot higher than normal monsters although it would probably die to the wounds it had gotten from the fall and the winds, it was determined to take the human that did this to it down with its last dying breaths. Janna seeing the bear still alive started to panic but still drew her sword she had on her waist in order to defend herself against the charging bear, she had not other options, all the mana is her surroundings had been all used in that one attack. Watching the bear stumble forward towards her she could not help but feel fear, but the only way to survive now was to finish the bear the moment it would jump to pummel her to deaths. The bear was now only moments away from her and she could clearly see the damages the wind had done on the bears belly, and only a few meters before her the bear jumped to kill its seemingly defenseless attacker. All Janna could do was to try to point her sword at the bears mouth in an attempt to kill it, the bear not caring about her pointy stick opened its mouth to bite her head off found the same pointy stick lodged deep into its mouth and its body was dying at a fast rate and could only hope its weight would kill the woman. Janna's face filled with relief managed to wiggle her way out from underneath the bear and looked at the still careless duck with a little anger thinking how useless it was, but it was still extremely cute so soon after she forgave it and begun walking down the stream while the sun was going down.

If anyone enjoys this I hope I won’t make you disappointed with slow writing or that the story is seemingly progressing slowly or something.

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