
Wild Rift: The Last Game System

-----[Wild Rift: The Last Game System] was created under Riot Games' "Legal Jibber Jabber" policy using assets owned by Riot Games. Riot Games does not endorse or sponsor this project.----- Has anyone thought of being sent on a world filled with magic with their League of Legends: Wid Rift account as the main ability? Rio Magus- the only grandson of the famous transcender- has been trained ever since he was a kid. Without questioning his grandfather, he wielded his weapon and wore his uniform. However, there is one thing he could not understand; he was allowed to play every game he liked. Rio grew with fear of his Grandmother's words and fallen in love with Video Games. One day, Rio went home grumbling about why he needed to play League of Legends just to join the gaming club. Because of his love for gaming, Rio went his way and created a League of Legends: Wild Rift. However, Rio just started playing when he was forced to take a test to defend the universe he lived in. With a heavy responsibility, Rio went in adventure to find the mystery behind his special skill and become a prominent figure to depend his home. Join Rio Magus as he slash down enemies with the help of Yasuo, throw some axes like Draven, and be a god-like existence like Nasus and smash down his enemies.

Dragonoid_Insect · Video Games
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

The Test I (2)

Inside Rio's room was quite eerie, the reason was the squirming of the Redrayot Workers who lost their ability to communicate. There are a few reasons why Rio cut their antennas. The first is to prevent more invaders because every worker and soldier belongs to a colony. Two is to make them more aggressive than before.

According to the monster book, the Redrayot beasts, except for the royalties must be killed before losing their antennas. The antenna served as the control system for the Redrayot and once they lost their antennas, they'll lose their reasoning then enter rage mode which will make them more agile and stronger for two days. This is also one of the reasons why Rio cutout the beast's antenna after capturing them.

"Okay, the two of you will face one of these beasts first. I've cut down its antenna to serve as a training partner. But don't kill it, just get used to their attack pattern. Once both of you are already accustomed to battling them, you will move to the next phase." Rio Magus

"W-wait, I'm an archer, how am I supposed to face that beast without killing it?" Rebbeca Frostlight

Rio took a glance at the nervous Rebbeca then took a quiver from his dimensional pouch. He then took a pair of bolts from the quiver and equipped them like a pair of knives.

"Listen, I only said to get used to its pattern, and you're not supposed to attack it. Learn how to deal with it, you need to learn how to and when to dodge its attack, when to counter, and find out where is the best way to attack them. This pair of bolts is enough for now, but I hope you could learn how to use a crossbow as a melee weapon, even if it's just to fend your enemies." Rio Magus

"Then how about me? Fending them off and learning their pattern is an easy job. Ain't this training in favor of me who has more melee battle experience?" Rever Mantu

"No? I know that senior is good when it comes to melee fighting but I don't know how long your stamina will last in continuous battle. So I hope that you two could find the most effective way of battlin' with less unnecessary movements. Once you can react to their every move and found a way to handle them, you'll fight one of them for you to kill it in the shortest time possible.

"It's a one versus one on your first battle, then you'll battle against two of them next, and finally, there is one versus three. They are just class two mobs, so I bet the of you can do this within a day. If you guys can't do that, then I'll just lump you with Bluch. Is that clear?" Rio Magus

"Why are you acting like the boss damn it!" Rever Mantu

"I don't know whether you are complaining or just joking around. If you don't want to acknowledge him as a leader, why don't you just ignore his orders and drop those katars of yours." Rebbeca Frostlight

"Who said I'm complaining? Hoho~! Seems like my dear Rebs already want to solo this early, well, if that's your plan then go ahead~!" Rever Mantu

"Don't play around senior. Their strength and speed is something else, if you dare to underestimate them, then you're bound to lose a hand or two. Their strength is comparable to my raw strength." Rio Magus

"So, you mean--" Rever Mantu

Rio returned the bolts to the quiver then put the quiver back to his dimensional bag. He didn't even spare a look as he took a rope from his dimensional bag and cut what Rever is going to say.

"Yes, Senior. I do think that I'm far stronger even if the two of you combined. In the current situation, you have to accept that you are below me. If the seniors want to beat me, then do your best to surpass me. This is just the beginning; do you think you can pass the following tests after this? Ain't you guys will turn into another Bluch?" Rio Magus

"Ugh! W-we hate it too, you know? We're o-older than you, but we're being carried by a junior. We're just joking around, how can you be so... how can you be so harsh.." Rebbeca Frostligh

"Haha~! Ya! So Rebs can't deal with reality huh? Ya~ Rio. Just ignore her and do your thing." Rever Mantu

Rio looked at their eyes to check their condition then went to the corner of the room where he left the bound beasts. He then dragged one of them and went to the entrance then, removed its restrain before throwing it in the middle of the room. The squirming beast groaned after it stood up on its eight legs.

The beast looks crazy as it moved its head around. The beast attacked Rebecca and Rever the moment it noticed them. With a thirst for the flesh, the Redrayot Worker stretched its pincers wide open ready to shred his targets into pieces. Rebbeca stepped back creating a gap between her and Rever causing the beast to target Rever first.

Rever brace himself as he saw the beast ready to sink its pincers on his leg. Rever jumped up as he avoided the beast's attack. The beast stopped in its tracks as it faced Rever once again. This time, the beast prepared to charge into Rever as it bent its legs down then shoot like a bullet.


Rever steps aside to avoid the avoid with hairs breath and slapped the beast with the use of his Diamante Katar. Rever was shocked as his whole body shooked as he staggered back from the collision.

The momentum of the Redrayot Worker's charge was stopped when Rever deflected it. Noticing the failure to deal with its target, the Redrayot Worker got mad and prepared for another charge attack. Rio noticed that rage is getting on its head and lose its control to its attacks. Rever swiftly sidestepped and avoided the beast attack smoothly despite the fact that it is much faster than the first time it charged.

Swoosh! Crash!

The Redrayot Worker who lost its target smashed and created a small dent in the wall with its charge attack. This created a few seconds for Rever to prepare for its next attack.

Rever wiped the sweat from his forehead as he watched as the beast returned to the field. It did so in a frightening manner using another charge attack, however, this time it's targeting Rebbeca who is much closer to him. Rebbeca calmly sidestepped the attack then hit the Redrayot's rear with the quiver, forcing the beast to lose its balance and crash into the ground.

Rever and Rebbeca continued to learn how to deal with the beast while at the entrance of the room, Rio fiddled the Redrayot Soldier's fang he looted. Fangs from a 'grade one class five' beast that has the sharpness to kill anything under the grade one level are quite sturdy. That's why shaping into a blade with his current ability is impossible. He even thought of using 'Blade of Temptest' but it will just pierce through it and break the sturdy exoskeleton like what happened to the Redrayot Soldier's head when he collected the beast's two large eyes.

Rio slid the three-meter long sturdy wooden stick he carved earlier to the hollowed part of fang. The shape of the fang is unique, the reason is it's not used to ripped things, unlike their mandibles. Well, ants in their world aren't supposed to have a fang; the Redrayot Worker has the appearance that is closer to ant while the higher species looks like a breed of ants and spiders.

'The fangs were only a foot long, a cone shape with a radius of three inches. If it's not for its small size, I can use it as a lance and not just a mere spear. The appearance also made it so can only use it to deflect, smash, and stab the target. If the higher species has larger fangs, then maybe I could make a lance? But before that, I must find and slay a beast of higher species. Tsk!' Rio Magus

Rio took the rope in his hands and split it into smaller parts. Rio then tied the rope around the spear to hold the fang and strengthen the durability of the handle. Rio then took the Redrayot Soldier's Fangs to insert a wooden stick on it to create a blade. Although the bolt's head is quite sharp, it is still not a proper weapon when fighting melee.

However, the blade he created is not meant to slash, but a weapon that shreds the flesh of the target. In the insect world has a lot of them have a saw-like weapon, one of them is the popular Praying Mantis, however, unlike the praying mantis weapon, the pincers of Redrayot Soldier has no uniform size. The pincers of the soldier class and above has unique pincers that used as their identification.

In total, Rio created two three-meter long spears that perfectly suit a seven-foot-tall man like him and a pair of Shredder Blade; and he created them a few minutes before Rever and Rebbeca are entirely used to the attack pattern of the beast. Although Rever and Rebbeca did not just learn the beast pattern since the beast has been raged and beasts on the outside are not just Redrayot and Redrayot alone.

Rever and Rebbeca did their best to get used to their own weapon; especially Rebbeca who has no proper weapon to engage in a melee fight. Rio saw them and decided to approach the still-on-a-rampage beast.

"That's enough I guess? Rest for a bit then we will continue with one on one. That beast also needs rest so let me deal with it myself." Rio Magus

Rio stepped up and caught the beast with his newly created spear. He attacked the beast as if he was going for a stab forcing the beast to jump up and dived into Rio's flesh. Rio then stomped forward gently and lifted his spear, gently hitting the beast's abdomen then send it flying. The beast became confused as it stopped creating noise and lost its balance, making it easier for Rio to catch it.

Rebbeca and Rever gasped as they watched Rio smoothly and calmly handle the beast. The weapon on Rio's hands also attracted their attention after thinking that the spear's tip looks familiar.

"Woo~ That's cool, ain't it? Isn't that the fang of that Redrayot Soldier?" Rever Mantu

"Shut up, Rebird. Stop wasting your breath and take some rest." Rebbeca Frostlight

"Hey~! How am I supposed to be a bird? A kid is not supposed to talk to their elders like that." Rever Mantu

"But I'm older than you!" Rebbeca Frostlight

"Yeah, yeah! Please be quiet for a moment as I catch my breath." Rever Mantu

"You-!" Rebbeca Frostlight

Rio watched the two bicker as he tied down the beast and throw it with the rest of the Redrayot Worker he caught. Then he took the shredder blade from the ground and threw it to the ground near Rebbeca. He didn't even put strength when he threw it but the blade sliced the ground like tofu.

"Take it, young missy. It's quite light compared to that crossbow of yours, but I don't know whether it suits you or not. I'll give you two of them if it suits you, but if not, take only one as a spare weapon if you ever run out of bolts." Rio Magus

Rebecca took a few seconds as she processed what happened. Her face went pale while trying her best to look at the ground where the blade landed. She suddenly felt her palm dripped in sweat just imagining what happened.

"Yes? Ah! Fuck you kid! Why did you throw it like that? I-I thought I'll a limb or two-" Rebbeca Frostlight

"ah? Oh- My bad, my bad." Rio Magus

Rio apologized so naturally as if he just spilled a juice then left, which made Rever and Rebecca speechless.


Night comes, Rever and Rebbeca managed to suppress and kill two Redrayot at the same time. It's a pity that they can't handle three at a time at the moment and have to be saved by Rio a few more times.

That's why Rebecca and Rever decided to take their time to get more used to their weapon first. They start exchanging points and gain understandings of their weapons, even Rio took his time and thought them some tricks when fighting stronger opponents.

Their group of three stopped their training when night falls and the forest they were sent to has a lot of glowing insects providing a free source of light. However, no matter how bright the night is, it is still what everyone tries to avoid.

Beasts who lingered and hunts in the dark mostly have a trait that lets them blend well in darkness. The beasts that active at night were mostly made of high-class beasts with a minimum of at least class five to class seven beasts.

It made them realized that if they want to hunt those beasts, they need to get stronger. If not, only death awaits them.

"Let's end it here tonight. When the sun rises, we will move out of here and start training in the wild. We will also find another possible hide-out. Somewhere much safer and comfortable than here." Rio Magus

"Eh? Then how are we supposed to help you when we can't even deal with three class two beast at the same time?" Rever Mantu

"Don't worry senior. Beasts that have the tendency to band together mostly consist of beasts that stay neutral. They either prevent any interaction with another party if they are not disturbed or they don't see them as enemies.

"Senior, such information is already written in the monster book, are you sure you did your homework? Most neutral beasts reside in the forest and won't live unless they threaten." Rio Magus

"Ha~? I read the book well. You see, I might be considered a genius when I'm in my class, but it is still impossible for me to remember everything written in that book. If there is something I won't forget, then that is their appearance drawn into the book and their class. Don't tell me you have some brain problem and gain photographic memory?" Rever Mantu

"Indeed, I have such a problem. Want me to have you suffer from it too? I just need to pierce your skull with a needle a few hundred times before you acquired such ability. Don't worry though, I make you won't feel pain." Rio Magus

"... I... I don't even know whether you were serious or not. Forget it~." Rever Mantu

"Oh? You don't want it? Well then, let's go to Rebbeca's room and have a rest." Rio Magus

"Huh!? N-no way! Not in my room! I'm still considered a girl you know? How am I supposed to sleep in the same room with three stinky guys like you?!" Rebbeca Frostlight

Rio and Rever were dumbfounded as she suddenly became so feminine all of a sudden thenlook at her with a silly expression.

Noticing their gaze made her face red as a beet as she realized what she just said.

"Really? But the way I see it, you and Rever stink the most. Way worse than our Bluch here." Rio Magus

"T-that's only possible because unlike them, I never fought and sweat that much." Bluch Grump

Grump who was studying the book of beasts stuttered after hearing his name being mentioned. Although his name was mentioned to use to compare to Rever and Rebecca, it still made him flustered.

"That's right! Why are putting us in the same situation as him? Also, you are in no position to tell us that when you... stink... as much as we do..." Rebbeca Frostlight

"Pfft! Tahahaha! What's with that pause though? Just accept the fact that you stink!" Rever Mantu

"Well then, let's rest. Let's hope that tomorrow, we'll be able to find safe zones." Rio Magus

The group went out of Rio's room then went inside Rebbeca's room to rest. Except for Rio who's still full of energy, Rever, Rebbeca, and Bluch dropped on the floor and sleep like a log.

Rio made sure that the three sleep soundly then went to the entrance of the room. There, he started fiddling with something in front of him. Rio was only checking all champions that he could assimilate with.

If only he could only use energy, then they won't be endangered like what happened earlier. He was only allowed to assimilate with champions that are using mana to take advantage of their passives; like what he did on Darius and Seraphine.

'What will happen to me if assimilate into Dr. Mundo? Will my body build become broader than when I assimilated with Darius? Nevermind that, I will make use of his skill if I'm in danger. Tryndamere 'Undying Rage' and Dr.Mundo ulti will be useful when tanking sure kill hits.' Rio Magus

'Assimilation: Dr. Mundo!'

[Assimilation Activated! Dr. Mundo's abilities will be inherited until the skill was canceled! 'Health' bar has been created!]

[Current Health Points: 100%]

-Passive: 'Adrenaline Rush' has been activated, recovers 1% of health every second

-Infected Cleaver(Active): Hurls a cleaver to the enemy dealing damage proportional to the target's current health; Dealing 20% of the current health. The enemy movements will be slowed down with infection by 40% for two seconds

Consumes 5% of health

Regenerates 50% of health when hit (100% when the target was killed)

4 seconds cooldown

-Burning Agony(Toggle): Set your body on fire consuming 0.75% of your health points per second while enemies who touched the flames will receive burning damage. While on fire, any attacks that caused crowd control will be reduced by 10%

Consumes 0.75% of health/second

4 seconds cooldown

-Masochism(Passive/Active): Every time you suffer damage, the resistance against attacks imbued with magic will increase slightly by two seconds(can be stack five times)

: After activating the skill, increase physical damage from slight to moderately base on the missing health. The next normal attack will turn into a headbutt that deals extra damage to the target.

Consumes 20 health points

6 seconds cooldown

-Sadism(Ultimate): Regenerate 50% of max health over ten seconds and slightly increase movement speed for the duration.

Consumes 20% of max health

70 seconds cooldown

{Assimilation: Complete!]

Rio's appearance then started to change, his skin color turned into violet, and his veins became visible, except for that nothing change. He can't see well because it's nighttime, but his appearance doesn't look bad in his current skin color. However, except for his appearance, he felt that someone inside him change.

'I better not use this thing if not necessary. The health recovery passive made me feel uneasy. It's like I'm always on high... I don't feel anything like this when I assimilate with the other champs... Is this something unique to Dr. Mundo? No, wait. I also feel something when I assimilated with the other five, I just can't tell what exactly is it...' Rio Magus

'Assimilation Dr. Mundo: Cancel!'

Rio canceled his assimilation with Dr. Mundo and continue reviewing his champion pool. The last champion he could assimilate was Wukong and he has no idea which champion he could unlock when he got stronger and upgrade his ability to the next patch.

The champion pool is not enough for him since he can't make use of their mana-powered skill. Rio then picked up a pen and listed down all champions combinations that will help him deal with different situation and enemies.

Rio also checked the store skill of his. He never bothered with this skill cause he could only use the items if he has any equipment with sockets. The items were being sold in form of an orb, which is the main reason why he doesn't want to spend his gold coins on them.

Rio spent has a busy night as he experimented with a lot of things and familiarizing himself with the skills he gained.


The place where the test is being held is as big as a continent on earth but most of the area is inhabited by beasts, and only a small part of it was considered a safe zone.

There are five safe zones in total, Flusk city, Cobo city, Vinel city, Rump city, and Flora city. Everyone has been spawned kilometers around each city and the nearest city base on Rio and his group is the Vinel city. Vinel city is a city with one side facing the forest and the other side facing a gigantic river that separates the whole world.

There are people living in the city. People who were deemed to be the protector of the testing ground and there are at least three-hundred protectors in each city. Each one of them is capable enough to destroy anyone under grade 1 beasts with ease.

"Mayor, the list of candidates is already here." A plump person with feathers on his neck bows and spoke.

"Oh~? Which group did we receive this year?" Mayor, a two-meter tall man with the head of a dog

The plump man took a parcel from his bag then handed it over to the Mayor.

"Here sir, according to the examiners the examinee we received are from the last 20% of the batch." Plump Man

"Huh!? Why them? What's the point of sending half-assed examinees in my city?! Ah! Damn it! Seems like we're not as lucky as last time... Oh? Look who's here. Are they lost? Ow, at least there's one who can work well this year. Let's get the quest running already. A major race is worth a thousand times than those creeps at the corner of this undeveloped universe." Mayor

"Yes, sir Mayor! I'll do as you command." Plump Man

The mayor with a dog head watched the plump man as he left the room with a smile. The room is quite dark to be the mayor's room. There are no tables, mats, or chairs, there are no windows and doors, just plain black metal bars that separate him from everyone else. The four corners of the room also have four thick chains that tied the mayor's limbs and a thick choker with unknown symbols glowing around it.

The room he resides in is just one of the hundreds of rooms that contains a person with the same condition as him, the only difference is their social standing once they populate the city.

They were the people that are being hailed protectors of the city of Vinel. The protectors who have put their lives on the line just to protect the city are actually being detained in a building that's supposed to be a jail.

'I... I can't wait any longer! Damn it!' The Mayor guy thought as he struggled from the chains that are binding him.


The sun is at its peak when Rio's group sets out for a hunt. Rio took the frontline with his broad body when he was assimilated with Darius and pink facial hair from when he is assimilated with Seraphine, Master Yi, and Tryndamere. He also tied his hair up as Yasuo does. Rio tried to braid it but Yasuo's hair is like a wire. Rio left the hideout only wearing his black sweatshirt as his top after he lends his jacket to Rebbeca.

Rio stored his Diamante Katana on his Dimensional Bag and wielded the Three-meter long spears in both of his hands. Normally, it would be hard for someone to use two spears at a time. But unlike others, Rio spent some time using two spears and familiarized himself with this style (although the way he used them is incredibly stupid).

"Ha~! Forest is great, ain't it?" Rever Mantu

Rever said as he walked behind them with any top clothes. His clothes were torn apart after fighting three Redrayot beasts early in the morning. He even did his best and nagged Rio for a long time just to let him fight the beast once again. That's one of the reasons why they only left when the sun is already at its peak.

Rever took his torn clothes and wrapped his hands with them. His hands were full of callus, but it's still hurt when he wields his katars.

"Weird, ain't it? How is it possible to have such a refreshing environment when the main star is blue which is several times hotter than our sun." Rio Magus

"Ahh... So it was really blue..." Rever Magus

"What? You want to survive but has limited knowledge, isn't common knowledge is to observe your surroundings first? Your brain must have nothing but muscles in it." Rebbeca Frostlight

Rebbeca who was behind Rio mocked Rever. She did not even bother to give him a look and just walked while surveying the surroundings. Unlike Rever who was, she was on high alert. Rebbeca's left hand held the crossbow is always loaded with bolts while her right hand is on standby, ready to pull the improvised one-edged sword made with the Redrayot Soldier's mandibles/pincers.

"Ooh~ So cold, even after robbing Rio's jacket, you're still as cold as a cube of ice." Rever Mantu

"Shut it. Even Bluch there is on high alert, how can you relax when we could die at any moment?" Rebbeca Frostlight

"N-no. I'm not alert, it's just that, I-I drunk too much coffee." Bluch Grump

"Coffee? Why'd you drunk coffee when it's already noon?" Rebbeca Frostlight

"What's wrong with drinking coffee at a time like this?" Rever Mantu

"Shut it!" Rebbeca Frostlight

"Actually..." Bluch Grump



Hours before the sun rises. Rio walked towards Bluch who was sleeping then dragged him out of the room. Bluch was actually shocked but he has no way to resist such treatment.

'What the hell did I do?!' Bluch Grump

Bluch doesn't know who is dragging him because it's too dark. But he is sure that it ain't human, he has a huge body and stony arms. His eyes also glow in the dark. The one who was dragging Bluch noticed that he was awake and look at him.

"Oh. It's good that you're already up. Quick, I have a task for you." ???

"H-huh? S-sir Rio" Bluch Grump

"What? Get up already. Do you want to drag you again" Rio Magus

"I-I'm sorry! I-I can walk on my own." Bluch Grump

"That's good. I've got a task for you. I want you to cook as much as you can before the sun show itself. I already prepared two crates of ingredients, if that's not enough then tell me when I'm back. I'm going to look outside and check for some resources." Rio Magus

"Y-yes! I'll do as you say" Bluch Grump

Rio then walked out of the room and disappeared to the entrance of the hideout. Bluch can't believe it, his appearance is way different than before, he looks like 'The th*ng' from f*ntast** f**r but has purple colored rock body.

'No, his appearance is not important! I've been trusted with a task!' Bluch Grump

Bluch steeled his nerves and stepped forward. He then felt the warm air coming outside the room touched his cold body. Bluch then realized just how he didn't feel cold although they were sleeping on the bare ground without any protection.

Bluch calmed down and went outside without doubts. There, he saw a mountain of dried woods not far from the bonfire, and around the bonfire, there is a mountain of ashes from the burnt woods.

'Did he even sleep? This amount of ash is only possible if you're was burning woods for hours! Ah! There it is, the instant coffee! Damn it! I'll promise that I will work harder, boss!' Bluch Grump

Bluch hurriedly took a bucket size cup next to the kettle and pour some hot water into it. He thought of how Rio spend his night just to stand on watch and take care of their small group and promised that he will work harder than others. Bluch did not realize that he was making an ugly face as he tore a pack of instant coffee.

Like that, Bluch spends his time preparing so many foods which are enough for ten whole days. He also consumed a bucket of coffee while preparing the food which made him more focused on his work than usual.

Bluch then stored the food in his item bag to preserve it's freshness. His item back is different from Rio's. Bluch item bag is his ability while Rio's just an item. The time inside Rio's pouch slows down the time while Bluch ability halts the time completely.

End of flashback


"Buddy... Am speechless. Do you know what'll after the effect of coffee is gone?" Rever Mantu

"Don't worry senior. We could just have you defend Bluch when we're attacked." Rio Magus

"Ya! How about my opinion?" Rever Mantu

"How about a fight?" Rio Magus

"Ah... What a freak." Rever Mantu

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Dragonoid_Insectcreators' thoughts