
Wind dragon in Mha

slinggggg · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

New life

My current life is quite boring all I can do is sleep in a crib sleep, drink milk pee and poop but my mother does take me on walks regularly and the only time I have gone outside my house was fr a checkup.

Well I am 6 months know I have been practicing trying to talk though I can say only simple words I wonder what kind of reaction will my mom have.

Currently I am playing with my mom in the living room.

"Ma" I said and Alice looked at me.

"Mama mawa" I continued

"AWWW" My mom immediately hugged me and called Dad and started telling him about how I said my first word today and the entire day she had smile on her face and asked me to call her Mama multiple times throughout the week.

During these 6 months I have learnt quite a few things about my family first we are rich... very rich my dad owns multiple restraunts and a famous construction company which brings big money I mean it's pretty obvious why in a society where people probably break walls on daily basis will obviously need to rebuild it as for my mom I have no clue I did hear that she was a hero and her quirk transforms a few parts of her body into dragon form but that's the most info I got


Today is my first birthday I was finally able to walk and say some sentences though I still can't talk normally. My parents started calling me genius and today my mom's sister and parents are gonna come to celebrate my birthday I never did hear much about mom's family I finally get to meet them.

""Happy Birthday Art" My mom dad say as I woke up from my sleep.

"Thwanks Daddy Mommy" They both gave me a hug and carried me downstairs.

"Art today your aunt is gonna come you know she is quite famous in England"

"What's her name Mowmy?"

"Hehe it's a surprise"

After that my Dad went to pick them up from the airport while my mom stayed with me. About an hour later my dad arrived with 2 old folks the old man had blonde hair with green eyes while the old lady had purple eyes with black hair and a lady around 20 year old with a slim physique,green eyes and a sword in her waist.

'Huh!!! isn't she saber from fate'

"Art meet you aunt Artoria Pendragon also know as 'SABER' she is the no. 1 hero of England and also the strongest woman on the planet hehe and my father Ashton Pendragon and my mom Lily Pendragon" My eyes are now wide open when I heard everything.

"Mommy even I will become as strong as Auntwy in the future"

"You will have to work hard then little Art" I heard my grandfather say as he walked near me and ruffled my hair.

"Aunty Artorwia do you use a sword to fight?"

"Hn" she nodded with a small smile.

"Then can you teach me when I grow up pleawse" I said with puppy eyes and a cute smile on my face.

Unable to resist my cute face she finally agreed and then we celebrated my party and druing the party I even learnt that my mom was once in the top 10 Japan pro hero but then she quit later after she got married to my dad. I guess I can getting training from my mom aswell.

And soon 2 more years passed.

During the 3 years not much happened I did learn everything until college due to my photographic memory it was quite easy and know I can basically enjoy the rest of my life without any studying.

I also started doing some exercise nothing when I turned 3 nothing much just 10 pushups 10 squats and a jog around the villa which is huge and has atleast 3 floors a big swimming pool and a backyard with a volley ball court where once my mom and aunt Artoria ended up playing and almost destroyed the entire backyard.

I will awaken my quirk soon well I guess I will have to start serious training once I awaken.

I once asked my dad about how he met mom.

"Hmm back then your mom used to do her hero work and then she saved me when I was attached and then she asked me out on a date which kinda surprised me you know your mom used to be very popular and then 2 years later we got married hehe" My dad said scratching the back of his head.

'During the 4 years I have lived here I have learnt one major thing and that is never do anything to make mom angry otherwise you will have to face major consequences' lucky I haven't gotten in trouble yet but I feel bad for my dad sometimes but all I can do is pray from the side lines.