
Will You Marry Me Again?

"Believe me, Hazel, I never for once stopped thinking about you" he breathed in my ears while thrusting into me "ahhh...hhh, fuccckk, Dunlop" I moaned ***************** The day Hazel divorced her billionaire husband after she found out that he cheated on her with her bestfriend was the same day she found out that she was pregnant. She decides to move away from her billionaire husband to a new city to raise her baby. She found a new job, a new life, a new everything. She even starts an affair with her billionaire CEO boss. Everything goes well until her little boy brings a friend back from school who happens to be the son of her ex-husband. Which of the billionaire men will Hazel choose? Will she rekindle her love for her ex-husband or will she continue with her boss who was always there for her? Will her son's friendship with her ex-husband's son cause problems?

Batman_01 · Urban
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12 Chs

Getting Close To My Ex-Husband's Son

Hazel West

I watched Jacob as he handled the business meeting with so much expertise and I thought to myself

Damn, I have a lot to learn.

The meeting with the potential investor went smoothly, and I found myself feeling cautiously optimistic about the prospect of securing a managerial position in the company as Jacob negotiated with them and they agreed to sell seventy percent of their shares instead of forty. We discussed terms and explored potential partnerships, and they said they would think about it and get back to us

As the meeting drew to a close, I thanked the investors for their time and promised to follow up with them soon. We all shook hands and the courier escorted them out of the conference room

"Way to go superman" I said smiling out Jacob

"Yeah right, says the lady who didn't believe I would make it on time" he said and we laughed

He came closer to me and held by the waist and rested our weights on the conference table

"You really have to start believing in me more" he said staring at me. At this point our faces were just inches apart

"And you have to start coming to work early" I said tapping his nose

He eyes leave my eyes and fall to my lips and he comes closer to me about to kiss me. I'd be dead if I fall for that again. I won't let him turn me on and leave me hanging

"Nice try" I say loosening myself from his grip and walking towards the door

"Wait, nice try with what" he asked playing dumb

"I know what you're trying to do, so just stop" I said

"What am I trying to do" he asked seriously looking confused"

"Remember last night" I reminded him and he raised his eyebrows realizing what I was talking about

"I thought we ended that" he said

"Nope, not until I get you back" I said smiling at him "anyways I have to go pick up the kids, I might not come back to the office, so just come home for dinner when you're done here" I told him

"The kids?" he asked

"Yeah, I'm picking up William too" I told him

"Oh okay" he said

"Alright then, I'll see you at dinner" I said exiting the room

Grabbing my bag, I made my way out of the office and towards the school, eager to see Zion and William and hear about their day.

When I arrived at the school, I saw Zion and William waiting for me by the entrance, their faces lighting up with excitement as they spotted me. I smiled and waved at them, feeling a surge of warmth in my heart as I approached.

"Hey, my little superheroes," I greeted them, bending down to give each of them a hug.

"Hi, Mommy!" they chimed in unison, their voices filled with joy.

Mommy? Did William just call me his mother. Well I mean you can't blame the boy, he has lacked a mother figure in his life. I wonder who his mother is

As we walked back to the car, Zion and William excitedly told me about their day at school, recounting tales of their adventures with their friends and the fun activities they had participated in. Listening to their animated chatter, I couldn't help but feel grateful for moments like these – moments of pure happiness and innocence.

Once we reached home, I helped Zion and William with their homework before starting on dinner preparations. The house was filled with laughter and warmth as we spent time together, enjoying each other's company and creating cherished memories.

"Daddy came to pick me up today but told him that you were going to pick me up" William told me

"Oh, and mummy, I invited uncle Dunlop over again for dinner" Zion said

Great, now I have to see him again

"That's okay. Now get back to your homework" I said

I continued preparing dinner and an hour later, I was done. William and Zion were also done with their homework and I went through it.

I heard the doorbell ring some minutes later

"I'll get it" Zion said as he ran towards the door "it must be uncle Dunlop"

He opened the door eagerly but he face fell when he found out that it was Jacob

"OH, it's just Mr. Jacob" he said

"What, you're not happy to see me" Jacob said and carried him up attempting to spin him just the way Dunlop does but it didn't look like he was having fun.

"Hi Mr. Jacob" William greeted

"Hi buddy" Jacob said ruffling his hair

"How was school today" Jacob askes them

"It was okay" they chorused

Jacob took his seat at the dining table and we started talking when the doorbell rang again

Zion got up and walker eagerly to get it. he swung open the door excitedly, revealing Dunlop standing on the doorstep. His expression softened as he caught sight of me, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.

"Hey there, champ," Dunlop greeted Zion, ruffling his hair affectionately

"Uncle Dunlop" Zion squealed and hugged him and he carried him and tossed him around but this time Zion was so thrilled and he laughed so hard compared to when Jacob carried him

"Daddy" William said stretching his hands for Dunlop to carry him too and he did. They looked so excited

"How are my favorite boys doing today" he asked them, squatting to their height "how was school today?"

Unlike when Jacob asked them, they seemed to have so many stories to tell him. After listening all their stories and laughing he turned towards the dining table meeting my eyes

"Hi, Hazel. I hope it's okay that I stopped by for dinner." he asked

"Yes, it is man, it's good to have you here" Jacob said and they shook hands "right hazel?"

I forced a polite smile, trying to hide the discomfort that bubbled up inside me at the sight of him. "Of course, Dunlop. You're always welcome here."

As Dunlop stepped inside, I couldn't help but notice the way his eyes lingered on me, as if searching for something in my expression. I quickly looked away, focusing on setting the table for dinner and keeping myself busy.

Throughout the meal, there was a palpable tension hanging in the air, despite Zion and William's enthusiastic chatter. Dunlop tried to engage me in conversation, but I kept my responses short and polite, unwilling to delve into any deeper discussions.

After dinner, Jacob got a call and left early leaving me with Dunlop and the boys. I helped William pack his things as he was about to go back home with Dunlop

Zion frowned all through the packing. Dunlop lingered in the living room, browsing through some magazines. I took William and his little luggage downstairs while Zion was at the verge of breaking into tears

To be honest, I was kind of sad he was leaving, even though it meant, the possibilities of seeing Dunlop would reduce. Zion and William hugged each other for minutes while I and Dunlop gazed awkwardly.

"We also go to the park every weekend, would like to come along?" William asked Zion and Zion turned to me

"Mummy can I go with William and uncle Dunlop tomorrow?" he asked

Oh god, just when I thought I won't be seeing more of Dunlop. I had every right to say no but I couldn't resist their plead and their cute faces so I agreed

"Fine, you can go to the park with William tomorrow" I said and they started jumping around

"Uhm, I guess you would have to give me your number so I would call to tell you what time we're leaving" Dunlop said handing me his phone and I reluctantly imputed my number

"Thanks," he said and called for William. They headed for the front door while Zion waved till they were out of sight.