
Another day

"Oh, wonderful, where am I this time... let's see damp air? Check. Utter darkness? Check. Well, at least they only buried me this time."

This has been an ongoing issue, my own personal hell for as far back as I can remember. Ever since my foolish elders decided to cheat the goddess of life by using a clan art that uses a piece of one's soul to perpetually reincarnate into a suitable host after death while retaining their previous strength and memories.

Turns out! She didn't take to kindly to that. After wiping most of my family out of existence as punishment, I thought that I would perish along with them. Much to my surprise she didnt. I wasn't particularly strong compared to the elders. Hell, I wasn't even strong compared to my siblings, so one constant question has echoed through my mind these past millenia. Why did she add this insane curse to me of all people?

After digging for hours I finally managed to break through the soils soft surface, 'thank God I was buried recently otherwise this would have been a far more arduous a task.' I thought while pulling myself up.

"Hey! About time, I've been sitting here for hours ra-ra!" The small girl exclaimed while looking down from the plain tombstone above the hole i just clawed my way out of.

"Why the hell didn't you help? Do you know how hard it is to dig yourself out of a grave Sophie?"  I replied deadpan.

Though it was night even the smallest specks of light made her hair seem to flow with the grace of a liquid pearl it was utterly captivating but not more so than her eyes. Even in the darkness surrounding us those blazing ember eyes shined with a radiance that would rival the stars if one could still see them that is. These two beautiful traits are what defined the small woman, she was a picture to behold that was for sure. It's a shame her speech when alone with me wasn't as graceful as her hair.

"Look, if I helped you every time you up and died, I'd have no time for myself. Also! Who the fuck gets killed by a stray golf ball?"  Laughing her ass off she nearly toppled off the head stone in a fit chuckles.

"Ok, but hear me out. How was I supposed to know a golf ball would fly at me through my damn bedroom window? I don't even live next to a golf course." Responding to her little joke with a  despondent yet heartbroken look on my face must have made her feel slightly guilty, if only a little bit.

She's been my best friend for countless years now even though I had a millenia on her, we seemed to be joined at the hip as we roamed the vast expanse of the barren wastelands that used to be earth. We both hail from prominent clans that had more than a modicum of power and respect back in the days of light.

Our species was what could be considered unholy by human standards, as we were born from the god of death who once was on equal footing with the goddess of life. My family ruled with nothing but ferocity and violence back when they still lived, a stark difference to her family. Which made our friendship even more tumultuous in the beginning. Even though those days are long gone the distant echo of the memories still enter my mind from time to time.

"So are we gonna keep sitting here ignoring the fact you smell like a corpse still? Or do you perhaps want to climb back in the grave, because right now my nose feels like it's gonna fall off." To exaggerate her point she pinched her nose and turned her head indignantly as if I was some terrible creature from the deep abyss that had slaughtered thousands.

"Let's head back to my apartment they shouldn't have sold it off yet right?" I responded dryly in hopes to cut off anymore of the humor she may have had in her thoughts. It's not that I disliked her jokes or bright attitude, I was just in a hurry to get comfortable and relax after pulling myself out of my very uncomfortable grave.

Staring at me with a look of someone with bad news she decided to speak up. "About that....uhm the police kinda uh closed it off as a crime scene..sorry ra-ra."

I could understand it being closed off to the public but something didnt add up. Like a switch being flipped I looked at her in a panic with one question.

"Why the fuck would my place have been turned into a crime scene?!"

Turning her head to the sky then slowly turning back she changed her tone, from light and playful to a harsh and serious one. "They found your arsenal ra-ra, not just that, all the books, articles and stuff you know is banned in the city! The humans already distrust us and now you've made life even more god damn annoying."

decided to revise the first few chapters as I am not happy with them I hope you enjoy the revisions! however if you are a first time reader, welcome and please enjoy!

AyatoVTcreators' thoughts
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