
A furious bitch

"Let's drink and then you can go back to your hideout." Hazel laughed at Lauren, who pouted after hearing.

"Stop teasing me. It's just-"

"Yeah I know, I know!" Hazel gave up while holding her hands high. Lauren just rolled her eyes and looked out of the window, taking a sip of her coffee.

"You know, I didn't recognize you at first." Hazel grinned after saying.

"I also just guessed. I could not really believe that you would have changed so much." Lauren replied as she remembered yesterday when she saw a beautiful girl walking inside and the students around her was gawking over her.

"Yeah! the life is the name of change. You have also grown into a decent personality and I am really happy to see you like this." Hazel sat comfortably on the chair.

She added, "But you remember we used to make your neighbour girls jealous." They laughed as Lauren remember her childhood as a girl who didn't went out and always saw children playing outside of their houses.

That time she and Hazel overact in front of the girls. The daughter of that house would look down on Lauren whenever she got the opportunity to sneak out. Lauren remember she was so happy because of Hazel that day.

"Sometimes, I think about it and ask why we did that? It's not like they were ever jealous of us. They were seven and we were two," she looked out of the window, saying.

"They shifted somewhere after few months and then there was no one to see for me." Lauren laughed but Hazel noticed the pain expression on her face. It was no lie that Lauren was caged inside the house.

As wanting to make Lauren smile, she said. "Well, those were wonderful days. We cannot forget those moments. Anyhow, tell me about you."

"About me? I am all good," she ended up grinning which make Hazel felt relieved finally they both had a company of each other. Hazel was not closed to anyone here just for some projects or other things.

"I am going to the bathroom. Wait for me here." Hazel instructed.

Lauren nodded and replied, "Sure, take your time. I'll be waiting here." Hazel hurriedly walked towards the bathroom, hoping to find it unoccupied.

Lauren had pulled her ring off and was ready to reattach it when it dropped on the floor by accident. Lauren stood up and took one step forward as she stooped down to grab it, but as soon as she did, she felt someone bumped into her back.

Lauren realised she was in trouble right away. She stretched out for assistance, but all she discovered was someone else's cup. The whole thing came crashing down around her, cracking into pieces. She landed on the cafeteria floor with a thud.

Lauren looked up after wiping enough coffee from her hand. The most furious girl she'd ever seen stood over her. She had bleached, pinky-red hair and a death stare.

"If the sight of you hadn't just spoiled my mood, I'd make you buy me another cup of coffee," she growled at Lauren.

Lauren mumbled an apology. She tried to get up, but the girl clamped the heel of her black stiletto down on Lauren's left foot. Although, she was wearing her own athletic shoes. The pain still shot up her leg, and she had to bite her lip so she wouldn't cry out.

"That's enough, Maisie!" Hazel exclaimed coolly. She reached down to help Lauren to her feet.

Laurence winced by putting the weight of her body on her left foot. The stiletto was definitely going to leave a bruise.

Lauren sensed that this was not the first time Maisie and Hazel had engaged in combat as she leveled up to confront Hazel.

"Your cousin is so weak, I see!" Maisie mocked. Her words stung Hazel like a venomous bite. She clenched her fists, trying to maintain her composure.

"What? You can't handle the truth?" Maisie taunted, a smirk on her face. "I saw her. She can't fight back. A human. Pathetic."

Hazel's patience snapped like a twig. "At least, my cousin don't act like she is better than everyone else. You're nothing but a stuck-up brat with no friends."

Maisie's eyes flashed with anger. "Excuse me? You're just jealous because I'm popular and you're not."

"That's not true!" Hazel shouted, drawing attention from nearby students who weren't looking at them before but now. "You step on anyone who doesn't fit in with your 'crowd'. You're a bully."

Maisie laughed, tossing her hair back. "Please, I'm just stating facts. You need to toughen up if you want to survive in this world."

Hazel's fists trembled with fury. "I'd rather be kind than cruel any day. And I'll never stoop to your level."

The two girls glared at each other, the tension thick as molasses. Hazel ould feel her heart pounding, the adrenaline rush making her feel invincible. She wouldn't let Maisie get the best of her.

She reeled backward, but it was Hazel who caught Lauren's attention. She'd begun convulsing, her arms thrown up and jerking in the air.

Lauren realised with horror that it was the wrist watch. It was sending some sort of shock through Hazel's body. Unbelievable.

However, if Lauren had seen closely, she would have realised that the shock wasn't coming from her watch but from her bare hand.

This was cruel and unusual punishment, for sure. Lauren's stomach churned as she watched her cousin's entire body quake. She reached out to catch Hazel just as she fell to the floor.

"Hazel," Lauren whispered. "Are you okay?"

"Of course." Hazel's dark eyes flickered open, then shut.

Lauren gasped. Then one of Hazel's eyes reopened.

"Did I scare you? That's adorable. Don't worry, the electric shocks will not kill me," she said. "They simply serve to strengthen me. Anyway, it was worthwhile to hurt that cow, you know?"

Suddenly, the crowd dispersed at someone's arrival. Maisie flounced away, muttering under her breath. Hazel breathed, her body trembling with a mixture of rage and relief. She knew this feud was far from over, but for now, she was proud of herself for standing up to the bully.

"What is going on here?!" The voice boomed in the hallway, and the students who had been enjoying the fight quickly started to disperse.

Ms. Ruth stood in the doorway, red-faced and breathing hard. It was a little too late to break anything up, Lauren thought. But then, Maisie was lurching towards them, her heels clicking on the floor.

This girl was shameless. Was she really going to kick the crap out of Hazel with teacher standing right there?

Luckily, Ms. Ruth's burly arms closed around her first. Maisie tried to kick her way out and started screaming.

"Somebody better start talking," Ms. Ruth barked, squeezing Maisie until she went limp. "On second thought, all three of you report for detention tomorrow morning."

Ms. Ruth looked at Maisie. "Have you chilled yet?" Whatever she meant, Lauren didn't understand her and stood there watching.

After a curt nod from Maisie, Ms. Ruth let her go. She knelt down next to Hazel, who was still in Lauren's lap, her arms folded across her chest.

Lauren initially mistook Maisie's sulking for a furious bitch wearing a shock collar. But, then she felt a slight jolt from Hazel's body and knew the girl was still at the mercy of the shocks.

"Come on," Ms. Ruth said quietly. "Let's go to the infirmary."

She extended her hand to Hazel and helped her heave up her tiny, shaking body, turning back only once at the doorway to repeat her orders for Lauren and Maisie.


"Looking forward to it," Maisie said sweetly.

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