
Sigmund Resteti

It was four in the morning a sixteen-year-old boy with amber hair wearing a tracksuit was jogging at the side of a highway. Due to it being so early in the morning only a few people were outside. The boy then reached a nearby park and stopped in front of a statue.

The statue was of a man with similar facial features as the boy. He only had a single arm as the other one seem to be cut off, his only arm was holding onto a sword which he was using as a cane. Even though the statue of the man was made with him looking wounded all over, the man continued to smile a very vicious smile. Just looking at the statue of the wounded warrior smiling so viciously made the one looking at it feel the joy and the pride the man had.

At the bottom of the statue was a plaque, 'Lyner Resteti the hero of Berdonia. This is a statue to commemorate the hero's final battle in which he showed his pride, his honor, and his love for the people.'

The boy who read the words written in the plaque numerous times looked up at the smiling face of the statue. He then mumbled something at the statue before continuing his jog. This boy that continued to jog on the same route every day for the past six years was Sigmund Resteti the son of the hero Lyner Resteti.


After his morning jog, Sigmund was now on the training grounds of his house. The house Sigmund lived in was what people would call a mansion and it was a rather huge home since there was only Sigmund and his mother Anita.

Before his untimely demise, Lyner handed all of his assets to his wife Anita. The total of Lyner's fortune which he got from his mercenary days was beyond imagination. Aside from the money they got from Lyner, Anita who was a famous Doctor had quite the sum in her bank account as well. The Resteti family had no shortage in regards to financial needs.


In the training grounds made specifically for Sigmund, a lot of weapons were scattered all over the place. There were swords, sickles, guns, and even some throwing stars. All manner of weapons lay on the ground. There were also some broken training dummies placed on one side.

At this moment Sigmund was doing some practice swings using a heavy-looking sword. It was a customized two-handed sword that weighed thirty kilos. Each time Sigmund swung the two-handed sword it felt like the sword swing gets a bit sharper.

"Sigmund, you better stop and take a shower. Once you're done go to the dining room and have breakfast." Hearing his mother's words interrupting his concentration, prompted Sigmund to stop swinging the sword. He wiped his sweat and proceeded to head to the nearby shower room.


After taking a bath Sigmund headed to his room and was staring at the new uniform he was going to wear. It took a lot of hard work but he was able to pass the entrance exam and enter the only school within his district that specialized in training Hunters.

Upon wearing the uniform Sigmund took the gun his father used to have and placed it in his holster. He also took two of his swords and wore a swordbelt. Finally, he wore a pair of customized black gloves that could block bladed weapons and has wires hidden within them.

Once he was done changing Sigmund headed towards the dining room.


"You look so good wearing your uniform! My little Sigmund grew up so well, you really look like your father now." Anita was smiling happily while taking pictures of her son.

Seeing his mother being so excited made Sigmund smile helplessly as it felt like his mother was more excited than he was.


While Anita was excitedly posting the pictures she took online, Sigmund started eating his meal. He ate as quickly as he could since he wanted to get to school a bit earlier. As he was eating the doorbell rang.

Anita who was happily typing something on her phone stood up and checked who the visitor was. A few minutes after she left the dining room, she came back with two new faces. The two newcomers were of similar age to Sigmund, one was a girl and the other a boy. The two were wearing the same uniform as Sigmund.

The boy was rather tall for his age and he looked a little bit on the slimmer side. The moment you look at his face you would immediately think that he was a pretty handsome young man. The weapons he was carrying were a number of knives and throwing weapons that were hidden in his uniform.

The girl, on the other hand, was a bit short for her age and had her black hair tied in a ponytail. She had beautiful facial features, coupled with her serious look made her seem hard to approach. Unlike the boy's uniform which had pants, the girls were given skirts which made her wear spats underneath. Like the other two, she was carrying a weapon, it was the mana gun. A mana gun was a newly invented weapon for the humans that were magic users. Using the mana from within them, the gun gathers said mana and shoots it out in a huge burst. The stronger your mana, the stronger the force released by the mana gun.

These two were none other than the Samarita twins, the boy being Yuuki Samarita, and the girl was Mirai Samarita. These were the little brother and sister of the famous Alexander Samarita the head of the Hunters Organization.

"Are you ready to go Sieg?" Yuuki spoke happily as he was really excited about today. After he passed the entrance examination he was really happy as that was the first step for him to be able to stand side by side with his two older siblings. The same could be said for Mirai but unlike Yuuki, she didn't show her excitement on her face. Like her Kaa-san and Onii-sama, she had a very good poker face.

"I'm done, let's go." Sigmund stood up from his seat got his bag and kissed his mother's cheek. "See ya mom." "Later, Auntie Resteti." Yuuki waved as he followed behind Sigmund, Mirai bowed her head and left as well.

"Have a great first day." Anita waved her hands at her son who left with the twins.

Since it's at the beginning here's an extra chapter. The next chapters will follow the schedule M-W-F. Next month it will be T-TH, then the following month back to M-W-F and then so on and so on.

I'll be using some Japanese terms, like chan, kun, san, and sama. Also sometimes I will also use onii, onee, aneki, anego, and other such things. Sorry if that isn't to your liking.

lynerparelcreators' thoughts
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