
Forced to act

The sound of the pelicans echoed in the head of Shin who was lying face down on the ground with sand stuck to his face and clothes.

'I made it'

When Shin went to sleep after the loud roar he heard earlier, the boat was swept away by the waves until it reached a beach where it got stuck.

Shin didn't realize the moment the boat reached the beach but when he woke up and looked around to find that he was on dry land he simply crawled out of the boat and fell onto the sand.

'Never before have I wanted to enjoy the soil so much'

Moving his arms, Shin tried to make an angel on the sand with a smile on his sand-filled face.

When he enjoyed the arena enough, Shin stood up leaning on the boat and looked around him.

The beach stretched for miles as far as Shin's eye could not see. And past the sand there was a jungle full of trees and vegetation.

Shin didn't think twice and entered the jungle but not before taking out his pistol and loading it.

While he held the gun with one hand and with the other cleared the brush that obstructed his path, Shin continued walking for a few minutes while listening to the sound of nature.

Hopefully there would be no danger before he recovered, for if he ever missed the pistol shot, he would have to reload another round, giving his enemy a chance to attack him and surely kill him.

With effort and some luck, Shin reached a lake with crystal clear water hidden among trees in the jungle.

Shin didn't hesitate, he took off his clothes and left the gun on the shore before jumping into the crystal-clear water.

The first thing he did was drink water. He drank and drank what he hadn't had for days until he was full.

He was still very hungry but now he felt much better, he felt rejuvenated.

Shin bathed in the lake, washing off the dirt and sweat that he had accumulated from his days on the boat. He then felt tired, so he decided to float on the water by spreading his arms and legs.

"It feels so good"

Shin had never felt so good before, though his body was still sore from the bruises and his stomach was killing him.

Shin felt that if he fell asleep now, he would have the best nap of his life.

That being the case, Shin began to slowly close his eyes until they were completely closed. His mind began to drift, and he wished he could dream for the first time.

"You shouldn't fall asleep"

Hearing a voice, Shin suddenly stood up and went on alert. He had learned that he should never let his guard down in an unknown area, let alone a jungle where there might be animals preparing to stalk him.

'What's going on?!'

Shin was very confused, it was as if his thoughts were influenced by something. Making him do things that weren't normal.

Like falling asleep in the middle of the jungle, or also leaving his only weapon on the shore of the lake. Weapon which was in the hands of a young woman who was examining it curiously.

"What is this?"

The woman had the gun in one hand as she gripped it by the handle pointing towards the ground.



The woman spoke snapping Shin out of his thoughts. It didn't seem like the woman meant to harm him, but even so, Shin felt it would be better not to tell her that it was a lethal weapon.

"It is a lethal weapon"

Shin immediately covered his mouth with both hands.

'Why did I tell him?'

"Hmmm, what a strange weapon"

Shin looked at the woman who was still playing with the gun, the woman was wearing a set of skins that covered her private parts, exposing her marked abdomen, arms, and legs.

But the weirdest thing about the woman was the ears that stuck out of her head and the tail that was connected to the small of her back, just above her butt.

'What the fuck?'

"How does it work?"

The woman turned to Shin without stopping fiddling with the gun.

'Not this time!'

"If you pull that trigger, the gun fires a lethal projectile"

Before she knew it, Shin had discovered her boa and explained the weapon's operation in great detail.


Shin covering his mouth again as he cursed himself.

'What is happening to me?!'

The woman stopped looking at the gun and focused on Shin, who was naked in the middle of the lake covering his mouth with both hands.

"Is that also a weapon?"

Shin felt confused when the woman pointed at him, his gaze followed the place where the woman was pointing before covering her vital parts with her hands.

"N-no, it's not a weapon"

'HAAAAAHHH! Damn it all!'

Shin never in his life had felt as embarrassed as this moment. Although it was not the first time, they had seen him naked, since they usually examined his body in a regular check-up in the laboratory. For some reason he felt that this time was different.

"Hmmm, who cares. My grandfather told me that if he saw someone on the island, i should take it with him."

The woman put the gun on Shin's clothes and putting her arms on his hips she smiled brightly.

"So, follow me"

Shin who was still suffering inside, couldn't help but think that the woman who was practically her age was too innocent.

'Why would I have to follow you?'

Shin thought as his body came out of the water and put on his clothes.

'At what point?!'

His body seemed not to be responding correctly and he noticed that he couldn't refuse the woman's words, not only having to answer her questions, but he couldn't disobey her orders either.

Finishing putting on his clothes and picking up the gun that for some reason the woman had not taken with her. Shin began to follow the woman through the forest.

Several times he tried to deviate from the path, but the woman only had to say:

"This way"

And Shin's body would follow her against her will.

It was a horrible feeling, Shin felt like his body wasn't his. At least the woman didn't talk to him much during the journey, so he wasn't forced to answer his questions.

For 20 minutes, Shin followed the woman through the jungle before stopping in front of the door of a wooden hut in the middle of the jungle.

"It's here"

The woman opened the door before entering.


The woman invited Shin to enter who, no matter how much he resisted, could not prevent his body from walking alone up the stairs that led to the door.

Shin entered the cabin and felt the door close behind him.

"Give it to me"

Shin turned when he heard the woman's order and his hand raised the gun, handing it over without resistance.

'Ugh, I hate this'

Shin could only watch as the woman walked through the cabin and left the gun on a table out of Shin's reach.

'Perfect, now I'm unarmed in a stranger's house'

Shin looked inside the cabin for a moment. The walls were made of wooden logs, as were the furniture. There was only a sofa covered with animal skins next to a fireplace with a pot on top of it.

The rest of the cabin was quite empty and only had another door inside.


The woman ordered him to come towards her, which Shin's body obeyed as she reached in front of her before he opened the door that led to the only room in the cabin.

Inside the room was a simple bed with a stool next to it.

On the bed was a very old man with his eyes closed. The man looked dying, with all his white hair and very weak breathing. Shin knew in an instant that the man did not have much time left. It wasn't crazy to say that it was a miracle he was still alive.

"This is my grandfather"

The woman stroked the man's head before whispering in his ear that he was already here.

The old man opened his eyes very slowly before staring at the wall in front of him as if he were staring into space.

Shin noticed how the man's eyes were completely white, the man was blind.

"Grandpa, I brought anyone who came to the island like you asked me to"

The young woman sat on the stool before taking the old man's hand. The old man turned his head slowly before looking at the woman next to him with a warm smile.

"You did well Lou"

The tail of the young woman named Lou swayed from side to side thanks to the old man's praise.

The old man's voice was soft and calm, as if he didn't care about the fact that he was facing the gates of death.

"What's your name boy?"

The old man stared at Shin who felt as though the old man was blind, he was looking directly into his soul.


The old man stopped looking at Shin in the eyes before continuing to stare into space and he just smiled quietly.

"Lou, why don't you go and make the young man something to eat?"

Lou's tail stopped wagging and he looked at her grandfather, somewhat skeptical of leaving a stranger with him.

"Its okay, young Shin won't do anything to me"

Lou could only accept the old man's words and left the room somewhat depressed.

Shin looked at the old man who was so still that it was hard to notice how his chest rose and fell with each breath he took.

"Young man, I have a favor to ask you"

The old man didn't stop looking at the space, but the tone with which he spoke to Shin was more serious than the one he used when speaking to Lou.

"A favor?"

The old man nodded slightly.

"I want you to take Lou with you when you leave this island."

Shin could only frown at the man's favor and didn't reply.

"What do you think?"

Like Lou's questions, Shin couldn't stop his mouth from opening on its own.

"Why should I do it?"

Shin had already guessed that he was on an island and hearing it from the woman earlier when they were in the lake verified it.

However, he had barely met Lou and the old man wanted him to do him such a personal favor.

Shin wanted to ask why he couldn't leave on her own or with him, but as if the old man heard his thoughts, he spoke in a low voice.

"I cannot leave this place, I have not been able to for the last 70 years and now it is impossible due to my condition"

Shin didn't deny the old man's words, seeing how emaciated he was, it would be difficult to leave the island with the old man as a load. The part about him being on this island for 70 years he didn't get but he didn't ask.

"And if she let it go by itself, I have no idea where it would end up. You have seen her, she is a very innocent girl for her age since she could not teach her common sense"

Shin also understood the old man's point. He had seen firsthand the immaturity and innocence of Lou, who knows what he would go through with her if she were to go out into society alone.

"But that doesn't answer my question, why should I do it?"

The old man was silent for a while he continued to stare into space.

"I know you will... because everyone has a price"

Shin doesn't understand the old man's point, but he hadn't finished.

"And because I can see the future and I know you will"

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