Georgia and Jack are best friends, they have never accept it that they have feelings for each other still they get to college
( Georgia going into Jack class, while Jack meet her at the entrance and stoppe. Georgia laughed without SEEING anything funny.
Jack: Good morning Gee ,and why are you so happy and blushing at the same time (hmmm) Let me guess (He start singing) somebody have a boyfriend,(He hold her hand)or, No (he looks confused) Why are you blushing?
GEORGIA:No just guess, Jack please just guess
JACK:Oh (he moves closer to her and touch her lips at the same time biting his lower lip)Are you blushing because you see a handsome guy standing before you and always ready to hear what you want to say 🤔
GEORGIA:Mtcheew, please who is the handsome guy you are talking about?
JACK: I of course
GEORGIA:It is like you are dreaming, handsome guy without brain to guess, anyways I Georgia Nicolson will be one of the students of Oxford university located at England 💪
JACK:Wow, that is the school l am also going,I told you I did the exams,and Truth me I passed, I came to school today to park my things, because I am moving to school this Friday, My Dad have already get an apartment for me near the school.
GEORGIA:I am also going on Friday,l am to stay with my sis near the school.
JACK: You know what it calls for celebration (Georgia going towards the direction of her classroom,she beckon to him).
GEORGIA: Truth me I bring your favorite dish.
JACK: Okay 🍔🍔🌭🥘