
2 Kyne

Minutes pass by as Lars, waiting for the team to gather in the board room, while not a single minute wasted for her to start on sketching and wrecking her brain for the next proposal which has been in his side junk proposal waiting for her to look into, while a sudden called came in through her phone.

What's up Girl.. if I didn't know that you're working on my dad"s stupid villa I might think that you"re already 6 feet deep..

Bitch, Kyne can you like keep you pitch down... gosh.. where are you?! ..

I can tell by the sound of it.. you're having a blast of time at the ROUTE66 again.

Naaa.. it won't be the same without you.. bitch I'm like super dying already to get laid.. .. just happened to notice a nice buffet of fresh meat tonight... we"re talking top notch meat here... .better get your sexy arse down here asap..

Yeah.. like I can have them tonight.... arghhhh..

while thinking about the presentation tomorrow.... here I am thinking about getting wasted.

Sigh.. I know I'm going to regret it....

K. i'm going to get over with my dry run on the proposal in a short while and I"ll be headed to the place afterwards. Don't get the party start without me!. Someone need to get some spanking tonite.

Surely I'm going to regret it big time!...

Out of the sudden Lars seems to have of her nerves something going to happened tomorrow, but she just seems not sure what could that be....

Kyne, you going to owe me big time if I didn't turn up on my big day tomorrow.

So I'll be seeing you later.. while talking on the phone with Lars.. Kyne's keep teasing the boys with her touch.

Kyne has been with Lars since her junior school in one of the top school in City J. Due to Lars good academic she managed to get into the same school with Kyne. What made them so close and bonded, when It all happened one day when Kyne sneak out from the house and hanging out with the boys. It just happened that Lars was going out as well with her warden to buy some tutor tools and while trying to look for public toilet at an alley, she happened to witnessed Kyne almost being molested by a group of boys. Without thinking much, in a fit of fury Lars grab a metal rod and swung at the boys while trying to save Kyne. Without thinking whether she also might be in danger, Lars managed to turned things around and almost beaten half of the boys . and in a state of fury.. Lars yelled at the top of her lung, and blurted .. if you came any closer and I"ll shall make sure there's no tomorrow for you.. although at the same time she just wished that those boys will just turn around and not coming near them.. she definitely not even sure whether she'll managed to save Kyne or even herself. Kyne father was so in debt with Lars of what she did and he made her promised to take him him as father knowing that Lars does not have anyone that she can rely on as father or even a mother for that she don't even know anything about herself just a pendant that was left with her on her first day in the foster home when she was only a few months old.

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